Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So then tell me, where does God say you are seated right now!!!!!

Tell me right now, where God says you are seated right now

That should not be a difficult question to answer seeing I gave you the verses that tell you where Christians are seated right now.

Of course, maybe you cannot answer that because you are not a Christian!!!???


Here's a verse for you Oatface! Ephesians 2:6 states; "And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:"


Well-known member
Here's a verse for you Oatface! Ephesians 2:6 states; "And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:"

He knows that verse, GM. He claims it proves the fact that when Jesus said He came down from heaven He didn't mean it literally. He doesn't quite get the fact that we, who are spiritual, are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We never claimed to come down from heaven but Oatmeal doesn't know the difference between down and up. :chuckle:

Oatmeal doesn't believe Jesus is God and came down from heaven...or that He came out from God, and he uses any verse he matter how much twisting he needs to do to deny the deity of Christ. I'd say that proves Oatmeal is a heretic.


Well-known member
You say that every time your peeps are under heat ... I wonder why that is :think:

I am not under any heat Lon neither are my peeps. I just think that this thread has turned into a place where folks do not listen to one another. I see both sides and I do not agree fully with either of you.



Well-known member
You say that every time your peeps are under heat ... I wonder why that is :think:

It's why Jesus spoke in parables. Those who reject Jesus as God will remain blind nor can they understand God's Word even when it clearly shown them.

Matthew 13:13
Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Glorydaz, does your God (Jesus Christ) have a God?

If not, who is the most high God that is the father of Christ?

The answer to this seems to be what the trins and not trins quibble about. Who is the greater God or his son?

Peace friend


New member
Hall of Fame
Glorydaz, does your God (Jesus Christ) have a God?
yes, when Christ put off immortality for mortality, then He had a God, the Father, since He came to be the replacement Adam and live in full fellowship with God as we should Then after His ascention, He retained Godhead status.

If not, who is the most high God that is the father of Christ?

irrelevant since there is no "not"

The answer to this seems to be what the trins and not trins quibble about. Who is the greater God or his son?

Peace friend

Since God is both, then the answer would be neither.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Glorydaz, does your God (Jesus Christ) have a God?

If not, who is the most high God that is the father of Christ?

The answer to this seems to be what the trins and not trins quibble about. Who is the greater God or his son?

Peace friend

Hey Keypurr :wave2: How are you?

Jesus doesn't have a God. He has a Father. Does not the Father give the Son all things?

God the Father and God the Son are coequal.
Philippians 2:5-11


Well-known member
Hey Keypurr :wave2: How are you?

Jesus doesn't have a God. He has a Father. Does not the Father give the Son all things?

God the Father and God the Son are coequal.
Philippians 2:5-11

HI BR. I am do OK. but I disagree with you.

Did he not say that he was going to his God?

Eph 1:17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom n and revelation, so that you may know him better. NIV

Ro 15:5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,
Ro 15:6 so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. NIV

Again, Sorry BR, but scriptures disagrees with you.

God bless


Well-known member
Just making dialogue Lon :) - you may know I'm not one of the die-hard Unitarians always shooting down the Trinity around here

Yep, you are an odd man out, I think.

Interestingly, I have NEVER received a pos rep from any arian/unitarian but you; even though, when they are actually right, I encourage them with one frequently.

Not sure it is much more than a passing observation but I do think it reflects well on you if not others.

In Him,



Well-known member
yes, when Christ put off immortality for mortality, then He had a God, the Father, since He came to be the replacement Adam and live in full fellowship with God as we should Then after His ascention, He retained Godhead status.

We agree somewhat on this Angel4

irrelevant since there is no "not"

Since God is both, then the answer would be neither.

I have to disagree with you here. God and his son are two beings. His son is the express image of the father. Christ said he was going to his God before he went to the cross and in Revelations he speaks about his God. So they are not the same and it is relevant.

Bless you Angel4, its been a while since I last posted with you, hope things are well with you and yours.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Yep, you are an odd man out, I think.

Interestingly, I have NEVER received a pos rep from any arian/unitarian but you; even though, when they are actually right, I encourage them with one frequently.

Not sure it is much more than a passing observation but I do think it reflects well on you if not others.

In Him,


I think I gave you one once. I forgot what it was for though. I will give you one now for using good English, if you knew truth you would make a great worker for Christ and his God.


Eclectic Theosophist
"1" prime

"1" prime

Yep, you are an odd man out, I think.

