Should governments execute murderers?

Should governments execute murderers?

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Balder said:
What should be done to adulterers?

If your dad, in a brief midlife crisis, had a several-month affair with his married secretary and then stopped, and it came out later that year that he had done that, would you turn him in for his just dues? What would those just dues be?
Let's keep the subject to murderers right now.


Well-known member
Humans are a blood-thirsty bunch. That's why most everyone cranes their neck when they drive by an accident scene, especially one with an ambulance onsite. They want to see gore. That's why the 'Faces of Death' video series was so popular. People have a natural morbid curiosity. That's why we prefer an open casket. We want to see what we might look like one day. The curiosity or novelty of a public execution will quickly satisfy that curiosity, and reinforce the severity of punishment for capital crime. I don't believe that anyone who is in favor of capital punishment wants the condemned to be tormented or to linger, merely to take advantage of their punishment to the max: show those who might do such a thing to deserve death what their fate is.

Those who think of capital punishment as wrong don't take into account the number of repeat murderers or repeat rapists and the toll they take (far more are murdered every day than executed). Lethal injection and even electrocution are merely methods of attempting to appease one's conscience by those who second-guess themselves, and who don't realize the good of execution being made public. God didn't institute stoning becuase it was 'humane,' He did so to get the entire group (village, city, etc.) involved so as to reinforce the recognition of punishment for crime. His Ideas have yet to be improved upon, but they are poorly followed, and especially when ignored completly.


New member
Real Sorceror said:
Becuase, unlike him, we have mercy. If we butcher him the way he did everyone else, then how are we any more civilized or human than he is?
Why should mercy be shown to a brutal murderer? God commands that Judges are not to have mercy upon the wicked.


Maximeee's Husband
Granite said:
"Relative" to what? As you've never actually taken time to see what a stoning involves I don't know what you're comparing it to. Watch footage of a stoning. It's not hard to find. It's barbaric, sadistic, and anything but quick. Read accounts of how they go down. I'm serious here. Do yourself a favor.

So your only reason for not advocating a slow because people might resent their government. That's it. Not that it's morally reprehensible, sick, grotesque, twisted, and hideous; not that it's sadistic. No. Your true priority comes through: we don't want anybody resenting the government. Excuse me while I pick up my jaw.

Lemme fill you in and hope you get your own clue. Muslims are the ones stoning people these days. Muslims are the folk who think barbarism, and mutilation, and public gang bludgeonings, are a good idea. Strange bedfellows indeed. Bad enough you and others haven't made the slightest approximation of an informed decision on stoning other than your ignorant blatting about doing "what God says to do." (Independent thinking is NOT encouraged when we're talking about beating people to death with rocks; can't imagine why.) No, interestingly enough you're saying that the Muslims got it right this time. How cute.

What about Deuteronomy 25:11-12?

Granite, I will admit I only read about 5 words of this whole post. I will not continue to communicate with you if you don't shut up for one second and get this:

I believe in swift brutal punishment because God calls for it.
If God requires swift punishment AND calls for stoning THEN stoning is swift AT LEAST in the eyes of God, and God's opinion is one I'm willing to agree with. That's my position and if you're going to keep going off on tangents then I can't continue with you.

Do you understand or no?


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Real Sorceror said:
Becuase, unlike him, we have mercy. If we butcher him the way he did everyone else, then how are we any more civilized or human than he is?

I wonder how in the world we could be civilized in being merciful to a man who rapes, tortures and murders a little girl.


Maximeee's Husband
Granite said:
It should be done for both.

Do you see the conflict of interest there or no?

Granite, you're a confused guy with a good heart. Look at my attachment. If the government offers mercy on the would-be murderer of my family, that government is evil. It is absolutely dispicable, depraved, sordid, and all the other funky adjectives that you like to throw around to offer MERCY on the WOULD-BE murderer of the people I love. Your thinking INVITES evil. You are utterly confused.


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death2impiety said:
Granite, I will admit I only read about 5 words of this whole post. I will not continue to communicate with you if you don't shut up for one second and get this:

I believe in swift brutal punishment because God calls for it.
If God requires swift punishment AND calls for stoning THEN stoning is swift AT LEAST in the eyes of God, and God's opinion is one I'm willing to agree with. That's my position and if you're going to keep going off on tangents then I can't continue with you.

Do you understand or no?

I understand perfectly. You're a dogmatic ignorant coward who is not interested in a discussion or conversation of any kind. Your head is in the sand. You lack the courage of your convictions. You're a blood thirsty fascistic zealot. You're a paper tiger. Your faith is flimsy and your blood lust is greater than your mercy. You're a primitive savage. You're a Pharisee who gnashes your teeth and plugs up your ears. Your faith is monstrous and has twisted you into nothing less than a vicious monster. You're a savage hypocrite who is stiff necked and arrogant. Your self-righteousness fits you like a rotten skin. You're a white washed tomb.

