See, here's part of the problem. We all state and acknowledge that the Civil War is long over but the sad fact is that it isn't. Consider your words "As a Yankee". Why do you consider yourself a Yankee? Why not just an American? And I think the same thing every time I hear a black person state they are African American. No they're not.
Yes, they are. And some people are Rotarians while still others are Masons. And all are Americans. To be an American isn't to give up any other identity, only to understand that whatever else we may be by virtue of genetics or heritage, we are first and foremost one people, out of those many differences.
They're Americans....period. This is what I meant by my earlier post about not being sure that the black community is interested in "full equality."
Horsefeathers. Does someone who wears green and celebrates St. Patrick's Day give up full equality because he's proud his last name is O'Malley?
Many Southerners still consider themselves Confederates based upon a particular code of living indigenous to the South right down to the way one dresses their grits. And they aren't "yahoos!"
Complete nonsense. Southerners consider themselves "Southerners" not Confederates. Unless you're speaking of reenactors, which would be misleading in another way. I've spent most of my life in the heart of Dixie and I've literally never heard anyone refer to himself as a Confederate. Never read of it.
This is what comes of a Yankee telling a Southerner about his heritage.
But many Southerners see the ability to display the Confederate flag as their Constitutional right in deference to the Southern code of living. To them, it is every bit an act of free expression/free speech and an honoring of ancestry in the preservation of states rights.
Modern revisionist nonsense. The right to what, again? First keep blacks as property and later to keep them second class citizens. That's the tradition of that flag. It never instilled a better value and the best the South had and has to offer existed without it.
So when Town Heretic implied that secession was illegal, he was full of hooey!
She's just nuts, bybee. Here's our exchange on the point:
The Framers of our Government held with a state's right to secede
I'm pretty sure I only just finished writing that I agreed they had the legal right. But I'm glad that the Union was preserved and that right ended, effectively. It was a horrible idea and the war illustrated why.
That's why I suggested he revise his political stance to the left.
Sure it was.