Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


Well-known member
You try that “case dismissed” frequently.
I encourage you to recognize that it does not reflect favorably on you.
you still haven’t answered
lon said:
Because you are a bit dense...
Lon, I think your insults reflect the fact that I am speaking truth to you and you cannot refute the errors that I have raised against your false doctrine of inerrancy. I have other errors to discuss but you won’t address the last one I mentioned at all.
(assessment vs. 'insult' a teacher generally doesn't give it as blunt, but assessment none-the-less with the "Intention of correction.")
The 'fool' hates his teacher and correction (and likely thinks it all insult because he doesn't and won't understand).
At any rate: "Cannot refute" means 'case dismissed' so I can't hardly believe you are telling Daqq this reflects poorly on him and somehow not yourself. Good grief!
If Matthew made the error of claiming that all the generations from David to the deportation are 14, while the OT lists 18, how can you deny that is an error?
:chuckle: reread your sentence again! Good grief!
"If error...then how can you deny 'error?'" :doh: "Case Dismissed!"? :think:
You gave no answer.
"Dismissed!" :think:
Still pretending?
It "doesn't reflect favorably on Daqq, BUT it DOES on you???"
(no need to respond, just giving you what I'm reading and noting when 3 fingers are or seem to be pointing back)


Well-known member
Acts 13:8-11 ... 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,)
... obviously couldn't care less for the teachings of Jesus.
..filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.

Yikes! There is absolutely NO ability to EVEN COMMUNICATE with someone like this. You remove Paul from Scripture and you remove Christ. Of course all of this attacking the word of God is FOR this very purpose! Once you get rid of scripture authority, you get rid of Paul. Once you get rid of Paul, you get rid of Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation. 2 Timothy 4:3 How did this doctrine 'get' sound? By being sound all along. In the 'end?' NO LONGER putting up with sound doctrine.

Joshua 24:15 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


Well-known member
Get off your lazy behind and go to my profile, and click on my posts and read them for yourself. :AMR:

I can see you don't even know what the word "repent" means, because I have no need to change my mind about anything I've said.

I will add weasel to liar and nasty. You posted this only when you saw that the time it happened was no longer on your log. Glorydaze, no one believes you and no one cares. Only God who saw you, it's Him you will have to answer to.

BTW looking through your posts reveals some rather poor behaviour.


New member

(assessment vs. 'insult' a teacher generally doesn't give it as blunt, but assessment none-the-less with the "Intention of correction.")
The 'fool' hates his teacher and correction (and likely thinks it all insult because he doesn't and won't understand).
At any rate: "Cannot refute" means 'case dismissed' so I can't hardly believe you are telling Daqq this reflects poorly on him and somehow not yourself. Good grief!
:chuckle: reread your sentence again! Good grief!
"If error...then how can you deny 'error?'" :doh: "Case Dismissed!"? :think:

"Dismissed!" :think:
It "doesn't reflect favorably on Daqq, BUT it DOES on you???"
(no need to respond, just giving you what I'm reading and noting when 3 fingers are or seem to be pointing back)
Once again, you won’t even try to explain the errors and simply provide insults.

Did Jairus ask Jesus to heal a sick daughter or resurrect a dead daughter? You don’t know. It is an error you call a discrepancy because you can’t bring yourself to call it what it is.

No answers, just insults.

Do better. The gospel is not built on myths and lies.

There is a big difference between “case dismissed,” which means “I have ruled and now you go away,” AND what I have done — seeking you to engage and present evidence.

But as long as you are unwilling to take the stand, as long as you plead the fifth, you will not face that fact that your man-made tradition of inerrancy is unscriptural and untruthful and a stumblingblock in the path of spiritual maturity.


New member
This begs the question, though, just what is the "(4487)saying of God"? the sword? or the Spirit? (One cannot tell in English.)

Interesting that he does not write "book". Is it not?

(... my words which I have put in thy book ...)


