Now I have people who drink even as born again I cannot just tell them to stop since they don't really understand what l teach, do u think I should let them be or how do u think I should approach them, having known that the Bible doesn't directly prevent it.
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I believe that we have to do everything with freewill, God wants us to be a living sacrifice and that we must sacrifice our lives through free will not to have to force us to do so.
As I said I've given drink up because I believe it's right to do so before God, I had a conscience so I've stopped, also if I did have any at all then those around me would think that because I've had one, it's ok for them to drink so I don't do it. It doesn't say in the Bible not to drink, but it does say that we shouldn't get drunk and that we should be sober.
We're not here to judge others but to bring the love of God and Christ to them and be an example ourselves following Jesus. But if the situation arose where somebody questioned me as to why I don't drink, (and this has happened), or if I saw someone who belonged to God in danger of slipping, I'd open my mouth and also try and help them.
I don't know your situation, and I can't say what you should do, go with your conscience and do what you think is right before God. But I always think to myself of what I was like before I truly knew God and I didn't realise that what I was doing was wrong. But it's now that I do know that I have no excuses. To me for myself it's wrong to drink, but that is something on the outside, there are more important things that have to be done on the inside of our hearts, and eventually the outside will follow. We are all sinning, we are in sinful flesh none of us are better than another, I just believe that when I know it's wrong to do something I'm to turn away. And I teach my children and grandchildren that too. We have a choice and we have freewill. God wants us to choose him and his will not our own.
So if your unsure about what to do in your situation, go to God and ask him to show you, he's a wonderful father and I always think, what would Jesus do. He went among anyone but he brought the truth and he didn't do what they did but lived it out by example.
If i have a problem with something that I find hard to overcome I go to God. I'm going through something now and i know that nothing will work but prayer and fasting.
We all have things that we have to face and obstacles that we come across, but if our faith is strong then God will get us through. Go to him, and go with your conscience and what ever you do, do it with love not judging after the flesh and think what would Jesus do. That's what I would do anyway.
I hope that you get your answers
God bless