I said
lol No but you argue like a girl. That is why I was wondering. They dont go by scriptures they go by emotions. And you keep getting all emotional on me.
How about you stop weak attempts at slander with false witness...
I am actually bored enough to want to play Saturday night game night with you...
Here is the game:
I am going to repost that last post you thought was like a little emotional girl posting without scripture.
But I am going to leave spaces for you to fill in with the scripture which my post referred too...
let’s see if you can play bible verse detective and see if indeed I posted without scripture or if you are just lying and attempting slander...
“And those Gentiles pouring in_____________...crowding synagogues every Sabbath_____________are by their love to make jews so jealous they want to be grafted back INTO HIM____________...so what rules do sovereign citizens of Israel keep?____________
Layabout LAYodicean?___________Doing works of Nicolaitions_____________who also claimed no law keeping was necessary?____________(feel free to use WIKI on that blank) Yup He HATED them...______________
When the fullness of these goyim comes in_______________its because they do the 4 things_____________...sorry 5 things required just to fellowship every Sabbath_____________...they WANT to__________...because they are SAVED____________ and grafted_____________into the promise____________...so of course they are grateful____________citizens____________...HIS LAW keeping citizens...____________
Yes Squesky do NOT be wise to your own opinion____________ choosing whatever whenever ALL THE TIME rest days ____________convinced of your own opinion that’s ok...____________
Remember?____________ He said “think NOT”____________...dont follow jewish lies_____________ that said He did...____________
Follow Him____________and do as He did____________when He was writing that New Covenant_____________ you squeak about so much...
Ok so take your time...Enjoy...
Looking forward to see how many texts you find I was alluding to...
So man up buddy...show time...GO!