Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The law has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15, but only for Christians.
For over the 100th time, Pate: if there is no longer a law, by which sin/transgression, is defined, and thus a sin debt incurred by us, how can Christ......

Die for our sins/sin debt?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
ANSWR, Pate:How can Christ die for your/our sins, our sin debt, if the law was deleted, eliminated,destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago, and thus there is no transgression, sin debt, since there is no law. Go ahead, spammer, Tell, all of TOL. And tell all of TOL, why Christ died for our sin debt,and, again, how is that possible, since there is no law, according to your magic wand sorcery, deleting it, which spells out, defines, sin. Tell us how you commit sins/transgressions, which you admit that you do, if, as you say, there is no more holy, good, spiritual law of God, that defines, marks them, as such.


2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV

to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

Colossians 2:13 KJV

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

You won't, after years of being asked this, by myself, numerous members of the boc-just more copy'npaste, word-for-word spam, posting verses in isolation, deleting hundreds of verses, with no explanation, and marking everyone on TOL, as not having the Holy Spirit, since they disagree, and despise, your satanic assertion, and blustering that you are the only one that preaches "the Gospel," and believes the bible, on this site.

Deceiver, rejecting that Christ died for our sins.

Tell us Pate-HOW CAN CHRIST DIE FOR OUR/YOUR SINS/SIN DEBT, if there is no holy law of God defining sin, and thus there can be no sin debt?

As I have stated, over, and over, again-Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.As I/musty/others, have pointed out, continually, he just ignores challenges to his argument, and instead, "human reasoning"s our rebuttal, with "Well, If Jesus did not .......Who did he do it for?," posts verse in isolation, never "connecting the dots,"redefines biblical words, spams false , insane false dichotomies, such as, "Well, if the law exists, then everyone is under it, subject to it, and we cannot keep it, so it must destroyed...," and "closes" his spam, by asserting that anyone that disagrees with him, does not have the Holy Spirit, and that no one on TOL, except himself, preaches justification by faith alone(despite him preaching "vicarious law keeping"), and not many on TOL believe the bible, "obviously," as he does, despite him believing "The Reader's Digest Condensed Bible," as he attempt, on record, to delete 3/4 of it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How do you conclude that death and the devil is destroyed?

1 Corinthians 15:54 KJV
(54) So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

Revelation 12:12 KJV
(12) Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Did we miss the resurrection and Christ's return? Because Paul says that death continues to reign until the resurrection, and Revelation tells us that the devil still has time before he is finally destroyed.

Have you not read "Pate-ianity For The Modern Age?"

Robert Pate

Well-known member
ANSWR, Pate:How can Christ die for your/our sins, our sin debt, if the law was deleted, eliminated,destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago, and thus there is no transgression, sin debt, since there is no law. Go ahead, spammer, Tell, all of TOL. And tell all of TOL, why Christ died for our sin debt,and, again, how is that possible, since there is no law, according to your magic wand sorcery, deleting it, which spells out, defines, sin. Tell us how you commit sins/transgressions, which you admit that you do, if, as you say, there is no more holy, good, spiritual law of God, that defines, marks them, as such.


2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV

to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

Colossians 2:13 KJV

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

You won't, after years of being asked this, by myself, numerous members of the boc-just more copy'npaste, word-for-word spam, posting verses in isolation, deleting hundreds of verses, with no explanation, and marking everyone on TOL, as not having the Holy Spirit, since they disagree, and despise, your satanic assertion, and blustering that you are the only one that preaches "the Gospel," and believes the bible, on this site.

Deceiver, rejecting that Christ died for our sins.

Tell us Pate-HOW CAN CHRIST DIE FOR OUR/YOUR SINS/SIN DEBT, if there is no holy law of God defining sin, and thus there can be no sin debt?

As I have stated, over, and over, again-Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.As I/musty/others, have pointed out, continually, he just ignores challenges to his argument, and instead, "human reasoning"s our rebuttal, with "Well, If Jesus did not .......Who did he do it for?," posts verse in isolation, never "connecting the dots,"redefines biblical words, spams false , insane false dichotomies, such as, "Well, if the law exists, then everyone is under it, subject to it, and we cannot keep it, so it must destroyed...," and "closes" his spam, by asserting that anyone that disagrees with him, does not have the Holy Spirit, and that no one on TOL, except himself, preaches justification by faith alone(despite him preaching "vicarious law keeping"), and not many on TOL believe the bible, "obviously," as he does, despite him believing "The Reader's Digest Condensed Bible," as he attempt, on record, to delete 3/4 of it.

