I'll talk about it with you if you like. I think I haven't responded because I know there is a long back story with your 9/10 commandments that I don't quite uderstand so Ihad no place in speaking if Idid not understand the long back story to this. SO if you want to quickly explain what the 10/10 commandment conversation you want to have I'd be glad to
Lol...yes there is a back story to 9/10 of the commandments...
Through the years I have found Christians desirous to proclaim their love for Him to WWJD and follow Him...
All Christians speak of lives changed and transformed, sin overcome, rags to riches, health restored and peace love and harmony in all things.
However "If you love Me" is where it begins to unravel...if you Love Him what? And by LOVE how? Which kind of LOVE?
Of course the New Covenant contains rules and laws and such but what does that have to do with the OT?
Make a long story short...the NT replaces the OT and well Sunday Ham for all...
Thing is Christians have no problems with 9 of the commandments maybe tweaking the thou shalt not kill to murder and thou shalt not commit adultery to include gay marriage (as the OT levitical prohibitions of gay sex is abolished dontcha know)
Oh and now thinking of it 2 other commandments are retooled and tuned up abit...
The second one to "not make images nor worship any image made" is also eliminated by the CCC as well, it's Christ's fault for becoming incarnate and introducing "a whole new economy (good choice of words) of images" through which the prototype is worshiped...the image of course is not worshipped but through it He or she represented is. Fuh fuh fuh
And the "dont carry My Name in vain"...is replaced by GOD or G-d or God or LORD or yada yada yada we really do lose much in not calling Him Yah and His Son Yahushua...
I guess it was too Jewish...
But anyways...sorry minor tangent there...Christians by in large accept that Yah's commandments are still binding and still to be kept...if we love Him...all is in harmony and agreeable until we get to the Sabbath.
Then the wheels fall off completely and what was previously a good guide for Christian living is now abolished, fulfilled never again to be practiced or applied, even changed, changed to Sunday or everyday, Christ is a Sabbath day or its all about GRACE now, faith alone and on and on the arguments go...
Also a hurtful attack is that Sabbath is kept in order to earn merit deserve salvation...as if I wish to be better than or privileged and well in this PC world that is horrible, and public enemy number 1, to be set aside peculiar sanctified made Holy as He is Holy...the World hates Him...so of course they'll hate His
However Sabbath is kept BECAUSE we believe we ARE HIS not to become His...we believe we ARE SAVED not to become saved...and by what HE DID...we do what we do out of gratitude...
So well I call my friend Squeaky and other Christians 9/10...He gave them His ALL and they return 9/10 in their gratitude...despite Him asking we do as He did...
So wow...thanks for the question...
More later...if you want...but hope that catches you up on the 9/10 thingy...