Paul was sent to the Gentiles, primarily, Oatmeal. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Paul was quite fluent in the OT, a very educated dude. It's readily apparent there would be multiple tongues issues, as in language issues, considering Genesis 10:5 KJV as related to conversion of the Gentiles. So, those who have done Romans 10:9-10 begin the journey, and considering Paul's desire to reach the Gentiles, Paul didn't have time to start language classes. Thus: 1Corinthians 14:5 KJV. Language translation was undoubtedly highly desired by Paul to fulfill his mission. I think Paul was emphasizing the importance and necessity of language translation, but not higher than prophesying. Just because one can translate, doesn't inherently mean one can prophesy via those translations.
Meanwhile, you totally circumvent the origin of the Gentiles via Noah's son, Japheth (Genesis 9:22, 10:1, 2, 3, 4 Genesis 10:5 KJV). Highly likely, such is a new concept in your theology. Nonetheless, I suspect you haven't previously examined the 'meat' of those verses that would confound your rendering of 1Corinthians 14:5 KJV. "Feed my sheep" was a command, that's OT knowledge, and it's not your fault such was evidently unfamiliar to you prior to the rendering of Corinthians you proffer... I've never heard anyone who had interest in the ancestry of the Gentiles... it's just like, they were just there. But, it is your choice to overlook the origin of the Gentiles (Genesis 10:5 KJV) that would confound your rendering of Corinthians being such is a cornerstone, to say the least, in your faith paradigm.
I'm confident you achieved Romans 10:9-10, Oatmeal. I also proffer you got caught up in some self-exalting rendering of Corinthians. So... tell you what, Oatmeal... How about asking the one or ones who led you to your notion of the tongues rendering of Corinthians, just ask them off the cuff: Who is the 'father' of the Gentiles? If their impromptu response isn't Japheth... Houston, we have a problem. You at least owe yourself the resolve, Oatmeal. Whether or not you have the faith to be a Matthew 8:19 KJV, Matthew 8:20 KJV follower of Jesus will be determined in your reaction to their answer. I'll not hold my breath... Your undoubtedly extensive, historical evangelist endeavors focusing on your rendering of Corinthians would involve a LOT of back-paddling. I know from experience, back-paddling isn't always easy. There's a lot of individual humility involved... and, there's not a lot of room for individual humility among tongue speakers.
In most every instance of the believers being filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke in tongues and prophecied.
You have never been filled with the Holy Spirit if you do not understand that.