Scripture. What is considered Scripture?

Ask Mr. Religion

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BTW, I noticed your report in the woodshed. You should know that members can see the reports in the woodshed, so nothing you report there is private in any way. Lon copied and pasted what we could all see. You should have no expectation for privacy when you report someone.
Maybe he will cough up some $$ to be a subscribing member and can see the Woodshed himself.
[MENTION=20520]Zenn[/MENTION], a hint for you...

click the words "appears in blue" in my sig below.

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The lepers - "Go show yourself to the Priest" - Leviticus 14:2

Matthew 8:3-4 ASV
3 And he stretched forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou made clean. And straightway his leprosy was cleansed.
4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go, show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

Mark 1:39-44 ASV
39 And he went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons.
40 And there cometh to him a leper, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
41 And being moved with compassion, he stretched forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou made clean.
42 And straightway the leprosy departed from him, and he was made clean.
43 And he strictly charged him, and straightway sent him out,
44 and saith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

Luke 5:12-14 ASV
12 And it came to pass, while he was in one of the cities, behold, a man full of leprosy: and when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
13 And he stretched forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou made clean. And straightway the leprosy departed from him.
14 And he charged him to tell no man: but go thy way, and show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

Luke 17:11-19 ASV
11 And it came to pass, as they were on the way to Jerusalem, that he was passing along the borders of Samaria and Galilee.
12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, who stood afar off:
13 and they lifted up their voices, saying, Jesus, Master, Have mercy on us.
14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go and show yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, as they went, they were cleansed.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, with a loud voice glorifying God;
16 and he fell upon his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
17 And Jesus answering said, Were not the ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
18 Were there none found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger?
19 And he said unto him, Arise, and go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Of the ten, only one leper was fully cleansed; for he alone returned to the Kohen who performed his initial cleansing and gave the glory to Elohim, (again, thanksgiving and praise, and prayers, these are likened to ascending offerings: turtle-doves and pigeon-doves by the typology).

Mark 5:34 W/H
34 ο δε ειπεν αυτη θυγατηρ η πιστις σου σεσωκεν σε υπαγε εις ειρηνην και ισθι υγιης απο της μαστιγος σου
34 And he said to her, Daughter, your faith has delivered you; go to Peace,
[Shalom-Shalem, (City of Peace - Prince of Peace)] and be you made completely-whole of your scourge.["Go and show yourself to the priest, (at Shalem), and offer the things which Moses commanded", (two turtle-doves or two pigeon-doves, Lev15:25-30)]

After seven yamim the woman returns to the Kohen whose name is the Door, (of the Tabernacle), and because she believed and trusted, and returned to the Kohen who had performed her initial cleansing, the atonement-cleansing was completed in the Matthew account where she came the second time to the one whose name is the Door, (not only of the sheep but of the Tabernacle).

Matthew 9:22 ASV
22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, Daughter, be of good cheer; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
[the eighth, hashemini, Lev15:29-30]

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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The lepers - "Go show yourself to the Priest" - Leviticus 14:2
When making a post, it is courteous to explain why you have posted what you have posted. As things stand, your post is an interruption without any tie in to the topic being discussed.

Why did you post what you posted? :idunno:



Well-known member
When making a post, it is courteous to explain why you have posted what you have posted. As things stand, your post is an interruption without any tie in to the topic being discussed.

Why did you post what you posted? :idunno:


I was explaining why I said what I did to Watchman on the previous page:

I am glad you got something from that; but what did I really do? All I really did was gather some information and present it, (for the most part). I did also search Josephus but could not find the other commentary I was hoping to find, I guess it is not there, cannot remember where I read it, unfortunately.

PS ~ The answer to the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years and the raising of the twelve year old daughter Jairus is found in the Torah: the woman was required to return to the Kohen who performed her cleansing and offer sacrifice for final atonement-cleansing, two turtle doves or two pigeons-doves, (and those represent prayers and ascending thanksgiving offerings, Lev 15:28-30), and she therefore came back to the Master a second time, just as the one leper from the ten who were cleansed, realizing that he is the Kohen who performed the cleansing. The rest is all merely juxtapositioning between the accounts. Moreover the Archon in the Matthew account had his own disciples, (being the Archon of a Synagogue, no doubt, this is true), so in Matthew they are those who had come to inform him that his daughter had died. These are two different events at two different times of the same day, (for as has been shown to you several times now, seven yamim are seven hours, not seven 24-hour days).

But I did not want to only address him so I addressed no one.
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When making a post, it is courteous to explain why you have posted what you have posted. As things stand, your post is an interruption without any tie in to the topic being discussed.

Why did you post what you posted? :idunno:


Moreover, as anyone who reads can see, it is not an interruption but rather concerns a topic which has been argued for pages and pages and pages. However, if you like, I can go back and address the post to [MENTION=19670]WatchmanOnTheWall[/MENTION].


