Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

God's Truth

New member
I am showing your real life.

You are saying what God did or did not do by your earthly understandings about earthly things.

Tell me, if you made a clone of yourself, would you call him your son?

If you could create a body with just a word, and put your spirit in it, would you not call it your son, even though it was you?

Why do you think that God would not name his only begotten son after himself?
Jesus is not just named after God.

You cannot keep the Father and son distinct even though God named His son after himself?

Jesus is no mere Man merely called God's Son.

Jesus had no earthly father.

God's Truth

New member
You speak as if believers condone or encourage sin.

There are people here who go against the preaching of obedience. There are people here who go against the preaching to obey Jesus.

There is never a wrong time to obey Jesus, yet people here say if you obey before you are saved to be saved you are condemned for preaching falseness. There are people here who put others down for preaching obedience after being saved.

Who but the devil is behind such evil? It is evil to teach we do not have to obey. It is evil to teach we do not have to confess our sins.


Most of America believes in the Trinity. It does not make it untrue, though. Besides, somebody forfeiting (not losing) their salvation is not the narrow road teaching on salvation. That is just one aspect of salvation. The teaching on: "The Narrow is the Way" is in relation to the core fundamental doctrine of salvation. How is one saved? Well, one is saved in repenting of your sins and believing in Jesus Christ. This leads to a true faith or life filled with holiness and fruitful works. It's not that a life of holiness and fruitful works in and of themselves saves you (like many religions teach). They are merely the evidence that you have been saved or born again. You can't have one without the other. So you would be wrong. The Biblical view of Conditional Salvation has nothing to do with a works based salvation. Salvation can be had RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW in Jesus Christ by repenting and believing in Jesus Christ; And the works and holiness that pours out from your life is ultimately God doing the good work within you. For there is none good but God. It's not your righteousness that is working within you. It is God's righteousness working in you because He lives in the believer who desires to walk uprightly with Him. God does not abide in the person who wants to rebel and sin against Him.

Every religion believes salvation is based on works.that equals no eternal security

You on the broad way dude wit the rest of em


Well-known member
There are people here who go against the preaching of obedience. There are people here who go against the preaching to obey Jesus.

There is never a wrong time to obey Jesus, yet people here say if you obey before you are saved to be saved you are condemned for preaching falseness. There are people here who put others down for preaching obedience after being saved.

Who but the devil is behind such evil? It is evil to teach we do not have to obey. It is evil to teach we do not have to confess our sins.

We admit we are sinners when we come into the LIGHT. We are saved by grace through faith, and there is no way any of us can be obedient enough to earn or keep our salvation. If you don't trust God enough to keep your sorry self, then you haven't got a prayer.

Those of us who have the Spirit dwelling in us, always seek to obey His leading. It's you doubters that claim otherwise.


Well-known member
How one could get that confessed sin is wrong and sinful is major error.

That is backwards teaching to teach confessed sin is wrong.

Do you think it was wrong when David confessed to God?

Of course, it was not wrong.

If Saul would have gave such a confession, maybe he would have lived.

Psalm 51

Daniel 9:4 I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: "Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Matthew 3:6 And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.

And guess what happened next? The Cross, the Resurrection, and the Comforter came. Haven't you heard?

Acts 19:2-5
He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.​

Confession isn't what you think it is, GT. Romans 10:9-10

Acts 19:18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds.​

God's Truth

New member
We admit we are sinners when we come into the LIGHT.
What is this? You speak confusion. You go against others that say we have to repent to be saved. Repenting is to not sin anymore.
Do you verbally confess your sins to God and repent of them before being saved? If yes, then why do you go against others that say we have to repent to be saved?
We are saved by grace through faith,
You speak more confusion. We are saved by grace through faith…living faith, faith that is living is faith with obedience. Faith alone is dead it cannot save anyone. See James 2:14, James 2:17, and James 2:22.
and there is no way any of us can be obedient enough to earn or keep our salvation.
We have to be obedient that is how we eat the flesh of Jesus. We have to be obedient. His words are life and we get this life by doing what the Word says to do.
We are not to merely listen to the word. Those who do what Jesus says are saved, not hearers only.

Luke 8:21He replied, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice."
James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
If you don't trust God enough to keep your sorry self, then you haven't got a prayer.
Trusting God IS OBEYING GOD.

Those of us who have the Spirit dwelling in us, always seek to obey His leading. It's you doubters that claim otherwise.
I do not doubt. You teach error. You teach we do not have to repent to be saved, and that we do not have to repent after being saved. Now stop trying to confuse the listener by pretending you do not teach against it.

God's Truth

New member
And guess what happened next? The Cross, the Resurrection, and the Comforter came. Haven't you heard?

Acts 19:2-5
He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.​

Confession isn't what you think it is, GT. Romans 10:9-10

If you are confessing Jesus is your Lord---then you had better be obeying!

Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?

Acts 19:18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds.​

In Acts 19 it says they CONFESSED. They confessed their sins.


Well-known member
You are saying what God did or did not do by your earthly understandings about earthly things.

Tell me, if you made a clone of yourself, would you call him your son?

If you could create a body with just a word, and put your spirit in it, would you not call it your son, even though it was you?

Jesus is not just named after God.

Jesus is no mere Man merely called God's Son.

Jesus had no earthly father.

Why do you assume man is mere?

God looked at all that he did in six days, including man and women and called it "mere"?

No, God called it VERY GOOD.

Why are you so narrowly educated?

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made!

We are not some garbage God put on this earth to keep the smell away from the rest of creation.