Heb.12:19(Y.L.T.) and a sound of a trumpet, and a voice of sayings,(rhéma) which those having heard did entreat that a word(logos) might not be added to them,

voice of sayings(rhéma)

word(logos) might not be added to them,

Rev.1:15 and his feet like to fine brass, as in a furnace having been fired, and his voice as a sound of many waters,

16and having in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword is proceeding, and his countenance [is] as the sun shining in its might.

his voice as a sound of many waters,

and out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword is proceeding

Eph.6:17 and the helmet of the salvation receive, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the saying (rhéma) of God,

sword of the Spirit, which is the saying(rhéma) of God,

Rev.14:2 and I heard a voice out of the heaven, as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of great thunder, and a voice I heard of harpers harping with their harps,

voice out of the heaven,

as a voice of many waters,

Rev.19:5 And a voice out of the throne did come forth, saying, ‘Praise our God, all ye His servants, and those fearing Him, both the small and the great;’
6 and I heard as the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia! because reign did the Lord God — the Almighty!

voice out of the throne

as the voice of many waters,

Heaven and throne mean the same thing. Is.66:1+Acts7:49

Jer3:14Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:
15And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. 16And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.

17 At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart.

18In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.

I think Rhéma means Spirit and Logos means Word(waters).



Well-known member
I will add weasel to liar and nasty. You posted this only when you saw that the time it happened was no longer on your log. Glorydaze, no one believes you and no one cares. Only God who saw you, it's Him you will have to answer to.

BTW looking through your posts reveals some rather poor behaviour.

No longer on my log? You ninny. Had you been a little quicker on your feet you'd have seen where I was. Be a good little lurker and go read the Trinity thread. That was mainly where I was posting during those minutes you think I was busy doing whatever it was you think I was doing. :chuckle:

"No one believes me...." You mean no one in your little cabal of Bible haters.

Seriously, dude. How old are you? Are you sure you're old enough to be on an adult site such as this?


Well-known member

Today is Shlishli, 10-22, It is Yom, Day. This Jewish Calendar Day ends with and at sundown.

I do not know where you are coming up with what you say, or where you live, but your post was during the night of Shlishli, 10-22, to me. I do not accept your year so I do not accept what you are saying. It is my understanding that your calendar is not the calendar found in the Torah.



You do not know the calendar found in the Torah. You are using the man made Hillel II calendar started in 359AD.

I am 8 hours ahead of you and 2 hours behind Jerusalem from where God calculates time.

For me now it is day 22 month 10 year 5988 and being day 22 it is a Sabbath.



Well-known member
You try that “case dismissed” frequently.

I encourage you to recognize that it does not reflect favorably on you.

If you have no evidence then you have no case. It really is that simple mr. accuser jr. 2. I encourage you to recognize that saying "case dismissed" is the truth simply because of the fact that you have no real evidence to even support your accusations: and that is, at the same time, a whole lot better that saying "YOU are dismissed", and playing God, and pretending to read minds, such as so and so and so and so and thing one and thing two are doing with actual people instead of responding to the points and arguments presented. :)


Well-known member
No way, more the merrier. It's just you keep using the 'I'm outta here!' statement like it some how adds weight to any argument you make. It's pointless and makes you look rather priggish.

You seem to be fixated with how people "look".

Perhaps your obsession with how something appears to men should cause you to reflect on your priorities..... as it does the rest of us who have noted that about you. :think:
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The detailed plans for the holy places are specified in the Torah.

I think you have become confused by the use of two terms for the same thing: Golden altar of incense and censer.

Are you saying you believe there were one or two Altars of Incense? and where were they? As far as I can tell from the Bible there was only one Altar of Incense and from Hebrews 9:4 I am tending to believe Paul was talking about a smaller hand held censor, see post #1792:

The word used in Hebrews 9:4 also translates to fire pan (shovel) which could indicate that the coals were carried into the H of H with this shovel in one hand of the High Priest and the sprinkling bowel in the other. He could then put the coals into the censor which had been left open on the floor from last year. putting down the shovel and picking up the censor he could then swing it about till there was a nice cloud over the mercy seat. Now he could put the censor down and begin sprinkling the blood. After communing with God was over, he would have to empty the ash out of the censor into the shovel and leave it open for next year.

