Shooter Kills CNN Cameraman and Girl Live on TV


Well-known member
Temp Banned
terrible - this was her last day @ that station - she took a job in Charlotte as a Producer. tragic - :patrol:
All of these senseless deaths are tragic. But thanks to the incessant media hyperbole, all we'll think and talk about is who's to blame (republicans, democrats, gun nuts, gun control nuts, gays, satan, liberals, … everyone but the shooter) and how we can't do anything about any of it. And the lives lost will be ignored before they can even be forgotten. How many is it already this year? And those are just the ones we've heard about.

Nathon Detroit

The killer Vester Lee Flanagan II said the Charleston shootings were a big motivator in his crime. And we all know that because of the Charlton murders the confederate flag has become essentially banned.


In this new crime the shooter was gay and used that as a major part of his motivation hoping to kill straight people.

I wonder if this flag will be banned??? :think:


patrick jane

The killer Vester Lee Flanagan II said the Charleston shootings were a big motivator in his crime. And we all know that because of the Charlton murders the confederate flag has become essentially banned.


In this new crime the shooter was gay and used that as a major part of his motivation hoping to kill straight people.

I wonder if this flag will be banned??? :think:


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Desert Reign

I was terribly sad for the people killed. It was shocking. And yet you know that you must expect this. You have no idea where it will come from next. And you may be ever so right that guns are great for self-defence. But you can be sure that it will come again and again, regardless of your preparedness. Because that's the society you have. And I know there is this talk of racism and perversion, overlaying the disgruntled employee syndrome - but bottom line is that the way your society is set up allows violent people to express themselves a lot. And sure, they will probably get punished for it but that is too late for the innocent victims.

I'm not even criticising it. I feel sorry for you and I would not like to live in it. Some societies are much worse than yours but some much better. Perhaps it is worth praying for your country that it might become better at preventing this kind of violence. Pretty much everyone who loves to possess guns or who thinks it is their right must bear the responsibility. (And I am not suggesting that this is anybody's fault other than the pervert who did it - but that doesn't mean that other people aren't also responsible in some way.) The fact that there are so many of you, is the reason for the problem. Think of Newcomb's paradox. I'm not criticising: it's your own choice how you want to live and I totally respect that. But I am also suggesting that since you have choice, you can also change it.
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New member
He is just as daft as knight then.

*shakes head*

This was personal not racial in nature.

Revenge race murder: Bitter black reporter who gunned down white ex-colleagues live on air and posted the video online blames Charleston shootings and anti-gay harassment in manifesto

  • Vester Lee Flanagan II, 41, killed reporter Alison Parker, 24, and 27-year-old cameraman Adam Ward on live TV
  • Pair were filming for WDBJ at 6.45am in Moneta, Virginia, alongside local Vicki Gardner when shooting happened
  • Gardner was taken to hospital for surgery after being hit in the back while Parker and Ward died at the scene
  • Flanagan then used Twitter to post a video of the attacks alongside a rambling explanation while police hunted him
  • Also sent 23-page suicide note to news station saying he was motivated by the Charleston church killings
  • Said he bought handgun two days after killings, and added that his bullets 'have the victim's names written on them'
  • Flanagan had worked for WDBJ but was fired and escorted from the station's building after spats with coworkers
  • Flanagan's car was eventually found by deputies after he shot himself, and later died from his injuries at 1.30pm
  • WARNING: Videos of the shooting may be disturbing for some readers



Well-known member
I was terribly sad for the people killed. It was shocking. And yet you know that you must expect this. You have no idea where it will come from next. And you may be ever so right that guns are great for self-defence. But you can be sure that it will come again and again, regardless of your preparedness. Because that's the society you have. And I know there is this talk of racism and perversion, overlaying the disgruntled employee syndrome - but bottom line is that the way your society is set up allows violent people to express themselves a lot. And sure, they will probably get punished for it but that is too late for the innocent victims.

I'm not even criticising it. I feel sorry for you and I would not like to live in it. Some societies are much worse than yours but some much better. Perhaps it is worth praying for your country that it might become better at preventing this kind of violence. Pretty much everyone who loves to possess guns or who thinks it is their right must bear the responsibility. (And I am not suggesting that this is anybody's fault other than the pervert who did it - but that doesn't mean that other people aren't also responsible in some way.) The fact that there are so many of you, is the reason for the problem. Think of Newcomb's paradox. I'm not criticising: it's your own choice how you want to live and I totally repsect that. But I am also suggesting that since you have choice, you can also change it.

