Shooter Kills CNN Cameraman and Girl Live on TV


That isn't what the shooter said. He wanted to keep the South Carolina shooting going. Which was a diversion any way to keep your eyes off one world government/economy and that trade deal.
Even more black people were lynched in the U.S. than previously thought, study finds
10 Feb 2015

“Lynchings were violent and public acts of torture that traumatized black people throughout the country and were largely tolerated by state and federal officials,” the report’s summary states. “These lynchings were terrorism.”

Researchers said they determined that 3,959 black people were killed in “racial terror lynchings” in a dozen Southern states between 1877 and 1950. The new number includes 700 people who were not named in previous works seeking to comprehensively document the toll, the authors wrote. Some of those previous studies were conducted at a time when lynching was still an ongoing phenomenon.
Even if these particular shootings were racially motivated, how do you think "black" Americans must have felt when those who challenged "white" authority were routinely lynched - while government authorites either participated or looked the other way?


New member
Hall of Fame
He is just as daft as knight then.

*shakes head*

This was personal not racial in nature.

Black, Gay Reporter Murders Straight, White Journalists — Media Blame the Gun

Williams is black. Parker and Ward were white.

Williams is gay. Parker and Ward were straight.

None of which would be relevant, except that Williams specifically cited his identity as a factor in the killings. In a 23-page rambling letter sent to ABC News, Williams wrote that the Charleston church shooting in June should have provoked a race war: “Why did I do it? I put a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…What sent me over the top was the church shooting…You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” According to ABC News, he claimed he had “suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work,” that he had “been attacked by black men and white females,” and that he had been “attacked for being a gay, black man.”

My husband and Knight, were right.


Well-known member
Racism? Don't think so. His actions do not appear to be solely about the race of his victims but also who they worked for.


New member
as the comments say:

black on white killing: no protest, no outrage, nothing to see here.

Just another excuse for Federal Gun Control....

This was not just 'crazy', it was a planned event designed
to push the Liberals into more frantic hysteria on Guns.

He actually waited patiently for the cameraman to pan back to his victim#1
before even opening fire. Plenty of timing and planning and eerie calm.

He wanted the live effect.
It is pretty dang hard to say this was not planned, and that it has racial overtones.


Hate Crimes in the USA (2008-2012) by Population Group

Group - Estimated Population - Rate (per 100,000 people)
1. Jewish (5,248,674) - 84.9

2. LGBT (9,000,000) - 66.9

3. Muslim (1,852,473) - 41.1

4. Black (38,929,319) - 34.4

5. Aboriginal (2,932,248) - 12.4

6. Hispanic (50,477,594) - 6.1

7. Asian & Pacific Islander (15,214,265) - 5.2

8. White (223,553,265) - 1.5

9. Catholic (67,924,018) - 0.5

10. Atheist & Agnostic (17,598,496) - 0.3

11. Protestant (148,197,858) - 0.2

12. Heterosexual (297,939,444) - 0.0
Most hate crimes in the United States are committed against African Americans - of the 8,208 hate crimes reported to the FBI in 2010, 48% were race related, with 70% of those having an anti-black bias.

"Hate crimes" directed at "whites" in America (2006-2012) was only 1.5 per 100 000, as compared to "hate crimes" directed towards "blacks" - 34.4 per 100 000.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I was terribly sad for the people killed. It was shocking. And yet you know that you must expect this. You have no idea where it will come from next. And you may be ever so right that guns are great for self-defence. But you can be sure that it will come again and again, regardless of your preparedness. Because that's the society you have. And I know there is this talk of racism and perversion, overlaying the disgruntled employee syndrome - but bottom line is that the way your society is set up allows violent people to express themselves a lot. And sure, they will probably get punished for it but that is too late for the innocent victims.

I'm not even criticising it. I feel sorry for you and I would not like to live in it. Some societies are much worse than yours but some much better. Perhaps it is worth praying for your country that it might become better at preventing this kind of violence. Pretty much everyone who loves to possess guns or who thinks it is their right must bear the responsibility. (And I am not suggesting that this is anybody's fault other than the pervert who did it - but that doesn't mean that other people aren't also responsible in some way.) The fact that there are so many of you, is the reason for the problem. Think of Newcomb's paradox. I'm not criticising: it's your own choice how you want to live and I totally repsect that. But I am also suggesting that since you have choice, you can also change it.
Actually, our numbers is not the problem. We could combine all the people in Europe, get similar numbers of people, and yet the Europeans would still only be killing each other with guns at a fraction of the rate that we in the U.S. do.

The real culprit in the U.S. is a cultural history of resolving our problems with deadly force. We grew up watching countless TV 'heroes' killing the bad guys in spectacular displays of justified vengeance. And it's become an acceptable way to resolve our problems and disputes - especially for those among us that can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Which is something else that is peculiarly characteristic of U.S. culture, and also due to our obsession with movies and TV.


The Barbarian

This is another case of undiagnosed mental illness being ignored until something terrible happens.

It has nothing to do with race, except that the shooter, in his irrationality seized on race as the reason for his firing.

That's it. Racists will try to play it up, of course. But the facts remain.


This is another case of undiagnosed mental illness being ignored until something terrible happens.

It has nothing to do with race, except that the shooter, in his irrationality seized on race as the reason for his firing.

That's it. Racists will try to play it up, of course. But the facts remain.

Then the American civil war was about "undiagnosed mental illness". The KKK is just a group of undiagnosed mentally ill people, has nothing to do with race. Judas was just experiencing undiagnosed mental illness. The Sanhedrin should have referred him to counseling and Ceasarcare should have paid for it!


New member
This is another case of undiagnosed mental illness being ignored until something terrible happens.

It has nothing to do with race, except that the shooter, in his irrationality seized on race as the reason for his firing.

That's it. Racists will try to play it up, of course. But the facts remain.
The fact that he seized upon race as opposed to his own faults for getting fired has nothing to do with his motivation for choosing to kill 2 white co-employees on tape has nothing to do with racial hate?
What were these two white employees guilty of other than being white that is?


New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, our numbers is not the problem. We could combine all the people in Europe, get similar numbers of people, and yet the Europeans would still only be killing each other with guns at a fraction of the rate that we in the U.S. do. .....



New member
Hall of Fame
Seems to me giving this cretin the fifteen minutes he wanted just plays into his hand.