If you have come on this Forum to learn the truth about Christ and his Gospel you are out of luck. All of the Christians that were on this Forum have left and are still leaving. I am one of the last ones.

John W. by his own admission is not a Christian. He does not believe that Jesus vicariously kept the law for us. Let's look at the word "vicarious"

VICARIOUS: 1. Made or performed by substitution; suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice. 2. Enjoyed, felt, etc., as a result of his imagined participation in an experience not his own: vicarious gratification. 3. Filling an office for another. (source, Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary)

Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification. Jesus was not only God with us, Jesus was also God for us.

Jesus was God's new Adam and our new Humanity. His mission was to come into the world as our substitute and representative and vicariously undo all that the first Adam did. The first Adam brings sin and corruption the new Adam brings hope, life and salvation, Romans 5:18.

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Did Jesus fulfill the law for us? Matthew 5:18, of course he did, we would not be able to be saved if Jesus had not fulfilled and abolished the law for us. Listen to what Paul wrote.

"But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held: that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter (law) Romans 7:6.

Those that live by laws, rules and religion are living by the oldness of the letter (law). John W. and others on this Forum have not been born again by the word of God, which is the Gospel.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, (the old Adam) but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, (which is the Gospel) which lives and abides forever" 1 Peter 1:23.

They are still in their natural state, which makes it impossible for them to hear and believe the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 2:14.

When Jesus lived we vicariously lived in him.

When Jesus fulfilled the law, we vicariously fulfilled the law in him.

When Jesus abolished the law, we vicariously abolished the law in him.

When Jesus died on the cross, we vicariously died with him.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, we vicariously ascended with him.

When Jesus was welcomed back into heaven, We were vicariously accepted in him.

This is the Gospel, this is the way that we are saved and justified. Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did, was for our salvation and justification. Jesus is our savior and justifier, Romans 3:26.

Faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus is our ticket to heaven and eternal life. Satan opposes the Gospel, he does not want you to trust and believe in Jesus for your salvation. Beware of those that teach that the vicarious life, death, and resurrection of Jesus does not save you. They are the devils disciples.

I will not be on the Forum for awhile as I have house guests to entertain.

Right Divider

Body part
In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Did Jesus fulfill the law for us? Matthew 5:18, of course he did, we would not be able to be saved if Jesus had not fulfilled and abolished the law for us. Listen to what Paul wrote.
Note for the millionth time, that your falsehood does NOT become true because you repeat it ad nauseam or that you believe it.

Quit ABUSING Matthew 5, it does NOT say what you claim that it says.

NOWHERE in Matthew 5 does is say that Jesus "kept the law for us". What it DOES say is that Jesus was fulfilling the things that were written in the law AND THE PROPHETS.

Practically everything that Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew - John comes from those books.

For example, the "Sermon on the Mount" is taken mostly from Isaiah 61 and other similar chapters.

Your "great understanding" of the Bible is not great at all. It is confused.

P.S. Jesus was NOT righteous because He kept the law. He kept the law because He was righteous.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you have come on this Forum to learn the truth about Christ and his Gospel you are out of luck. All of the Christians that were on this Forum have left and are still leaving. I am one of the last ones.

Observe, again, the satanic blustering, of this wolf.
John W. by his own admission is not a Christian.
No, that would be you, and your father the devil's assertion.
He does not believe that Jesus vicariously kept the law for us.

Correct-no member of the boc asserts, satanically, that the Lord Jesus Christ, became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, demon, as that is not the righteousness of God, but the righteousness of the law, meaning Christ died for no reason.

='Pate-ianity''s satanic "vicarious law keeping,"from the pits of hell

Let's look at the word "vicarious"

VICARIOUS: 1. Made or performed by substitution; suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice. 2. Enjoyed, felt, etc., as a result of his imagined participation in an experience not his own: vicarious gratification. 3. Filling an office for another. (source, Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary)
=Thus, I, Pate, since I defined vicarious, that means that Christ became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, as I reject the righteousness of God,apart from the law, but assert that the righteousness of the law justifies us, meaning Christ died for no reason.

"suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice."

Substitution, as the satisfactory sacrifice, the "lamb without blemish," called "propitiation," as you've been shown by myself/others, for years, deceiver-not so as the Saviour's "walk in the law," is substituted for our own, as that is righteousness by the law, a doctrine of demons, demon.