Well-known member
I tried not to quote myself previously to Watchman but I suppose now it is again necessary:

Originally Posted by daqq
The answer to the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years and the raising of the twelve year old daughter Jairus is found in the Torah: the woman was required to return to the Kohen who performed her cleansing and offer sacrifice for final atonement-cleansing, two turtle doves or two pigeons-doves, (and those represent prayers and ascending thanksgiving offerings, Lev 15:28-30), and she therefore came back to the Master a second time, just as the one leper from the ten who were cleansed, realizing that he is the Kohen who performed the cleansing. The rest is all merely juxtapositioning between the accounts. Moreover the Archon in the Matthew account had his own disciples, (being the Archon of a Synagogue, no doubt, this is true), so in Matthew they are those who had come to inform him that his daughter had died. These are two different events at two different times of the same day, (for as has been shown to you several times now, seven yamim are seven hours, not seven 24-hour days).

What I said about the archon having disciples may be seen in the Matthew account where most translations add words into the text for not understanding who the disciples really are: they are not the disciples of the Master but in Matthew they do appear to be disciples of the archon, (because he is an Archon-Ruler of a Synagogue).

Matthew 9:18-19 KJV
18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.
19 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and
so did his disciples.

The problem text is not what is said in Mat9:18 but what follows in Mat9:19. The words in italics in the KJV, "so did", are added into the text, (which the KJV freely admits for having placed them in italics). I do not believe Matthew speaks of the disciples of the Master in this case but rather speaks of the Master following the ruler of the synagogue and his disciples. This would mean that it was the disciples of the ruler of the synagogue who had come and informed him that his daughter had just died, just as in the other accounts where certain ones came and announced it to him, only in those accounts they are not called disciples, (and the texts there are also strangely opaque and unclear, a tell-tale sign that something is afoot, lol).

Matthew 9:19 T/R
19 και εγερθεις ο ιησους ηκολουθησεν αυτω και οι μαθηται αυτου

Matthew 9:19 W/H
19 και εγερθεις ο ιησους ηκολουθει αυτω και οι μαθηται αυτου

Matthew 9:18-19
18 While he spoke these things to them, behold, a ruler came and bowed to him, saying, My daughter has just now died: but come and impose your power upon her,
[hand = power, as in Hebrew, yad] and she shall live.
19 And rising up Yeshua followed him and his disciples.

If he is a ruler of a synagogue then no doubt he has disciples, (moreover Nicodemus is also called an archon, a ruler and teacher of Israel). Who is to say therefore that the ruler of the synagogue did not speak to the Master twice? (just as George has also emphatically stated in one of his arguments given a few pages back). There is nothing that presupposes that the ruler of the synagogue could only have spoken to the Master once and once only. He must have spoken twice: the first time his daughter had not yet died, but in the Matthew account his disciples had come and informed him that his daughter had now died at that point in the overall event, and he pleads with the Master again the second time, "Now my daughter is dead, has just now died)".

PS ~ Oops, I again failed to address anyone else in particular: is this therefore an interruption? :)


Well-known member
και την περικεφαλαιαν του σωτηριου δεξασθε και την μαχαιραν του πνευματος ο εστιν ρημα (RHEMA) θεου δια πασης προσευχης και δεησεως προσευχομενοι εν παντι καιρω εν πνευματι

My apologies that you cannot read the language.
Don't use it unless someone can. I normally do not except with another who is quoting or claiming Greek.

Again, ask any second year student of Greek (there are supposedly many here) and they can (or ought to be able) to explain gender agreement to you.
It is translated fine Sword of the Spirt (title) =the word of God, what was the problem? :idunno:
The quote says the Sword of the Spirit is the word of God....not prayer, as you claim. .
Agree, there is no psueche prayer written here.


New member
The word "which" goes back to SWORD, since sword is the SUBJECT OF THE SENTENCE.
gldz, the New Testament wasn't written in English, and the word "which" is written in the neuter gender to agree with Spirit (cf. Dr. Alfred Marshal's Interlinear LINK). For the word 'which' to refer to Sword, it would, by the rules of Koine Greek grammar, NEED to be written with a feminine gender ending. It isn't.

You are looking at a translation error. And you are basing your 'knowledge' on the rules of the WRONG LANGUAGE. One cannot apply modern English rules of grammar to Greek.

The object of that preposition is Spirit. That SWORD belongs to the Spirit. The Spirit is not the subject. The Sword is the subject of the sentence.

If you diagram that sentence you will see....

Sword/ is/ word
And If you diagram the sentence in Greek you will see...

Spirit/ is/ Rhema ... πνευματος ο εστιν ρημα

Any serious student of Biblical Koine Greek can teach you about gender matching. Please try and learn something this time. If not from me, then from someone who can read the text in the language in which it was initially written. Pugnacious ignorance does no one any good.

