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:doh: It can't be. If all you are talking about is a nickel full of who's father is who? Nope. Not when you say doctrine and truth isn't error. You are bumbed about details that don't matter or make a lick of difference by your own admission. Sorry, you are basically saying 'error EXCEPT in all things that really count!" Er, that's BARELY errant. You are merely arguing over separations at that point. IOW, for all your contention, you believe in a form of inerrancy, unless you are picking and choosing your doctrines willy-nilly. If you are, not Christian. Not picking and choosing but listening and following? Then your pages of contention have fallen by the wayside meaning less than nothing because YOU, by such admission. are arguing over LESS THAN NOTHING. I don't care where you go after that, you've lost a debate. Done deal.Lon misrepresents with:
Nope. You, yourself, had said 'errors' were over things that "don't matter."
As I wrote many times before, the errors don’t matter for the good news of Jesus Christ.
The errors matter greatly for the doctrine of inerrancy: the errors prove it is a false doctrine.
However far you'd intended to go, your 'errancy' problem is about diddly squat anyway. Joseph's father? Inconsequential 'if' an error. Makes absolutely no difference, according to you. It is the end summation of the entire debate of yours: Arguing over what you yourself believe next to nothing. So.... this is a nothing debate, even by your own admission. It is just the logical end.So your misrepresentation fails.
Er, rather I was saying you've upped the game. Though such errors, by your admission, mean next to nothing, and no wise touches doctrine, then you are really, yourself, making much-ado-about-nothing. :think:You wrote:
It has become a VERY large and damnable heresy debate.
How can you declare either position heresy when the scriptures never mention inerrancy and never teach it?
Who gave you the authority to claim any position on a topic never mentioned in scripture could be heretical? No one.
Even you admit that Revelation is without error, at least.
You know I never wrote that.
No, just the impression I get. You can correct anywhere you like.Is you case so weak that you must misstate my position repeatedly?
Well, no, that was what you said about John. I'd posted the verse from Revelation and you 'seemed' to acquiesce it must be so. No? Well, you aren't considered any kind of Christian after that. Christians HAVE to believe Revelation wasn't added or taken away from.I wrote that I know of no errors in Revelation.
Wowch! That REALLY hurt you bad, did it? I can post my grades. They are tucked away with my certificates and diplomas.Given your earlier claims to intelligence (when you wrote: You can't think out of a paper bag and assume everybody else is just as bad. Be truthful, C's and C- in school, right? It shows...You can go sit in the back of the class now and put your head down in shame for your disobedience...You are too thick to be taught...Were you raised in a one room school house where they had to pass you because you were all below par?...I'm smarter than you...you are not intelligent enough to talk to me.), you should know the difference.
It has nothing to do with anything, just you raising it again. It must have stung. The point was, you aren't too swift on things. I think that's clear, even as much as it hurts you to hear it. You ARE a fellow that needs to listen more, be instructed more, talk less, try and 'teach' less.
Lon wrote:
Do you think I'm not authentic in my conviction?
:chuckle: Doesn't surprise me about you a bit. I kind of expected it. You double-down when you aren't careful instead of restating or moving for clarity. ANYTHING but admit a need to be more clear or careful with your words. Me? Catch me in a mistake. I welcome it. Appreciate it (don't be vindictive, be helpful).Given that you misrepresented my views at least twice in that one post, your authenticity is below questionable.
Yowch. We shouldn't even be talking, really. Your view isn't even Christian at that point. :noway:You wrote:
You at LEAST believe Revelation (perhaps a few other books?) are perfect, yes?
Why would you think I believe anything written by imperfect people is perfect?
BOOM! "OR imperfection." There, you realize why you are posturized and most Christians don't appreciate you now. It is because you cannot recognize your own illogical thinking and postulations. It is like trying to have your cake and eat corn. You unknowingly give away all the hangups and inconsistencies with your world view. :up: Thanks. I can just walk away. As I said previously, I've not much else but pray for you. Only God can sift through your disheveled head.A shopping list could be perfect, but I can’t declare it perfect because I don’t have all the information needed to declare perfection.
...assuming. Incorrect. I have TWO sets of grandparents. Like Jesus, I also have a couple of 'fathers.' "Oops, Lon made a mistake." Nope, ask, don't assume. ASSUMING is where we do stupid things. As I said, it is ALSO a sin. It is NOT supposed to be in your Christian character. Perhaps your first need is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving work before trying to delve into peripheral issues. I don't know. It is just covering a base. I do wonder and question such at this point.On the other hand, two documents telling the same story but contradicting each other cannot both be inerrant....
:doh: It is like you didn't even read Daqq's post! Look. Daqq and I bump heads very hard but I at least listened to what he had to say in thread. He is right, there are a number of times a centurion crossed Jesus' path. You have NO idea if this is the same or different story. Let me say that again. YOU, COBRA, have NO IDEA whether this is the same or different centurion with a sick servant. You are thinking they all didn't die of disease then? Not that often? TOO coincidental? Look at that! "Too Coincidental." YET coincidences, however unlikely, DO happen. Did you give that benefit of doubt? Nope, not you. You are 'too smart' for that. Too accusing, for that. Too, righteously indignant to EVEN entertain it. You are committed to 'something' rather than SomeOne you SHOULD be committed to, and it shows. Sorry buck. As I said, you are too thick to have much of a dent. I will/must necessarily leave you in God's hands. Hebrews 10:31 (I REALLY wish you knew and could readily use and quote scriptures. They SHOULD pour from your life, mind and soulThat is the case with Matthew and Luke in the case of the centurion. That is one of several errors that your dedication to the man-made doctrine of inerrancy forces you to pretend does not exist.