Why did Christ die, suffer, Pate?


Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification.
Jesus was not only God with us, Jesus was also God for us.

Yes, but not for the demonic reasons you assert, i.e, his baptism, keeping the feasts, the Sabbath,..........................................................=all requirements of the law, are imputed/credited to us=the righteousness of the law.
Pate: :"Jesus" slept for us, ate for us, showered for us,.........................

No scripture says that-you made it up, winged it, as usual.

Tell us why Christ died, Pate.
Jesus was God's new Adam and our new Humanity.

You lied again, as no scripture says that, as you deleted "last Adam," substituting your "new Adam" deception.
That is part of your satanic MO on TOL-deleting words, adding your own "Pate-ianity" words, devil child, like your father the devil taught you.

His mission was to come into the world as our substitute and representative and vicariously undo all that the first Adam did.

Once again, Pate asserts that His mission was not to die for our sins/sin debt, but to have his walk in the law, substituted for ours, the righteousness of the law, and then destroy the law, so that there is no sin debt for which He died, meaning Pate, on record, again asserts that Christ died for NADA.

Why did Christ suffer, and die, Pate? To die for our sins? Say it. Go ahead. You've yet to say that. And, if you do, how can that be possible, Pate, as I/others have asked? Died for your sins you commit now? How so? According to you, the law that defines sin, and the resulting sin debt, was destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago.


The first Adam brings sin and corruption the new Adam brings hope, life and salvation, Romans 5:18.
You lied again, with this New Adam" "substitution." Why, Pate?

VICARIOUS: 1. Made or performed by substitution; suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice. 2. Enjoyed, felt, etc., as a result of his imagined participation in an experience not his own: vicarious gratification. 3. Filling an office for another. (source, Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary)

=Thus, I, Pate, sine I defined vicarious, that means that Christ became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, as I reject the righteousness of God,apart from the law, but assert that the righteousness of the law justifies us, meaning Christ died for no reason.

"suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice."

Substitution, as the satisfactory sacrifice, the "lamb without blemish," called "propitiation," as you've been shown by myself/others, for years, deceiver-not so as the Saviour's "walk in the law," is substituted for our own, as that is righteousness by the law, a doctrine of demons, demon.

Why did Christ die, suffer, Pate?

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30.

Correct. And? But we are not justified, sanctified, redeemed, via "vicarious law keeping," as you satanically suggest, nor are we justified, sanctified, redeemed, because there is no longer any law that results in us incurring a sin debt, as you satanically assert, the law being destroyed/made void; we are reconciled by His death, justified by His resurrected, life. You deny that Christ died for our sins.

Did Jesus fulfill the law for us? Matthew 5:18, of course he did, we would not be able to be saved if Jesus had not fulfilled and abolished the law for us.
Yes, but not for the satanic reasons you assert, i.e., "vicarious law keeping," righteousness by the law, and because there is no longer any law that results in us incurring a sin debt, as you satanically assert, and that Christ did not die for our sin debt, but His mission was to die to destroy the law=satanic.

Listen to what Paul wrote.

"But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held: that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter (law) Romans 7:6.

Translation: Watch how I, deceiver Pate, quote/spam verses in isolation, and muse, "See...Paul says the law was made void, destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pate's demonic "logic:" If the law exists, you are under it, subject to it. Thus, destroy the law, make it void, so that Christ not need die for our sin debt, and thus we are not under the law, since it no longer exists! Thus, Pate'S "good news," is not that Christ died for our sin debt; nea, he asserts,"logics," that if there is no law, there is no transgression/sin, and resulting sin debt, for which He must die.

Those that live by laws, rules and religion are living by the oldness of the letter (law). John W. and others on this Forum have not been born again by the word of God, which is the Gospel.

Tell us why you delete "Christ died for our sins," as outline in the gospel of Christ-1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV

Pate's demonic "logic:" If the law exists, John W., others,are under it, subject to it. Thus, destroy the law, make it void, so that Christ not need die for our sin debt, and thus we are not under the law, since it no longer exists! Thus, Pate'S "good news," is not that Christ died for our sin debt; nea, he asserts,"logics," devilish "reasons," that if there is no law, there is no transgression/sin, and resulting sin debt, for which Christ must die.

Why did Christ suffer, die, Pate?

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, (the old Adam) but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, (which is the Gospel) which lives and abides forever" 1 Peter 1:23.

They are still in their natural state, which makes it impossible for them to hear and believe the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 2:14.

