Should Christians celebrate New Years Day?


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I'll let Paula nswer this one:
1 Corinthians 10:23New International Version (NIV)
The Believer’s Freedom
23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.

Oh ok so the things He did do are because they ARE beneficial...and He didnt do things that were not...
Oh ok so the things He did do are because they ARE constructive...and He didnt do things that were not...

Makes sense, is why Paul could say copy me (JUST) as I copy Christ and not be a liar

Did you happen to keep reading? “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s will being”

So how you looking out for my benefit if you distract me with the pope made calendar festival, insisting staying up to midnight as if that is when the day begins and drink it up?

Following your logic on this I could do anything at all as long as I give Him the glory...many have even said God told them to kill, steal, fornicate etc...but hey, whatever you do as long as you give Him the glory right?

Oh wait NO...Paul concludes give no offense to Jews, Gentiles or the Church of God...

That level of freedom is terrifying to people. They don't understand it but that is the freedom we have in Christ. Paul does go on to add a little more explanation that makes things clearer:

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God—
Oh you DID read the how does celebrating a man made holiday on a man made calendar (pope even) give glory to the One Who created His own calendar and festivals...but hey reject those cuz they dont have

I supose the main difference lies in why. See verse 31 immediately above.
oh you mean WHATEVER could include the golden calf? I mean they thought it was bringing Him glory...even Aaron went along

And now the Better has come and you cling to the law instead thinking it gives you something it does not, indeed, cannot give you. Following the law means nothing unless you can follow ALL the law (and you MUST follow all the law perfectly for it to be of any benefit to you) and since there is no Temple to make offerings there is no possible way you can keep all the law. So tell me again how keeping a law I cannot possibly keep is better for me than placing my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior and trusting to His completed work on the cross? you dont hit a homerun every at just quit playing...throw a tantrum and call the game stoopid...I used to know kids like that growing up...I guess they do grow up...

When you play a game do you first ask “what rule dont I have to keep?”

When you enter a relationship do you first ask “ok honey what is the least I need to do for you?”

The work completed at the cross was only to prove He knew what is best for you...guess you don't agree...


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Oh ok so the things He did do are because they ARE beneficial...and He didnt do things that were not...
Oh ok so the things He did do are because they ARE constructive...and He didnt do things that were not...

Makes sense, is why Paul could say copy me (JUST) as I copy Christ and not be a liar

Did you happen to keep reading? “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s will being”

So how you looking out for my benefit if you distract me with the pope made calendar festival, insisting staying up to midnight as if that is when the day begins and drink it up?

Following your logic on this I could do anything at all as long as I give Him the glory...many have even said God told them to kill, steal, fornicate etc...but hey, whatever you do as long as you give Him the glory right?

Oh wait NO...Paul concludes give no offense to Jews, Gentiles or the Church of God...

Oh you DID read the how does celebrating a man made holiday on a man made calendar (pope even) give glory to the One Who created His own calendar and festivals...but hey reject those cuz they dont have
You make no sense at times. According to the Catholic tradition, the new year for that church begins on the first Sunday of advent, not January 1st. It is not uncommon for churches to have a church year that does not begin on January 1st. For the sake of commerce, the world generally accepts the January 1st date as the beginning of the new year. So it is possible for people to celebrate the the January 1st date and not be celebrating the beginning of a new church year.

oh you mean WHATEVER could include the golden calf? I mean they thought it was bringing Him glory...even Aaron went along
That is what Paul is saying when he says "NOTHING is forbidden." Scary thought, isn't it. But take a close look at this chapter: 1 Corinthians 6. IT brings wisdom. you dont hit a homerun every at just quit playing...throw a tantrum and call the game stoopid...I used to know kids like that growing up...I guess they do grow up...

When you play a game do you first ask “what rule dont I have to keep?”

When you enter a relationship do you first ask “ok honey what is the least I need to do for you?”