The right to keep and bear arms is one of the basic principles of our country's Constitution. Changing that would make our country into something far less than what it is and severely inhibit our freedom. Anyone who attempts to remove that freedom will be repelled by all those who're sworn to uphold and defend our Constitutional freedoms.

Desert Reign

The right to keep and bear arms is one of the basic principles of our country's Constitution. Changing that would make our country into something far less than what it is and severely inhibit our freedom. Anyone who attempts to remove that freedom will be repelled by all those who're sworn to uphold and defend our Constitutional freedoms.

Personally I don't see how you can be free in such circumstances. Always wondering what's round the next corner. You may be free of one thing but you are enslaved by another. But it is just my personal view. I'm not saying there is any right and wrong here.


like marbles on glass
Shooter Kills CNN Cameraman and Girl Live on TV

She wasn't a girl, she was a woman.

What a terrible tragedy.

Just another excuse for Federal Gun Control....

This was not just 'crazy', it was a planned event designed
to push the Liberals into more frantic hysteria on Guns.

No. It was a terrible crime committed by someone who seems to have had a history of unstable behavior, and we'll likely be hearing more about that as time goes on.

patrick jane

I was terribly sad for the people killed. It was shocking. And yet you know that you must expect this. You have no idea where it will come from next. And you may be ever so right that guns are great for self-defence. But you can be sure that it will come again and again, regardless of your preparedness. Because that's the society you have. And I know there is this talk of racism and perversion, overlaying the disgruntled employee syndrome - but bottom line is that the way your society is set up allows violent people to express themselves a lot. And sure, they will probably get punished for it but that is too late for the innocent victims.

I'm not even criticising it. I feel sorry for you and I would not like to live in it. Some societies are much worse than yours but some much better. Perhaps it is worth praying for your country that it might become better at preventing this kind of violence. Pretty much everyone who loves to possess guns or who thinks it is their right must bear the responsibility. (And I am not suggesting that this is anybody's fault other than the pervert who did it - but that doesn't mean that other people aren't also responsible in some way.) The fact that there are so many of you, is the reason for the problem. Think of Newcomb's paradox. I'm not criticising: it's your own choice how you want to live and I totally repsect that. But I am also suggesting that since you have choice, you can also change it.

you don't live in the U.S. ?


I lived in Roanoke, nice town. I knew two people that worked at WDBJ7. It's the "Home town station".

Drudge is reporting that one of the many disciplinary issues they had with this guy is that on election night he was sporting an Obama sticker on his jacket while reporting.


The right to keep and bear arms is one of the basic principles of our country's Constitution. Changing that would make our country into something far less than what it is and severely inhibit our freedom. Anyone who attempts to remove that freedom will be repelled by all those who're sworn to uphold and defend our Constitutional freedoms.

Canada–United States border, officially known as the International Boundary, is the longest international border in the world, shared between Canada and the United States of America, the second and third largest countries by area respectively.

The terrestrial boundary (including small portions of maritime boundaries on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic coasts, as well as the Great Lakes) is 8,891 kilometres (5,525 mi) long, including 2,475 kilometres (1,538 mi) shared with Alaska.

Eight Canadian provinces and territories (Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick), and thirteen U.S. states (Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine) are located along the border.–United_States_border
Canadians, which have much in common with their American counterparts, have no equivalent to the 2nd Amendment in their "Constitution" (Constitution Act, 1982).

Canadians can own long guns but not handguns or assault rifles.

Given that Detroit averages 1 homicide daily and its closest Canadian neighbor, Windsor Ontario, recently went 27 months without a homicide, many Canadians would consider the 2nd Amendment as a liability, not an asset, for promoting personal freedom.

Canada is currently experiencing a federal election campaign and despite all their exposure to American media concerning the benefits attributed to the 2nd Amendment, there is absolutely no interest in liberalizing Canadian gun laws as a means of preserving personal freedoms.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
This was personal not racial in nature.

That isn't what the shooter said. He wanted to keep the South Carolina shooting going. Which was a diversion any way to keep your eyes off one world government/economy and that trade deal.