And-posting isolated verses does nothing for your satanic assertions.

When Jesus lived we vicariously lived in him.

Another dementia driven "Pate-ism," he made up-no scripture says that, nor imply it.

When Jesus fulfilled the law, we vicariously fulfilled the law in him.

=again, his satanic assertion that the Lord Jesus Christ, became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, which is not the righteousness of God, but the righteousness of the law, meaning Christ died for no reason.

When Jesus abolished the law, we vicariously abolished the law in him.

No scripture asserts that the Lord Jesus Christ came to abolish the law, and make it void, as you assert that the Lord Jesus Christ and Paul taught, you filthy demon.
When Jesus died on the cross, we vicariously died with him.

True, but irrelevant to your assertion that the Lord Jesus Christ, became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, which is not the righteousness of God, but the righteousness of the law, meaning Christ died for no reason.

Why did Christ suffer, die, Pate?

When Jesus ascended into heaven, we vicariously ascended with him.

When Jesus was welcomed back into heaven, We were vicariously accepted in him.

True, but irrelevant to your assertion that the Lord Jesus Christ, became righteous, by keeping the law, as our substitute, so that the law is imputed to us, which is not the righteousness of God, but the righteousness of the law, meaning Christ died for no reason.

This is the Gospel, this is the way that we are saved and justified.
No, you pervert the gospel of Christ, asserting that the"good news" is that He came not to die for our sins/sin debt, but to have his walk in the law, substituted for ours, the righteousness of the law, and then destroy the law, so that there is no sin debt for which He died, meaning Pate, on record, again asserts that Christ died for NADA.

Why did Christ suffer, and die, Pate? To die for our sins? Say it. Go ahead. You've yet to say that. And, if you do, how can that be possible, Pate, as I/others have asked? Died for your sins you commit now? How so? According to you, the law that defines sin, and the resulting sin debt, was destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago.

Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did, was for our salvation and justification. Jesus is our savior and justifier, Romans 3:26.

Faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus is our ticket to heaven and eternal life. Satan opposes the Gospel, he does not want you to trust and believe in Jesus for your salvation. Beware of those that teach that the vicarious life, death, and resurrection of Jesus does not save you. They are the devils disciples.

No, you just make things up, change the subject, and you pervert the gospel of Christ, asserting that the"good news" is that He came not to die for our sins/sin debt, but to have his walk in the law, substituted for ours, the righteousness of the law, and then destroy the law, so that there is no sin debt for which He died, meaning Pate, on record, again asserts that Christ died for NADA.
Faith in......the dying of Jesus..

Why did Christ suffer, and die, Pate? To die for our sins? Say it. Go ahead. You've yet to say that. And, if you do, how can that be possible, Pate, as I.others have asked? Died for your sins you commit now? How so? According to you, the law that defines sin, and the resulting sin debt, was destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago.
Last edited:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you have come on this Forum to learn the truth about Christ and his Gospel you are out of luck. All of the Christians that were on this Forum have left and are still leaving. I am one of the last ones.

John W. by his own admission is not a Christian. He does not believe that Jesus vicariously kept the law for us. Let's look at the word "vicarious"

VICARIOUS: 1. Made or performed by substitution; suffered or done in the place of another; a vicarious sacrifice. 2. Enjoyed, felt, etc., as a result of his imagined participation in an experience not his own: vicarious gratification. 3. Filling an office for another. (source, Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary)

Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification. Jesus was not only God with us, Jesus was also God for us.

Jesus was God's new Adam and our new Humanity. His mission was to come into the world as our substitute and representative and vicariously undo all that the first Adam did. The first Adam brings sin and corruption the new Adam brings hope, life and salvation, Romans 5:18.

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Did Jesus fulfill the law for us? Matthew 5:18, of course he did, we would not be able to be saved if Jesus had not fulfilled and abolished the law for us. Listen to what Paul wrote.

"But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held: that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter (law) Romans 7:6.

Those that live by laws, rules and religion are living by the oldness of the letter (law). John W. and others on this Forum have not been born again by the word of God, which is the Gospel.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, (the old Adam) but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, (which is the Gospel) which lives and abides forever" 1 Peter 1:23.

They are still in their natural state, which makes it impossible for them to hear and believe the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 2:14.

When Jesus lived we vicariously lived in him.

When Jesus fulfilled the law, we vicariously fulfilled the law in him.

When Jesus abolished the law, we vicariously abolished the law in him.

