Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


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Recommended reading:

The Jewish Trinity: How the Old Testament Reveals the Christian Godhead by Michael S. Heiser

I understand the American English language because I have been immersed in it since I was born. I understand the culture, and so many subtle nuances of the language.

Hypothetically, let's say that 2,500 years from now, some foreigner who's not native to this language goes to school to learn English. This foreigner then publishes a book on what 21st century Americans really meant by the language we used, and his book totally contradicts how we understood and used the English language. Who can better interpret the meaning of the words we use - us now, or them 2,500 years from now?

I hope you can see how silly and arrogant it is for modern "Hebrew scholars" to try to tell the rabbis and prophets of the Old Testament what their language really meant. When God told them He was singular in person, He meant it.

They understood it to the point that it became their defining theology!!

Here's one question you need to ask yourself. If there really is a Triune God, and this triune God knew that His chosen people misunderstood his identity that completely, why would He then send Isaiah to again, and again, and AGAIN reinforce their deception. No one can read Isaiah objectively and say that God is doing anything but reinforcing the Jewish belief that there was one Divine being, with one center of consciousness.

I'll stick with the true Hebrew scholars and their interpretation, not some modern scholar who will never come close to understanding the language as good as the rabbis and prophets.

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Add Marhig (non-Trinitarian)
So no scripture then, to show that we must believe in the trinity to belong to God or to be saved?

And you can add me to your list that's ok, I pray that God forgives you for being so judgmental towards many that love him from their heart.

Also, they called Jesus a devil so I'm in good company!


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Matthew 5

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.


So no scripture then, to show that we must believe in the trinity to belong to God or to be saved?

And you can add me to your list that's ok, I pray that God forgives you for being so judgmental towards many that love him from their heart.

Also, they called Jesus a devil so I'm in good company!

I said
lolol We used to have some real emotional people back then. And every time the Word would put them on a guilt trip. They would add a name, who ever delivered the Word to them. And your right your in good company now.
That is satans list. His list of true believers.


New member
Has anyone updated the heretic list to include all currently accumulated heretical posters?

cgaviria is the "latest", and seems to be a lot of "Mormon" doctrine.


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Hey Serpentdove I've only read the last 3 pages so I am not sure but it seems like this is your thread. Just wondering if anyone has compiled a full list because there is 122 pages on here and I can't possibly go through all of them to see. :)
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Add Rondonmonson (non-trinitarian)

Wrong, you just don't understand what I stated. If Jesus was all of Gods Glory you couldn't have looked upon him as a Man, Jesus is just LIKE GOD IN ALL HIS WAYS. They are 3 and the SAME but with DIFFERENT OFFICES.

It might just be over your head.......:chuckle:
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