

New member
I said
You are evil.

And you are in the tradition of Pharisees and the inquisition...

They accused poor Stephen as well...

Acts 6 "12So they stirred up the people and elders and scribes. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13They presented false witnesses who said, “This man never stops speaking against this holy place and against the Law. 14For we have heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.”

As if Stephen would go against the Leader and tradition of the church in the wilderness...

Why do you? Please listen to Jesus...what would Jesus do? as He did...His obedience to His Father's will and Law...


And you are in the tradition of Pharisees and the inquisition...

They accused poor Stephen as well...

Acts 6 "12So they stirred up the people and elders and scribes. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13They presented false witnesses who said, “This man never stops speaking against this holy place and against the Law. 14For we have heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.”

As if Stephen would go against the Leader and tradition of the church in the wilderness...

Why do you? Please listen to Jesus...what would Jesus do? as He did...His obedience to His Father's will and Law...

I said
What makes you so evil is the fact that it doesn't make any difference to you on who you blaspheme. first you blasphemed Jesus by saying we should go by what Jesus says. Then you blasphemed Paul for going along with Jesus. Now your saying to by what Jesus says. And it all leads to your hidden agenda. You want people to go by the old testament. Which if they do they will fall from grace. Your full of guile, and deception.

Gal 5:1-4

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law.
4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.


New member
I said
What makes you so evil is the fact that it doesn't make any difference to you on who you blaspheme. first you blasphemed Jesus by saying we should go by what Jesus says. Then you blasphemed Paul for going along with Jesus. Now your saying to by what Jesus says. And it all leads to your hidden agenda. You want people to go by the old testament. Which if they do they will fall from grace. Your full of guile, and deception.

Gal 5:1-4

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.
3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law.
4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

Keep the commandments because you are saved...and because you love Him...

Not to get saved or earn your love...duh

You do it because you want to and out of gratitude...not because you have to...

"If you love Me..." is do as He does

If you love rather the traditions of man, do something else...

As for circumcision...Abraham was first chosen, blessed, the covenant made, all before he was circumcised...Moses too was chosen given instructions and as an after thought finally cut...many goyim left Egypt and were saved without circumscision...

I have seen tattoos branding and piercings and other body modifications done for fashion only that were more painful...

Besides think about it...circumcision didn't save Israel...or any Israelite in and of

How could an act done to a baby save it?

I might as well support infant
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Keep the commandments because you are saved...and because you love Him...

Not to get saved or earn your love...duh

You do it because you want to and out of gratitude...not because you have to...

"If you love Me..." is do as He does

If you love rather the traditions of man, do something else...

As for circumcision...Abraham was first chosen, blessed, the covenant made, all before he was circumcised...Moses too was chosen given instructions and as an after thought finally cut...many goyim left Egypt and were saved without circumscision...

I have seen tattoos branding and piercings and other body modifications done for fashion only that were more painful...

Besides think about it...circumcision didn't save Israel...or any Israelite in and of

How could an act done to a baby save it?

I might as well support infant

I said
You are the blind leading the blind. You don't support the new testament, you don't support Jesus you don't support Paul. Now you don't support infant baptism.
You are truly evil.


New member
I said
You are the blind leading the blind. You don't support the new testament, you don't support Jesus you don't support Paul. Now you don't support infant baptism.
You are truly evil.

LoL..."follow Me" is the New Testament...Paul affirmed it "with copy me as I copied Christ"...

Did He baptize infants? Anyone? His disciples? Did Paul? NOPE

How papist are you? Lol... Is seperating church from state evil to you too?

Do you also have a prescribed initiation process and procedure? say something like so much time doing this then so many many years that and then you get to advance the next level rank or degree?


LoL..."follow Me" is the New Testament...Paul affirmed it "with copy me as I copied Christ"...

Did He baptize infants? Anyone? His disciples? Did Paul? NOPE

How papist are you? Lol... Is seperating church from state evil to you too?

Do you also have a prescribed initiation process and procedure? say something like so much time doing this then so many many years that and then you get to advance the next level rank or degree?