We are perfect in design, with free will to do right or wrong.

When we do wrong we mar that perfection of design.

We can do the same works that Jesus Christ did and greater

At least according to Jesus Christ, John 14:12

Just because you are weak and inept, does not mean I am.

Am I strong in the Lord? I am

Am I able to do all things through Christ? I am

Am I able to do the same works as Jesus Christ? I am

Am I able to do greater works than Jesus Christ? I am

And so is every believer

Time to rethink your false accusation of "mere man"

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
@ G's t...#566 But you do not repent, repent means to change your mind...change the WAY you still thinking along the same old way.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
There are people here who go against the preaching of obedience. There are people here who go against the preaching to obey Jesus.

There is never a wrong time to obey Jesus, yet people here say if you obey before you are saved to be saved you are condemned for preaching falseness. There are people here who put others down for preaching obedience after being saved.

Who but the devil is behind such evil? It is evil to teach we do not have to obey. It is evil to teach we do not have to confess our sins.

But you do not obey. The command is to believe...and you don't.


Every religion believes salvation is based on works.that equals no eternal security

Learn to read what I had written. I did not say salvation was of works. Works is just the evidence that you have been saved. Big difference.

You on the broad way dude wit the rest of em

Most churches here in America are OSAS. You can just call around and see for yourself. For Eternal Security teachers are everywhere; And why wouldn't it be popular? It gives a person a license to sin because they say that you can abide in unrepentant sin and still be saved. Sure, many of them will not come right out and say that, but that is where this doctrine leads a person. It leads one in having a careless attitude towards sin because they believe all future sin is forgiven them (When it is not forgiven). After accepting the Lord, only sins that are confessed are forgiven.


Well-known member
But you do not obey. The command is to believe...and you don't.

Exactly. Obedience to commands does not give LIFE. We are justified by the obedience of ONE, and none of us are that ONE. It's the obedience of FAITH....believing unto righteousness that gives life.

Galatians 3:21
Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.


The trinity doctrine has errors in it. There are three, but the three are not separate and distinct, as the trinity doctrine says.

God came in the flesh as Jesus Christ the Son. If Jesus is God, and he is, then he is also the Father who is God.

God did not become another God when He is called the Father.

Trinitarians say there is one God, and another God Jesus Christ, and another God the Holy Spirit.

You should study the trinity doctrine more, especially since you are trying to condemn people who do not believe it. You might find that you condemn yourself.

If there is no distinctions in the Godhead then you are going to keep running into the problem of trying to resolve the Rubik's cube of Matthew 12:32.


Well-known member
Learn to read what I had written. I did not say salvation was of works. Works is just the evidence that you have been saved. Big difference.

OSAS is the popular teaching here in the United States. It is the broad road. The wrong road.

No assurance of salvation.

It can't get any simpler than that. Jason trusts in himself...not in God. The narrow gate is TRUST (faith) in the Lord. Jason can't fit through with his baggage of self-righteousness. :nono:

Romans 4:21
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​


God's Truth

New member
If there is no distinctions in the Godhead then you are going to keep running into the problem of trying to resolve the Rubik's cube of Matthew 12:32.

You do not understand that scripture.

Jesus did a miracle through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the people called him evil.

There is only One Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God the Spirit of Christ. It is the Spirit of Jesus; the Spirit of the Son.

See Ephesians 4:4, and Ephesians 2:18.


Well-known member
Jesus did not exist before Matthew 1:18 except in the foreknowledge and plans of God.

God's plan to have a son who would redeem mankind is God's thinking for the design of creation. God created by His son.

God did the creating , not the son. the son was not there

Ah, so you simply disagree with John 1:1-3, and Col. 1:16?

Well, that's your decision. Scripture does say, speaking of Jesus, that all things were created by, for and through Him, but have it your own way. ;)

God's Truth

New member
Why do you assume man is mere?
It is what the Bible says.

Romans 2:3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?

God looked at all that he did in six days, including man and women and called it "mere"?

No, God called it VERY GOOD.

Why are you so narrowly educated?
Your bitterness inside is showing.
Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made!

We are not some garbage God put on this earth to keep the smell away from the rest of creation.

We are perfect in design, with free will to do right or wrong.

When we do wrong we mar that perfection of design.

We can do the same works that Jesus Christ did and greater

At least according to Jesus Christ, John 14:12

Just because you are weak and inept, does not mean I am.

Am I strong in the Lord? I am

Am I able to do all things through Christ? I am

Am I able to do the same works as Jesus Christ? I am

Am I able to do greater works than Jesus Christ? I am

And so is every believer

Time to rethink your false accusation of "mere man"
You make yourself, as if you are God. You bring Jesus to your level.

You call yourself I am. I can hardly believe that you think you do right.

You did not die for the sins of the world. Believers are not in you, and you are not in me.

Jesus died for the sins of the world. I am in him and he is in me.

God's Truth

New member
@ G's t...#566 But you do not repent, repent means to change your mind...change the WAY you still thinking along the same old way.

We change our mind about the sin we are doing.

You believe in some twisted meaning of repent from false teachers.

Repent is FROM SINS.

Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Revelation 16:9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

Revelation 16:10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony

11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.


Well-known member
We change our mind about the sin we are doing.

You believe in some twisted meaning of repent from false teachers.

Repent is FROM SINS.

Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Revelation 16:9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

Revelation 16:10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony

11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

Those verses have nothing to do with the body of Christ. No wonder you preach such nonsense all the time. :nono: