well I know you definately will not have as fun talking about things with me as you will with squeaky because I have noticed that you and I have a similar faith and similar beliefs so there probably won't be too much debate between the two of us lol. So sorry for that but I'd still like to discuss it because God told us that His word is the most important thing we can know. "All Scripture is God-breathed and us useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." - 2 Tim 3:16. And that we should constantly have it on our lips and in our minds "teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, while you lie down and when you get up." - deuteronomy 11:19. and "let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." - colossians 4:6
So even though Idefinately will not be as fun as your friend I'd still love to talk about it. We might actually have a really productive conversation that we can both take away from because it will most likely be rational and make sence haha.
Also one more thing you said in your last post is "CCC" and I am not familiar with that term.
CCC is Catechism of the Catholic Church
The one I referenced is:
"Holy images
1159 The sacred image, the liturgical icon, principally represents Christ. It cannot represent the invisible and incomprehensible God, but the incarnation of the Son of God has ushered in a new "economy" of images:
Previously God, who has neither a body nor a face, absolutely could not be represented by an image. But now that he has made himself visible in the flesh and has lived with men, I can make an image of what I have seen of God . . . and contemplate the glory of the Lord, his face unveiled.27"
As for the Sabbath find it here...
"1955 The "divine and natural" law6 shows man the way to follow so as to practice the good and attain his end. The natural law states the first and essential precepts which govern the moral life. It hinges upon the desire for God and submission to him, who is the source and judge of all that is good, as well as upon the sense that the other is one's equal.
Its principal precepts are expressed in the Decalogue. This law is called "natural," not in reference to the nature of irrational beings, but because reason which decrees it properly belongs to human nature:
Where then are these rules written, if not in the book of that light we call the truth? In it is written every just law; from it the law passes into the heart of the man who does justice, not that it migrates into it, but that it places its imprint on it, like a seal on a ring that passes onto wax, without leaving the ring.7 The natural law is nothing other than the light of understanding placed in us by God; through it we know what we must do and what we must avoid. God has given this light or law at the creation.8
1956 The natural law, present in the heart of each man and established by reason, is universal in its precepts and its authority extends to all men. It expresses the dignity of the person and determines the basis for his fundamental rights and duties:
For there is a true law: right reason. It is in conformity with nature, is diffused among all men, and is immutable and eternal; its orders summon to duty; its prohibitions turn away from offense . . . . To replace it with a contrary law is a sacrilege; failure to apply even one of its provisions is forbidden; no one can abrogate it entirely.9"
Wow...imagine that the mothership Church clearly states it is IMMUTABLE and is to ALL MAN...not just to Jews...
But watch what those snakes do with it...
Application of the natural law varies greatly; it can demand reflection that takes account of various conditions of life according to places,
times, and circumstances. Nevertheless, in the diversity of cultures, the natural law remains as a rule that binds men among themselves and imposes on them, beyond the inevitable differences, common principles." (Ibid.)
Did you catch that? The application of this immutable law given by the Eternal One Himself
can be varied...LOL yeah I bet it can...by the Church and any who find it right to change times and laws...
Satan has need to be only subtle...