Would you apply the rules of English grammar to a sentence written in German? Of course not. So why would anyone apply the rules of English grammar to a sentence written in Greek? Like it or not, the New Testament wasn't written in English. And so again, I provide you the text as it was actually written:

και την περικεφαλαιαν του σωτηριου δεξασθε και την μαχαιραν του πνευματος ο εστιν ρημα (RHEMA) θεου δια πασης προσευχης και δεησεως προσευχομενοι εν παντι καιρω εν πνευματι



New member
BTW, I noticed your report in the woodshed. You should know that members can see the reports in the woodshed, so nothing you report there is private in any way. Lon copied and pasted what we could all see. You should have no expectation for privacy when you report someone.
Then why all this nonsense accusing cobra and watchman?

Woodshed? :AMR:
(OMG I'm dealing with children in ninth grade..)


Well-known member
Don't use it unless someone can. I normally do not except with another who is quoting or claiming Greek.

It is translated fine Sword of the Spirt (title) =the word of God, what was the problem? :idunno:

Agree, there is no psueche prayer written here.

I agree, and I cannot understand why, (unless it is a charismatic thing), he seems to be attempting to alienate "the sword" from "of the Spirit". But I do see how the sword should be understood as supplied by the Spirit, (which some of the more popular commentaries also relate concerning this passage). This would agree with the statement from 2Thes2:8, "the Spirit of his mouth", but that statement likely implies the rhomphaia-sword, (though not mentioned), which is used sparingly and concerns the double-edged sword from the Apocalypse, (and which is used only once outside of the Apocalypse, that is, Luk2:35, which thus helps explain Heb4:12, (the Logos)).

PS ~ Oops, I see he just posted, I will go back and read . . . :)


Well-known member
Then why all this nonsense accusing cobra and watchman?

Woodshed? :AMR:
(OMG I'm dealing with children in ninth grade..)

Lol, yeah, there is a "Woodshed", sometimes I do wish I could see it too.
Pretty sure I have taken some lashings therein . . . :chuckle:


New member
Maybe he will cough up some $$ to be a subscribing member and can see the Woodshed himself.
[MENTION=20520]Zenn[/MENTION], a hint for you...

click the words "appears in blue" in my sig below.

I followed your link and saw nothing about any 'woodshed'. Is this discussed anywhere else in a 'rules' thread?

So it's all about the money... :sigh:

How disappointing.


PS: You are more than welcome to contribute alms.


New member
Don't use it unless someone can. I normally do not except with another who is quoting or claiming Greek.
I agree,
Oh that's rich, coming from someone who hurls around incomprehensible Hebrew words and cross-linked terminology.

But since you both agree that I need to dumb it down for gldz, I shall try to post a more elementary explanation later.

(Unless AMR wishes to add his expertise)



Well-known member
Oh that's rich, coming from someone who hurls around incomprehensible Hebrew words and cross-linked terminology.

But since you both agree that I need to dumb it down for gldz, I shall try to post a more elementary explanation later.

(Unless AMR wishes to add his expertise)


While I do agree with that portion of what Lon said it was not the more pertinent portion that I was agreeing with. You would have done better to quote his entire post together with my entire post, (instead of cutting it off where you did), or just ask me about why I agreed and what I was for the most part agreeing with, because again, you have actually somewhat misrepresented my sentiments. :)

Ask Mr. Religion

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Moreover, as anyone who reads can see, it is not an interruption but rather concerns a topic which has been argued for pages and pages and pages. However, if you like, I can go back and address the post to @WatchmanOnTheWall.
You should quote a snippet of the person's post to which you are responding. The discussion spans many pages so someone reading the last page should not be forced to manually page back to find some linkage to what you are posting. Moreover, the number of pages is a function of the user's settings on how many post per page they prefer to see.


Ask Mr. Religion

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I followed your link and saw nothing about any 'woodshed'. Is this discussed anywhere else in a 'rules' thread?

So it's all about the money... :sigh:

How disappointing.


PS: You are more than welcome to contribute alms.

The bit in the table of subscriber options about having access to private forums includes the Woodshed.

Click the "Why?" in my sig below to gain further insight concerning your sardonic "all about money".



New member
I cannot understand why, (unless it is a charismatic thing), he seems to be attempting to alienate "the sword" from "of the Spirit".
It has nothing to do with any "charismatic thing". (I see you missed the point that I'm not Charismatic.)

The issue here is one of translation. And no, I'm not 'alienating' anything. The sword of the Spirit is prayer. Such hyperbole only shows your hatred for the scriptures as they are actually written.

The best way to destroy something is to redefine the terms to mean something else. When "sword" is redefined to mean Bible, then one has nullified the truth intended to be expressed. People run around waving their Bibles like a sword, looking like idiots.

The truth is inherent in the text. Now if people wish to ignore what was actually written or create some kind of mythical interpretation by redefining the words... well... according to their faith so be it. This is why Protestant Christianity has miserably failed, and it's looking like Pentecostal Christianity is following down the same doomed road.

PS ~ Oops, I see he just posted, I will go back and read . . . :)
Wow... I guess I should feel honored.


Ask Mr. Religion

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The word 'woodshed' is not used on the entire page. So it rather explains nothing.
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