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Law and Covenant
A covenant basically serves its primary purpose in identifying the righteous by putting only the wicked under the judgment of Law. An updated covenant is thus needed if even the righteous have difficulties in keeping the Law specified in an older covenant. God will thus sign off a newer covenant such that only the wicked will be put to death by Law.
A covenant basically has two parts, Law and Grace. The main message conveyed in a covenant is that "you keep the Law specified to an extent up to God's satisfaction such that you will be saved by His Grace".
A human on earth (virtually earth is a realm of Satan) cannot be saved without a covenant and the Grace granted through the covenant. As Grace is granted only under the name of Jesus Christ (there's no other names), no human can thus be saved without Jesus Christ. No one can see the Father except through Jesus Christ.
The reason why a human cannot be saved without a covenant:
The Bible said, sin is the breaking of Law. Adam sinned in Eden. So what Law did Adam break? Obviously it's not Mosaic Law. It is the absolution version of God's Law (i.e., without attaching to any covenant).
The Bible said, lust is a sin. Obviously, this is not found in Mosaic Law (which is attached to a covenant). Possibly it is also from the absolute version of God's Law.
If a human, nearly perfect and was directly made by God, when living inside God's realm (living together with God Himself) failed to keep this absolution version of Law, then how can a human living in Satan's realm (i.e., planet earth) keep such an absolute version of God Law. No one can keep such a version of Law when put outside God's realm (such as humans on earth).
Then why such a version of Law is put in place? In God's Ultimate Plan, an eternity called heaven will be built for humans and angels to live happily with God forever. As a result, a criteria is set up to qualify entities with free will to enter this eternity called heaven. Such a criteria is thus the absolute version of God's Law (Adam somehow failed).
The meaning of Adam's Fall:
Humans with free will cannot be directly put to heaven, as some of them will finally fall. Eden is a necessity for this point to be demonstrated openly as a witness. Angels and later humans thus know why Adam is not directly brought to heaven.
Planet earth becomes another necessity. Here humans are divided as sheep and goats, wheat and weeds. It's more like sift or filter such that only the righteous will be brought to heaven under open witness (of the angels and chosen saints).
Now Adam sinned and was driven out of God's realm (Eden), humans ever since are outside God's realm but in a realm of which Satan is said to be the god. Humans in this Satan's realm will not be able to keep the absolution version of God's Law. They will only go further and further away from God and God's expectation as set forth in terms of His absolute version of Law.
The above has been demonstrated by Noah's event where all mankind became so sinful to be tolerable by God. However, Noah is considered righteous in God's eyes. Now the question becomes how can the righteous be separated from the wicked and be saved!
That drives the need of a covenant with Grace. The righteous can thus be saved through God's Grace. God can grant Grace to save humans this way because in the end Jesus Christ will atone for their sins. God's Grace can thus be granted through Jesus Christ to each and every covenant.
To put it another way, without a covenant containing Grace, no humans can be saved. As a result, God doesn't need humans' agreement to enforce a covenant as without such a covenant no humans can be saved.
Other than the Law part and the Grace part, a covenant also specifies a scope of humans under the covenant.
Today, there are 2 basic covenants enforced on humans. A covenant (possibly originated from Noah) covering the Gentiles (or rather all mankind). The Law part of this covenant is the Law written by God in our hearts. It is closely linked to our conscience and moral code we live by.
The Jews can have an option of adapting another covenant (covering only the Jews and converters accepted by God). The Law part of this covenant is the Mosaic Law. The Jews need to be circumcised and to observe Mosaic Law in order to be covered by this covenant. God said if the Jews don't then they will be "cut off from his people". If a Jew doesn't observe Mosaic Law, he's not a Jew strictly speaking, he makes not much difference than a Gentile.
All humans are thus put under these 2 covenants without exception by default. However you can see here that today's humans are pretty much dead, as the Jews fail to keep the Mosaic Law and Gentiles fail to keep the Law written in their hearts.
That's why God signed off a New Covenant some 2000 years ago to cater for today's situation.
The New Covenant is the final covenant as the Law part has already been minimized to 0. Under this covenant, humans are saved by faith alone (i.e., Grace alone but without Law attached). It is not a 'compulsory' covenant as the 2 old covenants mentioned above. It's rather an 'optional' covenant which you can choose when you have the consent as an adult (i.e., you are mature enough to make a choice).
At last but not least. Other than the Law Part, the Grace part and a scope of humans, each covenant would have some core commandments acting as the foundation of the Law part of a covenant. I think that most of these commandments can be copied over from an older covenant to a newer covenant.
The 10 commandments are thus copied over from the Old covenant to the New covenant but except for the Sabbath. You can speculate the effect by looking into the past. How many Christians (who are saved) in the past 2000 years ever observed the Sabbath. The answer is 'Few'? Have they all broken God's commandment for them? Or rather God already foresaw this and thus intentionally excluded Sabbath from the New commandment!!!
Since the Law part in the New Covenant no longer exists, these commandments are no longer obeyed as Law, they are rather obeyed as Christ's teachings and His commands.
Relevant verses:
Romans 10:4 (NIV)*
Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
To the righteous, the Law no longer applied to the righteous as the primary purpose of a newer covenant is to put only the wicked to death under the judgment of Law.
Romans 5:20-21 (NIV)*
The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.*
Each older covenant brought in Law. Along time, sin increased that even the righteous may find difficulties in keeping Law. God however will grant Grace the more such that the righteous will be spared but only the wicked will be put to death under the judgment of Law.
Mark 10:19 (NIV)
You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’
Sabbath is not omitted with no reason.