Interestingly, I have NEVER received a pos rep from any arian/unitarian but you; even though, when they are actually right, I encourage them with one frequently.

Hi Lon,

well how gracious of you ;)

Not sure it is much more than a passing observation but I do think it reflects well on you if not others.

I hold my own around here. Its a campus having both a more academic side to it as well as being an amusement park. I try to mix up the scholar with the playful mystic,....and with 'creative dialogue' inspire others to explore, research, discover things for themselves. Knowledge is power.

I spread poz reps to a lot of persons....for various reasons beyond being kind.

When it comes down to 'God' being 'One' or 'Three',....the primal unit or numerical singularity (The Original Monad) always has priority....since all plurality springs from or appears as reflections of that One.



Well-known member
Here's a verse for you Oatface! Ephesians 2:6 states; "And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:"


You read my post. Did you answer instead of the person I addressed the question to?

Since we are not literally seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, are we? then why should I believe that Jesus Christ, who is human as well should have literally come down from heaven?

Perhaps, no, no perhaps, there is a far deeper truth to learn from his statement.


You treat scripture similarly. You disparage it, if it disagrees with you.



Well-known member
He knows that verse, GM. He claims it proves the fact that when Jesus said He came down from heaven He didn't mean it literally. He doesn't quite get the fact that we, who are spiritual, are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We never claimed to come down from heaven but Oatmeal doesn't know the difference between down and up. :chuckle:

Oatmeal doesn't believe Jesus is God and came down from heaven...or that He came out from God, and he uses any verse he matter how much twisting he needs to do to deny the deity of Christ. I'd say that proves Oatmeal is a heretic.

That is correct, I know that verse, the view from up here is quite lovely.

I can not so much as see the earth from where I am seated.

It is quite cool to be seated with Jesus Christ at the right hand of the throne of God

Jesus Christ humbled himself and earned that right, (God highly exalted him, Jesus did not highly exalt himself, God did not highly exalt himself) yet I get the free admission to my seat in the heavenlies.

What a wonderful God!

What a wonderful son of God!


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

You read my post. Did you answer instead of the person I addressed the question to?

Since we are not literally seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, are we? then why should I believe that Jesus Christ, who is human as well should have literally come down from heaven?

Perhaps, no, no perhaps, there is a far deeper truth to learn from his statement.


You treat scripture similarly. You disparage it, if it disagrees with you.


Oatface, We are, positioned, in Christ (the body of Christ)
if we are truly born again Spiritually! Our spirit is, in Christ while at
the same time, our bodies (the flesh) walk this earth! Oatface,
is much more enduring than, Oatmeal, don't you think?


Well-known member
Hi Lon,

well how gracious of you ;)

I hold my own around here. Its a campus having both a more academic side to it as well as being an amusement park. I try to mix up the scholar with the playful mystic,....and with 'creative dialogue' inspire others to explore, research, discover things for themselves. Knowledge is power.

I spread poz reps to a lot of persons....for various reasons beyond being kind.

When it comes down to 'God' being 'One' or 'Three',....the primal unit or numerical singularity (The Original Monad) always has priority....since all plurality springs from or appears as reflections of that One.

Well, you get there weirdly, but we agree on the conclusion at least (uratia is it? I cannot float that boat - at all!)


Eclectic Theosophist
Soul Voyager.......

Soul Voyager.......

Well, you get there weirdly, but we agree on the conclusion at least (uratia is it? I cannot float that boat - at all!)

My views on 'God' and 'Personality' can be accessed here (all links however must be studied for comprehension) :) As I've said before, the Urantia Book has a most wonderful explanation of the 'Paradise Trinity', from the higher cosmic perspective of the revelators. This is a higher description of the Trinity, but my views of 'God' are not limited to either a 'unitarian' or 'trinitarian' view...since 'God' includes and transcends all.

Unfortunately, only a few really take time to inquire and ponder my sharings, which link many seg-ways of understanding from a variety of perspectives and traditions. Truth is Universal.

This thread is still 'entertaining' because its so limited to the creators own 'terms' and 'qualifications'....especially in the world of universal knowledge and light, where these assumptions are only a flitter in the backdrop of infinity....fizzling out at some point. But you know what they say....the 'show' must go on ;)



Eclectic Theosophist
united in Spirit.......

united in Spirit.......