The work completed at the cross was only to prove He knew what is best for you...guess you don't agree...
I certainly do not agree with you. I agree with the completed work of Christ on the cross. From Galatians 3:
[h=3]Children of God[/h]23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.


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Originally Posted by CabinetMaker View Post
You make no sense at times. According to the Catholic tradition, the new year for that church begins on the first Sunday of advent, not January 1st. It is not uncommon for churches to have a church year that does not begin on January 1st.

right following the’s least wiki left this in its post for “liturgical year”

“The first month of the Hebrew year was called אביב (Aviv), evidently adopted by Moses from Ipip as the eleventh month of the non-lunar Egyptian calendar (that is also the origin of Abib as the tenth month of the non-lunar Ethiopian calendar),[3] meaning the month of green ears of grain.[4] Having to occur at the appropriate time in the spring, it thus was originally part of a tropical calendar. At about the time of the Babylonian exile, when using the Babylonian civil calendar, the Jews adopted as the name for the month the term ניסן (Nisan),[5] based on the Babylonian name Nisanu.”

Now let’s be clear.

We believe He created heaven and earth yes? You think He might have thrown in an aid for time keeping? You know, if only for prophecy and such? So we believe too that a people were chosen and taken out of slavery/bondage/sin/lawlessness/ignorance and given instructions by this Creator of ALL on how to know things like how to organize, what to eat, where to poop, basic stuff...oh and how to tell time...days weeks months years...and even not so basic stuff like cycles of 7 years and 50 year jubilees...which included good agriculture practice and oh something you certainly dont give a hoot about...DEBT FORGIVENESS...imagine that!!..

but hey let’s go back to the perks of following man’s tradition...reasons to drink man! Yee haw!! Who needs to live life abundantly...

For the sake of commerce, the world generally accepts the January 1st date as the beginning of the new year. So it is possible for people to celebrate the the January 1st date and not be celebrating the beginning of a new church year.

So two wrongs make a right then do they? And as for generally accepted worldly practice I missed where His people should do that...please refresh me to that throw in some reminder where Rome follows Him His way too please...

That is what Paul is saying when he says "NOTHING is forbidden." Scary thought, isn't it. But take a close look at this chapter: 1 Corinthians 6. IT brings wisdom. use a chapter which starts with instructions to avoid secular judicial systems and its law to settle matters among believers but that they resolve them within the BODY because WE ARE TO JUDGE EVEN THE WORLD...ANGELS EVEN...and rather than go to state courts the advise is to allow yourself to be DEFRAUDED by your brother in Him...

Does that smack of compromise or adaption of world customs and tradition?

You intend to use this chapter which ends with an powerful admonishment to remember you are NOT your own, your body is a temple now bought at a price therefore you are to glorify Him...but with fireworks and a kiss at midnight or an antichrist holidaze?

Again your body is HIS TEMPLE so didnt He have a calendar system for His temple? Still does...

So what other wisdom does this chapter hold? Hmmm don’t give a whore your time...but your time doesnt seem to be that valuable to surprise idolatry and adultery are interchangeable...

All things are lawful...nothing is again you think Paul is allowing adultery, idolatry, murder,?

But please rather show me how following man’s tradition with his calendar is helpful or beneficial in bringing Glory to Him...His people know HIS TIME...celebrating New’s Years is the worst form of Stockholm Syndrome...yes we are held captive here to Satan his schemes but there is no need for any affection towards our captors their ways their time...

I certainly do not agree with you.

that has long been established is why you dont even read to reply to my ok...time is what you make of it...

I agree with the completed work of Christ on the cross. From Galatians 3:
Children of God

23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

So the law is a guardian a tutor to instruct you and teach you and keep you...but when you graduate that is when He comes into your life you now claim your former life dies and is sacrificed for Him to be your Master but yet you can still do as the world does and actually counter what was previously taught and now embrace what was formerly guarded from you?

Is like learning in grammar school 2 + 2 = 4 but now on the job years later its 2 + 2 = whatever/corruption...that does explain a lot don't it? But that is NOT His people...