I said
You really should seek professional help. There is something bad wrong with you.


New member
I said
You really should seek professional help. There is something bad wrong with you.

Oh DO have an initiation of 3 + 11 years program that guarantees proper exercise of authority


I think your obsession with the messanger instead of the message needs attention...

You make attempts at slander rather than addressing the topic...

I never said keeping the Sabbath gets one saved...nor keeps one saved...just like not killing anyone doesn't either...

Mercy rather than what was intended...

It wasn't wrong to try and keep the law as the Pharisees did it just wasn't enough...they didn't accept what it pointed to...Him His grace and mercy...

Matt 5: 20For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

So rather than destroy Law through fulfillment of it...He came to amplify and raise the bar...the standard of if you may...ironic no? Now with Him you learns the Spirit of the Law and begin to learn gratitude and humility in keeping the law in Him...and as He did...unlike the Pharisees and other people like you who would destroy through redid initial what the Law is or is not entirely...

Live and love JUST AS He no Sunday Ham in His "choose whatever day"...but "As I have kept My Father's Law"


Oh DO have an initiation of 3 + 11 years program that guarantees proper exercise of authority


I think your obsession with the messanger instead of the message needs attention...

You make attempts at slander rather than addressing the topic...

I never said keeping the Sabbath gets one saved...nor keeps one saved...just like not killing anyone doesn't either...

Mercy rather than what was intended...

It wasn't wrong to try and keep the law as the Pharisees did it just wasn't enough...they didn't accept what it pointed to...Him His grace and mercy...

Matt 5: 20For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

So rather than destroy Law through fulfillment of it...He came to amplify and raise the bar...the standard of if you may...ironic no? Now with Him you learns the Spirit of the Law and begin to learn gratitude and humility in keeping the law in Him...and as He did...unlike the Pharisees and other people like you who would destroy through redid initial what the Law is or is not entirely...

Live and love JUST AS He no Sunday Ham in His "choose whatever day"...but "As I have kept My Father's Law"

I said
You are evil. You have played both ends against the middle, one end against the other end. You have played the old testament against the new testament. You have played Gods law against Jesus' law. You have played Paul against Jesus. You have played members against members.
You are evil. That is why I still think your a muslim.


New member
I said
You are evil. You have played both ends against the middle, one end against the other end. You have played the old testament against the new testament. You have played Gods law against Jesus' law. You have played Paul against Jesus. You have played members against members.
You are evil. That is why I still think your a muslim.

Accusations without evidence...false witnesses slandering...this is what Paul went through...and Peter warned against...and He predicted "for my Name's sake"

The young ruler asked what he must do to be saved and He answered "keep the commandments" is true He listed some not all...but as you insist if you try and keep one ya gotta keep 'em all...

So well...there ya go...keep 'em all...

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man"

Ironically...Even if the rich young ruler had sold everything and followed Him he would still have kept all of them because He did lol


Accusations without evidence...false witnesses slandering...this is what Paul went through...and Peter warned against...and He predicted "for my Name's sake"

The young ruler asked what he must do to be saved and He answered "keep the commandments" is true He listed some not all...but as you insist if you try and keep one ya gotta keep 'em all...

So well...there ya go...keep 'em all...

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man"

Ironically...Even if the rich young ruler had sold everything and followed Him he would still have kept all of them because He did lol

I said
Ok lets keep this one.

John 10:8-10
8 "All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

That makes you the thief.


Well-known member
Accusations without evidence...false witnesses slandering...this is what Paul went through...and Peter warned against...and He predicted "for my Name's sake"

The young ruler asked what he must do to be saved and He answered "keep the commandments" is true He listed some not all...but as you insist if you try and keep one ya gotta keep 'em all...

So well...there ya go...keep 'em all...

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man"

Ironically...Even if the rich young ruler had sold everything and followed Him he would still have kept all of them because He did lol

I do not Squeaky understands your position.
He seems to be overlooking the verses you quote.