I know this censor is not mentioned in the OT as far as I'm aware and this is the only problem I see with this but any alternative would involve moving the Altar into the H of H or there being two Altars? Both of which present bigger scriptural problems.


I can a the shovel on the Altar.


Well-known member
daqq, You're on a bender dude. Much of what you posted here doesn't make sense or is disjointed and out of sequence.

You're all over the place, and I'm not about to go chasing down a ping pong ball. Go organize your thoughts and make a cogent reply.

God bless,

PS: Says who?

I like daqq but that's 3 people who have all said this about his writing 'style'. daqq can be coherent when he 'wants' to be.

I merely point this out daqq because it can make reading some of your posts unnecessarily time consuming. Just saying.


Well-known member
Hmmm... Would a sister in Christ act this way? :AMR:

I am reminded of the teachings about Christians who will not be allowed to enter heaven; "Lord! Lord!" etc. But this is because there are two resurrections and it is to do with not being resurrected the first time round, rather than not actually entering heaven when we die. I know many Christians like Glorydaze and to be frank we are all flawed and in need of correction. I repent daily for my sins and thank Jesus for His forgiveness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zenn
Okay daqq, I finally realize I do not speak whatever dialect of the language you think you're speaking.

I tried.


:think: :nono: I understood. Perhaps I speak Daqqese :think: It wasn't disjointed.

Lol, dialects, languages, tongues, and daqqese: speaking on this subject matter, I have something for you @Lon, it is written by Robert Zerhusen, M.Div., Th.M., who I am pretty sure is a Reformer, (but not positive and do not really care), and as you know, I am not a Reformer, but when I hear the truth denominational lines tend to fade into the background. I was researching tongues a while back, for another reason, and ran across this essay, and I have to say that it is the best explanation of the tongues spoken in Corinth that I have ever had the privilege to feast my eyes upon. The author is a linguist and I have no doubt that what he says is true, (The Problem of Tongues in I Corinthians 14). Hope you enjoy, it is well worth the investment of your time.
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Well-known member
I like daqq but that's 3 people who have all said this about his writing 'style'. daqq can be coherent when he 'wants' to be.

I merely point this out daqq because it can make reading some of your posts unnecessarily time consuming. Just saying.

daqq could have told you what you wish to know about THE censer if only you would be willing to believe and study toward understanding it. There are only two places in the Torah where in THE censer has the definite article attached, (המחתה, Lev 16:12 and Num 16:46). And what comes immediately following the Numbers 16 passage? the Rod of Ahron which blossomed, (Numbers 17). Moreover, in Leviticus, you are confusing the golden altar of incense with the brazen altar of sacrifice: both of the altars are said to be "before the LORD", but one is in the secondary sanctuary and the other is outside before the door. Ahron is commanded to take burning coals from off the brazen altar of sacrifice, which is "before the LORD", not the golden altar of incense which is "before the LORD". This was explained in the post where I quoted the long section from Edersheim. I also noticed one of your posts where you said you could not understand how Ahron was supposed to bring the "smoke" into the Holy Holies; which tells me you have no understanding of what you are reading. Stop scanning the Torah looking for answers to your preconceived notions and just read it and study it, (in prayer). Ahron was to fill THE censer with burning coals from off the (brazen)altar which is before the Lord, and bring it into the Holy Holies, moreover with his (two)hands full of incense. Ahron would then place THE censer full of burning coals upon the staves of the Ark and cast the incense onto the burning coals, (as the coals remained held in the censer). The smoke would then be produced, making the holy Cloud inside the Holy Holies, (so that he not die). This holy Cloud is the heavenly Cloud or "Cloud(s) of heaven" referenced in many places even including some of the statements of the Master in the Gospel accounts, (for the kingdom of Elohim is within you).