You are spiritually dead.

Your wretched, rotten dogma has led you to the point where beating people to death with rocks just must be okay.

You, little man, are a pathetic, scary, reprehensible piece of work.

What are you so afraid of?

Can't handle a discussion over the Internet.

And you think you've got God on your side.

Nice job, Brian. You're officially a laughable weak sister.


New member
I'd be willing to bet that not one of you has the cajones to bludgeon another human being in the face with a stone, murderer or not -- and futhermore would probably want nothing at all to do with someone who does.

The kind of people that are capable of doing so are usually not pleasant company.


New member
Poly said:
I wonder how in the world we could be civilized in being merciful to a man who rapes, tortures and murders a little girl.

Should we in turn rape and torture him? Or rise above our primal urges and show our selves to be a truly human culture and execute him with mercy. Either way, he's going to be dead, and thats the real end goal isn't it?


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death2impiety said:
Do you see the conflict of interest there or no?

Granite, you're a confused guy with a good heart. Look at my attachment. If the government offers mercy on the would-be murderer of my family, that government is evil. It is absolutely dispicable, depraved, sordid, and all the other funky adjectives that you like to throw around to offer MERCY on the WOULD-BE murderer of the people I love. Your thinking INVITES evil. You are utterly confused.

I don't oppose the death penalty, wretch, I oppose sadism for sadism's sake.


Maximeee's Husband
Granite said:
I understand perfectly. You're a dogmatic ignorant coward who is not interested in a discussion or conversation of any kind. Your head is in the sand. You lack the courage of your convictions. You're a blood thirsty fascistic zealot. You're a paper tiger. Your faith is flimsy and your blood lust is greater than your mercy. You're a primitive savage. You're a Pharisee who gnashes your teeth and plugs up your ears. Your faith is monstrous and has twisted you into nothing less than a vicious monster. You're a savage hypocrite who is stiff necked and arrogant. Your self-righteousness fits you like a rotten skin. You're a white washed tomb.

You are spiritually dead.

Your wretched, rotten dogma has led you to the point where beating people to death with rocks just must be okay.

You, little man, are a pathetic, scary, reprehensible piece of work.

What are you so afraid of?

Can't handle a discussion over the Internet.

And you think you've got God on your side.

Nice job, Brian. You're officially a laughable weak sister.'re ignorance has alienated another person. Bravo.


Maximeee's Husband
Dread Helm said:
There's just too much conflict for me to handle here.... Why don't we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya?

Kumbaya my Lord...kumbaya...kumbaya my Lord...kumbaya.

I do feel a little better. :)

Real Sorceror

New member
death2impiety said:
I believe in swift brutal punishment because God calls for it.
If God requires swift punishment AND calls for stoning THEN stoning is swift AT LEAST in the eyes of God, and God's opinion is one I'm willing to agree with. That's my position and if you're going to keep going off on tangents then I can't continue with you.
Aimiel said:
God didn't institute stoning becuase it was 'humane,' He did so to get the entire group (village, city, etc.) involved so as to reinforce the recognition of punishment for crime. His Ideas have yet to be improved upon, but they are poorly followed, and especially when ignored completly.
If you had any idea of the blasephemys going through my head right now, you'd ban me into next week!:madmad: I want to know what you think! I want to know what your brian put together, using your reason, and your logic. Not God's. Not the Bible's. Your's!


Maximeee's Husband
TheDude said:
Should we in turn rape and torture him? Or rise above our primal urges and show our selves to be a truly human culture and execute him with mercy. Either way, he's going to be dead, and thats the real end goal isn't it?

Absolutely not. We should have mercy on the world by executing him swiftly and brutaly as a deterrent.

It is impossible to have mercy on both the victim and the criminal.


New member
Real Sorceror said:
If you had any idea of the blasephemys going through my head right now, you'd ban me into next week!:madmad: I want to know what you think! I want to know what your brian put together, using your reason, and your logic. Not God's. Not the Bible's. Your's!
What, you think our brains are going to come up with a better solution than God's?


Maximeee's Husband
Real Sorceror said:
If you had any idea of the blasephemys going through my head right now, you'd ban me into next week!:madmad: I want to know what you think! I want to know what your brian put together, using your reason, and your logic. Not God's. Not the Bible's. Your's!

Using my logic, I have decided that the Bible is the Word of God.
Using my logic, I have decided God's opinion means more than mine.
Using my logic, I have decided to humbly follow God.


New member
I wish you all would just move to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, where they do things "right" (in your eyes).