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I do not Squeaky understands your position.
He seems to be overlooking the verses you quote.

Sent from my iPad using TOL

I said
He over looks every answer I give. Because he is not here to learn or to witness. He is here to cause confusion. He won't confess Jesus. He uses Jesus to dispute Paul. He uses the old testament to dispute the new testament. He has no foundation of his arguments. He just wants to keep the argument going. His profile says he is an "other". He finds different points to try to cause separation between us Christians. He is full of guile. And I still think he is a muslim.


Well-known member
I said
He over looks every answer I give. Because he is not here to learn or to witness. He is here to cause confusion. He won't confess Jesus. He uses Jesus to dispute Paul. He uses the old testament to dispute the new testament. He has no foundation of his arguments. He just wants to keep the argument going. His profile says he is an "other". He finds different points to try to cause separation between us Christians. He is full of guile. And I still think he is a muslim.
I at one time went from Baptist to Atheist. It took me a few years of Bible study to convince me that the Bible really does come from God. I understand and agree with the verses he displays. You just see them differently. I do not see him as you do. He is a self thinker, and that is OK.

I am firm believer in keeping the content and spirit of the eternal Ten. Christ kept them so did the early church. What we do we do for him, not us. You are no different friend, your faith was built on your thoughts from scripture. What you do and think is from the heart. No one knows what's in the mind of any person. I see no reason not to trust his intent.

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I at one time went from Baptist to Atheist. It took me a few years of Bible study to convince me that the Bible really does come from God. I understand and agree with the verses he displays. You just see them differently. I do not see him as you do. He is a self thinker, and that is OK.

I am firm believer in keeping the content and spirit of the eternal Ten. Christ kept them so did the early church. What we do we do for him, not us. You are no different friend, your faith was built on your thoughts from scripture. What you do and think is from the heart. No one knows what's in the mind of any person. I see no reason not to trust his intent.

Sent from my A622GL using TheologyOnline mobile app

I said
Even when he says not to keep Jesus' law but to keep Gods law.


They are pretty much Squeak.

Love for God and love for mankind.
That is fulfilling the law. But it must come from the heart. That is what God wants from us.

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I said
He denies Jesus as Lord. I'm really having trouble with your acceptance of him. When I haven't seen one thing that supports Christianity or Jesus.

We are either for Jesus or against Jesus, there is no place for a free thinker.

Matt 12:30
30 "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.
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New member
I said
Ok lets keep this one.

John 10:8-10
8 "All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Abraham Moses EliYah were thieves and robbers?...the other prophets? John the Baptist? LOL

Of course they all spoke of the one true shepherd...and pointed to the only the law does...and notice the sheep heard them and followed them...

Thieves and robbers were those who sought to supplant and replace the one true shepherd...the only one...and they wish to steal away sheep by deception...

but notice the text immediately says the sheep did NOT hear...they heard Moses and EliYah and followed them...

some followed these false shepherds but they were not His sheep...they follow another path another know, choosing whatever whenever as long as they are convinced...

These theives and wolves in sheeps clothing, like you, are the Pharisees that add to the Word and falsely accuse a teaching that the law was changed...

That makes you the thief.

Nope...I wish to follow Him and live JUST AS He did...

How about you? Going the way He did? As He did?


Abraham Moses EliYah were thieves and robbers?...the other prophets? John the Baptist? LOL

Of course they all spoke of the one true shepherd...and pointed to the only the law does...and notice the sheep heard them and followed them...

Thieves and robbers were those who sought to supplant and replace the one true shepherd...the only one...and they wish to steal away sheep by deception...

but notice the text immediately says the sheep did NOT hear...they heard Moses and EliYah and followed them...

some followed these false shepherds but they were not His sheep...they follow another path another know, choosing whatever whenever as long as they are convinced...

These theives and wolves in sheeps clothing, like you, are the Pharisees that add to the Word and falsely accuse a teaching that the law was changed...

Nope...I wish to follow Him and live JUST AS He did...

How about you? Going the way He did? As He did?

I said
Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life???