Oatface, We are, positioned, in Christ (the body of Christ)
if we are truly born again Spiritually! Our spirit is, in Christ while at
the same time, our bodies (the flesh) walk this earth! Oatface,
is much more enduring than, Oatmeal, don't you think?

Beyond oats, this saying from Paul indicates a 'spiritual union' that believers have in Christ,...but it in noway necessarily refutes or discounts a Unitarian understanding of things. We all still commune and fellowship with 'God' who is Spirit, which makes our 'worship' and 'fellowship' with-in Him essentially 'spiritual' in nature. One's chosen 'Christology' doesn't necessarily infringe upon this.



Well-known member
My views on 'God' and 'Personality' can be accessed here (all links however must be studied for comprehension) :) As I've said before, the Urantia Book has a most wonderful explanation of the 'Paradise Trinity', from the higher cosmic perspective of the revelators. This is a higher description of the Trinity, but my views of 'God' are not limited to either a 'unitarian' or 'trinitarian' view...since 'God' includes and transcends all.

Unfortunately, only a few really take time to inquire and ponder my sharings, which link many seg-ways of understanding from a variety of perspectives and traditions. Truth is Universal.

This thread is still 'entertaining' because its so limited to the creators own 'terms' and 'qualifications'....especially in the world of universal knowledge and light, where these assumptions are only a flitter in the backdrop of infinity....fizzling out at some point. But you know what they say....the 'show' must go on ;)

Question #1: Who wrote it? You and the other guy in that thread seem to attribute apostle-like inspiration to the writings. I have a hard time with that out of the gate (which means, yes, I've read a bit of your thread).


Eclectic Theosophist
UB resource......

UB resource......

Question #1: Who wrote it? You and the other guy in that thread seem to attribute apostle-like inspiration to the writings. I have a hard time with that out of the gate (which means, yes, I've read a bit of your thread).

One can read our "The Late Great Urantia Revelation" thread for my commentaries there on the UB (Urantia Book). In general I'd start with the 'New Readers' section in the overhead, ...starting on the first chapter - "What is the Urantia Book?" on the UB Fellowship portal page. The information and expansion of revelatory insight was given thru a 'sleeping subject', from a host of celestial beings, expanding a greater cosmic revelation of 'God', 'The cosmos', 'the heavenly heirarchy' and ministry of Jesus. The revelators used archives of already known human knowledge and writings to expand on religious, scientific and philosophic subjects, contextualizing them in a 'new light' for the 20th century (these transmissions occurred in the first half of the 20th century). Many aspects revealed are also unique and original to the revelation concerning 'God' and the 'eternal progression' of the soul. The tome is to be considered or judged by its content, as to what religious value it has as an epochal revelation. I reference it from time to time as an 'adjunct' in my spiritual library, if I find some passages pertinent to any given subject. I'm by no means limited by it, or see it as the one and only source of truth, as no one book can claim that. 'God' alone is the sole reality and only universal truth,....all else are descriptions.



Well-known member
One can read our "The Late Great Urantia Revelation" thread for my commentaries there on the UB (Urantia Book). In general I'd start with the 'New Readers' section in the overhead, ...starting on the first chapter - "What is the Urantia Book?" on the UB Fellowship portal page. The information and expansion of revelatory insight was given thru a 'sleeping subject', from a host of celestial beings, expanding a greater cosmic revelation of 'God', 'The cosmos', 'the heavenly heirarchy' and ministry of Jesus. The revelators used archives of already known human knowledge and writings to expand on religious, scientific and philosophic subjects, contextualizing them in a 'new light' for the 20th century (these transmissions occurred in the first half of the 20th century). Many aspects revealed are also unique and original to the revelation concerning 'God' and the 'eternal progression' of the soul. The tome is to be considered or judged by its content, as to what religious value it has as an epochal revelation. I reference it from time to time as an 'adjunct' in my spiritual library, if I find some passages pertinent to any given subject. I'm by no means limited by it, or see it as the one and only source of truth, as no one book can claim that. 'God' alone is the sole reality and only universal truth,....all else are descriptions.


Wow, PJ, you lost me, and I hope you know why...

...I think I'm fairly open to hearing people out but this starts out the gate like I've already said...

Urantia Book intro page said:
With respect to Jesus' life, the Urantia Book contains vastly more detail. Scholars estimate that the entire New Testament describes only 29 separate days of Jesus' life, whereas the Urantia Book's account fills 689 large pages with the day-to-day story of the Son of God who lived on earth for almost 36 years as the son of man.