Israel often thought false tradition and assimilation with the world was pleasing...He knew it as idolatry and called it an abomination...

But maybe you can spare Him some time...time He gave you to begin with...


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right following the’s least wiki left this in its post for “liturgical year”

“The first month of the Hebrew year was called אביב (Aviv), evidently adopted by Moses from Ipip as the eleventh month of the non-lunar Egyptian calendar (that is also the origin of Abib as the tenth month of the non-lunar Ethiopian calendar),[3] meaning the month of green ears of grain.[4] Having to occur at the appropriate time in the spring, it thus was originally part of a tropical calendar. At about the time of the Babylonian exile, when using the Babylonian civil calendar, the Jews adopted as the name for the month the term ניסן (Nisan),[5] based on the Babylonian name Nisanu.”

Now let’s be clear.

We believe He created heaven and earth yes? You think He might have thrown in an aid for time keeping? You know, if only for prophecy and such? So we believe too that a people were chosen and taken out of slavery/bondage/sin/lawlessness/ignorance and given instructions by this Creator of ALL on how to know things like how to organize, what to eat, where to poop, basic stuff...oh and how to tell time...days weeks months years...and even not so basic stuff like cycles of 7 years and 50 year jubilees...which included good agriculture practice and oh something you certainly dont give a hoot about...DEBT FORGIVENESS...imagine that!!..

but hey let’s go back to the perks of following man’s tradition...reasons to drink man! Yee haw!! Who needs to live life abundantly...

So two wrongs make a right then do they? And as for generally accepted worldly practice I missed where His people should do that...please refresh me to that throw in some reminder where Rome follows Him His way too please... use a chapter which starts with instructions to avoid secular judicial systems and its law to settle matters among believers but that they resolve them within the BODY because WE ARE TO JUDGE EVEN THE WORLD...ANGELS EVEN...and rather than go to state courts the advise is to allow yourself to be DEFRAUDED by your brother in Him...

Does that smack of compromise or adaption of world customs and tradition?

You intend to use this chapter which ends with an powerful admonishment to remember you are NOT your own, your body is a temple now bought at a price therefore you are to glorify Him...but with fireworks and a kiss at midnight or an antichrist holidaze?

Again your body is HIS TEMPLE so didnt He have a calendar system for His temple? Still does...

So what other wisdom does this chapter hold? Hmmm don’t give a whore your time...but your time doesnt seem to be that valuable to surprise idolatry and adultery are interchangeable...

All things are lawful...nothing is again you think Paul is allowing adultery, idolatry, murder,?

But please rather show me how following man’s tradition with his calendar is helpful or beneficial in bringing Glory to Him...His people know HIS TIME...celebrating New’s Years is the worst form of Stockholm Syndrome...yes we are held captive here to Satan his schemes but there is no need for any affection towards our captors their ways their time...

that has long been established is why you dont even read to reply to my ok...time is what you make of it...

So the law is a guardian a tutor to instruct you and teach you and keep you...but when you graduate that is when He comes into your life you now claim your former life dies and is sacrificed for Him to be your Master but yet you can still do as the world does and actually counter what was previously taught and now embrace what was formerly guarded from you?

Is like learning in grammar school 2 + 2 = 4 but now on the job years later its 2 + 2 = whatever/corruption...that does explain a lot don't it? But that is NOT His people...

Israel often thought false tradition and assimilation with the world was pleasing...He knew it as idolatry and called it an abomination...

But maybe you can spare Him some time...time He gave you to begin with...

Just out of curiosity, can you show us what Jesus had to say about the new year?


New member
Just out of curiosity, can you show us what Jesus had to say about the new year?

Sure...what would like first a list of texts on His instruction and teaching?

Or a list of texts of His practicing His faith exemplifying it and modeling it as a standard...

