This is where the believer and the non-believer have the greatest degree of misunderstanding and I contributed to that with my previous statement.
In the Christian faith, full disclosure does occur up front but not by men. My faith in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not born of me. My faith is a gift from God. I was open to receiving it and I did. Once God opened my eyes, then i could see truth where I had only previously seen a book I could use to mock and ridicule small minded Christians over.
Nonbelievers will typically assume that faith in God is like faith in Santa Clause. As children, we all have an unquestioning belief that Santa is real and the North Pole is real. As we grow older, as we learn more, that belief, that faith, gradually is replaced by knowledge. Yet faith in God continues. A great many people believe in God with absolute certainty that Santa only exists in the heart of a parent. Faith in God must come from some place other than our own minds. I have been assailed for a long time about my beliefs. I have ridiculed and will probably continue to be mocked as a weak minded man for years to come and yet faith persists. Why? What makes my faith so strong in the face of such adversity? My faith is strong because it is given to me by God. It is hard to understand but that is the heart of it.