evil, barbaric, senseless, slaughter, meaningless, vicious, repugnant ... do I need to add more?
Sure, murderous, wicked, barbarous, vile, cowardly, wrong, gravely immoral, antisocial, just any word that you could describe abortion on demand with, yes. None of these words is working, as a WORD. TERRORISM as a word does work, because we already know how to think wrt acts of terror, and all we need to do is start thinking in this way, when these acts of terrorism occur. We're stumbling and bumbling around for how to respond to these attacks, and we just have to identify it as terrorism and we'll "figger" it out. But we have to acknowledge it as terrorism so we can make sense of the senseless slaughter (two of your words).
Unfortunately, we know they will continue, it's not right now reasonable to believe the terror attacks will stop, because we're in the middle of a war with terrorists of all stripes. This is the most frightening enemy army we've ever faced, because they're like drones, zombies, unorganized, no purpose, no moral limits, impossible to detect right now, and they are among US.
You people have made your choice in your own war with this walking dead army. You caved, to make them stop attacking you. You gave in, and they've definitely taken a break, because you caved, and now you're stripped of freedom that your forbears possessed. I estimate that you'll reverse that choice, and that when you do, it will be too little too late, and a very sad day indeed for your home kingdom. So I hope you don't wait that long, for all of your sakes.
You don't think the terrorists went away, do you? They're still there with you. They'll kill you just as soon as look at you, we know, tragically, from experience.