Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


When I was converted I had no knowledge of any doctrine. The night after I was reading a Bible someone had given me and came to a screeching halt. "let us make man in Our Image..." I phoned someone I knew and said, "I thought the was one God? She said there is and I asked well how can He say OUR Image. She replied, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thanks, I said. No further explanation needed.
:thumb: The Sprit makes it crystal clear (John 14:26).


Your problem is simply the fact that you begin with man and work your way back to the Almighty. Instead of beginning with the Almighty and tracing everything from Him. "In the beginning Elohim". Not, in the beginning man.

Lazy afternoon and I have had epic disagreement... but... at least LA knows the difference between the "Evil one" and the "Righteous ONE"!

Also... of late... they have courageously taken on Daqq in light of atonement.

I have to tip my hat towards positive contribution... LA gets positive notice for this!

LA has a lifetime to search about Jesus... but you know Jesus is God and you actually confuse Him with Satan!

Come on man!


New member
Lazy afternoon and I have had epic disagreement... but... at least LA knows the difference between the "Evil one" and the "Righteous ONE"!

Also... of late... they have courageously taken on Daqq in light of atonement.

I have to tip my hat towards positive contribution... LA gets positive notice for this!

LA has a lifetime to search about Jesus... but you know Jesus is God and you actually confuse Him with Satan!

Come on man!

There is no confusion in my mind because I have the Mind of Messiah as do all of us* who have been called out of the darkness in which you dwell. This obviously brings your accusations into and under the perfect light of scripture.
Your false religion coupled with your diabolical accusations only magnifies your corruption.

us* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.


How can someone use caution in discerning? It is either black or white. True or false. Right or wrong and there are no grey areas in absolute truth.

You say "black and white"...

Yet you say this...

Satan is the prince of the power of the air, but he is not exercising his own will, but the will of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will. Satan is a puppet and no more.


There is no confusion in my mind because I have the Mind of Messiah as do all of us* who have been called out of the darkness in which you dwell. This obviously brings your accusations into and under the perfect light of scripture.

Do you?...

I have not said that Elohim is the devil, but you just did. For you to suggest such a thing is an indicator of your corrupt mind.

I don't dislike you I hate you because you are anti-Messiah.

You deny Elohim Sovereign power over all He created.

You are certainly not regenerate.

It is not possible that anyone or anything could mar anything of Elohim and for you to suggest such nonsense proves that you are lacking in your knowledge of Him.

1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:20

Your false religion coupled with your diabolical accusations only magnifies your corruption.

us* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.

I have no religion but what Jame prescribes. You said... "Satan is God's Sock Puppet". How am I misrepresenting you?

A ventriloquist is the person... not the dummy. I warned you to rethink your teaching and understanding. It is not I that am at odds with my own understanding and words.


New member
Do you?...

1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:20

I have no religion but what Jame prescribes. You said... "Satan is God's Sock Puppet". How am I misrepresenting you?

A ventriloquist is the person... not the dummy. I warned you to rethink your teaching and understanding. It is not I that am at odds with my own understanding and words.

I have never and would never use the term "sock".

I need no advice from you.


Well-known member
Lazy afternoon and I have had epic disagreement... but... at least LA knows the difference between the "Evil one" and the "Righteous ONE"!

Also... of late... they have courageously taken on Daqq in light of atonement.

I have to tip my hat towards positive contribution... LA gets positive notice for this!

LA has a lifetime to search about Jesus... but you know Jesus is God and you actually confuse Him with Satan!

Come on man!

Why is it that you side with the people that deny absolute atonement, the ill of self righteousness and the presence of God that displayed immeasurable Love for all of creation?
Your view of "Absolute Atonement" is a lie. YHWH is neither "our brother", nor is He "our Son", as you have blasphemously asserted elsewhere.

Originally Posted by daqq

What else can be said to one who by default claims that YHWH is his brother?
You make yourself equal with the Father who is YHWH Elohim Almighty.
Easily addressed! He is our most intimate relationship!
You fall flat on your face at Revelation 21:22

YHWH is our God who entered the Flesh of His creation, through Spiritual means of His design and is His only Son and our Son.

He is our Brother.

He is not a God of Pride! His crown is Humility!

You just proved that God walked amongst us! Who but God could declare all humans his relatives?
You are so mighty at so many duels... but you miss the deepest Revelation of Love in scripture!

Anyone may plainly see the end result of what Evil.Eye actually believes; for by saying that "Jesus is YHWH" he must eventually take that doctrine to its conclusion. And the blasphemous conclusion is just as Evil.Eye admitted in the above post, that is, that he believes YHWH is His own "only begotten Son", (i.e. YHWH gave birth to Himself), and therefore He is also our brother, (according to Evil.Eye's false doctrine, making himself equal to the Almighty Father), and that He is even "our Son" according to Evil.Eye, (no doubt because Evil.Eye believes that YHWH is "the Son of Man", which is the same as saying "the Son of Adam"), when he is forced to admit the conclusion of his heretical and divisive doctrine. This particular doctrine of Evil.Eye is essentially an adaptation of one of the Mormon doctrines, that is, that they similarly believe that the Father Almighty was once a man.


I have never and would never use the term "sock".

I need no advice from you.

How can someone use caution in discerning? It is either black or white. True or false. Right or wrong and there are no grey areas in absolute truth.

You say "black and white"...

Yet you say this...

Satan is the prince of the power of the air, but he is not exercising his own will, but the will of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will. Satan is a puppet and no more.

Dummy... Puppet... Sock Puppet... Muppet...

It's all the same.


Anyone may plainly see the end result of what Evil.Eye actually believes; for by saying that "Jesus is YHWH" he must eventually take that doctrine to its conclusion. And the blasphemous conclusion is just as Evil.Eye admitted in the above post, that is, that he believes YHWH is His own "only begotten Son", (i.e. YHWH gave birth to Himself), and therefore He is also our brother, (according to Evil.Eye's false doctrine, making himself equal to the Almighty Father), and that He is even "our Son" according to Evil.Eye, (no doubt because Evil.Eye believes that YHWH is "the Son of Man", which is the same as saying "the Son of Adam"), when he is forced to admit the conclusion of his heretical and divisive doctrine. This particular doctrine of Evil.Eye is essentially an adaptation of one of the Mormon doctrines, that is, that they similarly believe that the Father Almighty was once a man.

You deny His Birth of a virgin... you say that Jesus is not the Son of God... but that the "Spirit Son" came at baptism and indwelled the "Man Jesus"

You deny Atonment for sin

You deny faith as saving

You redefine the testimony of Yeshua to the Law and go so far to say the Law is the word written on animal skin

You deny His DBR and the result of faith in it.

You deny that He is God!

You deny the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One

You deny what GRACE really is

And you'll call me a liar... but... fortunately I have some saved links and quotes from you. And... I indeed have the OP link that you never addressed a single scripture in that was all yours.

- EE


This identifies your problem. You see no distinctions in words. Like Humpty Dumpty you think that words mean what you want them to mean and nothing more.

If I order a hit on a person... who is ultimately guilty in a court of law?

I love the Brando GF... but... you have reduced God to his simplicity.



New member
If I order a hit on a person... who is ultimately guilty in a court of law?

There you go again bringing Yah Veh Elohim down to the level of your intellect. hahahahaaa.

Elohim is Good.

Elohim cannot be guilty.

Elohim is honoured through the destruction of sinners.

Elohim ensures His glory is manifested in the salvation of sinners.

Elohim is intrinsically Good.