There is even a few which combine the “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

That text is not the complete text but one which does combine the teaching and the example which occurred because He longed to celebrate the Passover with them...His followers automatically know passover is 14 days into the beginning of the new year calendar...and know they are to take up their cross because the world will hate them for being separate doing His will His Way...practicing His faith


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Sure...what would like first a list of texts on His instruction and teaching?

Or a list of texts of His practicing His faith exemplifying it and modeling it as a standard...

There is even a few which combine the “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

That text is not the complete text but one which does combine the teaching and the example which occurred because He longed to celebrate the Passover with them...His followers automatically know passover is 14 days into the beginning of the new year calendar...and know they are to take up their cross because the world will hate them for being separate doing His will His Way...practicing His faith

So that would be a no?


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Honestly, I think this thread and is relatives (should Christians celebrate: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Presidents Day, Birthdays and so on and so forth) are rather pointless. It leads to pointless arguments about what days God likes and doesn't like to the point that we forget to include God on any day. It becomes a contest of sorts for people to show off how much better their faith is because they only celebrate when God say too. For my part, whatever I am celebrating, I always take the time to thank God for whatever it is I'm celebrating. To God goes the glory. All day, everyday.


New member
Honestly, I think this thread and is relatives (should Christians celebrate: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Presidents Day, Birthdays and so on and so forth) are rather pointless. It leads to pointless arguments about what days God likes and doesn't like to the point that we forget to include God on any day. It becomes a contest of sorts for people to show off how much better their faith is because they only celebrate when God say too. For my part, whatever I am celebrating, I always take the time to thank God for whatever it is I'm celebrating. To God goes the glory. All day, everyday.

Awww that is nice...”whatever it is”...

scripture is full of your kind...from “I’d rather” eat from the tree bring fruit and vegetables instead of a lamb...make a golden calf and really worship and celebrate my gratitudegiving Him ALL The glory and counterfeit fire into the temple to worship...all the way to “I’d rather” hold on to my worldly the traditions of man rather than the Law of Yah...return to the vomit...

And you probably rest everyday too...I get it....

Still want those lists of Him imploring we do as He did and not as the as if He were our Master and we were His slaves and not of ourselves...but His living as He did His Way

Probably probably don’t have any time for that...all that celebrating and


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No what? I asked which list you wanted first...

Or did you mean “no I don’t really want to deny myself pick up my cross and follow Him”...?
That means I see you dancing around the question without answering it and trying to blame me


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Awww that is nice...”whatever it is”...

scripture is full of your kind...from “I’d rather” eat from the tree bring fruit and vegetables instead of a lamb...make a golden calf and really worship and celebrate my gratitudegiving Him ALL The glory and counterfeit fire into the temple to worship...all the way to “I’d rather” hold on to my worldly the traditions of man rather than the Law of Yah...return to the vomit...

And you probably rest everyday too...I get it....

Still want those lists of Him imploring we do as He did and not as the as if He were our Master and we were His slaves and not of ourselves...but His living as He did His Way

Probably probably don’t have any time for that...all that celebrating and
Celebrating God's glory and resting in His finished work on the cross leaves me lots of time to talk to legalists. So show where Jesus said that us Gentiles are required to follow the Masaic law.


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Celebrating God's glory and resting in His finished work on the cross leaves me lots of time to talk to legalists. So show where Jesus said that us Gentiles are required to follow the Masaic law.

Actually you should show if His followers in scripture ever celebrated the Roman new year...

The instruction was left to keep His commandments...deny yourself take up your cross and follow Him...His more like He did...less like the world

So please show me where He celebrated a Roman calendar holiday...because I can show you He followed the one given to His obedient people...

john w

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Only about 31 days until MLB pitchers/catchers report to Spring training, and only 356 days until New Year's.

What was the topic? Too many Schlitz Malt Liquor's last night...


New member
Only about 31 days until MLB pitchers/catchers report to Spring training, and only 356 days until New Year's.

What was the topic? Too many Schlitz Malt Liquor's last night...

Riding two horses at the same time going opposite directions...

You look like you’re trying...

a slave to something that’s for sure...