When Jesus died on the cross, we vicariously died with him.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, we vicariously ascended with him.

When Jesus was welcomed back into heaven, We were vicariously accepted in him.

This is the Gospel, this is the way that we are saved and justified. Everything that Jesus was and everything that Jesus did, was for our salvation and justification. Jesus is our savior and justifier, Romans 3:26.

Faith in the doing and the dying of Jesus is our ticket to heaven and eternal life. Satan opposes the Gospel, he does not want you to trust and believe in Jesus for your salvation. Beware of those that teach that the vicarious life, death, and resurrection of Jesus does not save you. They are the devils disciples.

I will not be on the Forum for awhile as I have house guests to entertain.

Witness, again, the continued evasion, side stepping, as Pate refuse to address my/others' challenges, to his argument, as he will not answer:

How can Christ die for your/our sins, our sin debt, if the law was deleted, eliminated,destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago, and thus there is no transgression, sin debt, since there is no law. Go ahead, spammer, Tell, all of TOL. And tell all of TOL, why Christ died for our sin debt,and, again, how is that possible, since there is no law, according to your magic wand sorcery, deleting it, which spells out, defines, sin. Tell us how you commit sins/transgressions, which you admit that you do, if, as you say, there is no more holy, good, spiritual law of God, that defines, marks them, as such.


2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV

to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

Colossians 2:13 KJV

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

You won't, after years of being asked this, by myself, numerous members of the boc-just more copy'npaste, word-for-word spam, posting verses in isolation, deleting hundreds of verses, with no explanation, and marking everyone on TOL, as not having the Holy Spirit, since they disagree, and despise, your satanic assertion, and blustering that you are the only one that preaches "the Gospel," and believes the bible, on this site.

Deceiver, rejecting that Christ died for our sins.

Tell us Pate-HOW CAN CHRIST DIE FOR OUR/YOUR SINS/SIN DEBT, if there is no holy law of God defining sin, and thus there can be no sin debt?

As I have stated, over, and over, again-Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.As I/musty/others, have pointed out, continually, he just ignores challenges to his argument, and instead, "human reasoning"s our rebuttal, with "Well, If Jesus did not .......Who did he do it for?," posts verse in isolation, never "connecting the dots,"redefines biblical words, spams false , insane false dichotomies, such as, "Well, if the law exists, then everyone is under it, subject to it, and we cannot keep it, so it must destroyed...," and "closes" his spam, by asserting that anyone that disagrees with him, does not have the Holy Spirit, and that no one on TOL, except himself, preaches justification by faith alone(despite him preaching "vicarious law keeping"), and not many on TOL believe the bible, "obviously," as he does, despite him believing "The Reader's Digest Condensed Bible," as he attempt, on record, to delete 3/4 of it.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All of my house guests took off to the mall to buy Christmas presents. I have a few minutes to refute this religious reprobate. In the old days there would have several Gospel loving Christians that would have joined with me to refute John W. Unfortunately they have all left this Forum.

If Jesus had not fulfilled the law and abolished it no one could be saved. Where there is law there is judgment and condemnation.

"There is therefore no condemnation to them to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" Romans 8:1.

There is no condemnation because there is no law, it has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15 also Colossians 2:14. One of the reasons that Jesus abolished the law is because the law promotes sin, Romans 7:7-11. Where there is no law there is no sin. This is why Paul said...

"Knowing this, that the law is not made for the righteous man, but for the lawless and the disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers' 1 Timothy 1:9.

If you are one of the above then you need the law, but the righteous Christian does not need the law. A good son does not need to be told what to do. He is indwelt with the Holy Spirit that is his teacher and his guide, John 16:13-15. He lives by faith and not by rules, laws and religion, Romans 1:17.

The religious reprobates, like John W. and others need the law. The law is their Jesus. This is why they cannot accept the fact that the law has been abolished. The law is there everything. The Pharisees said that the law was the way, the truth, and the life and that it was the light that enlightens every man. The apostle John took what the Jews said about the law and applied it to Jesus, John 14:6.


Well-known member
Notice he hasn't told us when Christ accomplished the work.

Know why he won't? Here's a clue:

Originally Posted by Robert Pate

Jesus was not Lord until he defeated sin, death and the devil, Acts 2:36.

Know what that means?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All of my house guests took off to the mall to buy Christmas presents. I have a few minutes to refute this religious reprobate. In the old days there would have several Gospel loving Christians that would have joined with me to refute John W. Unfortunately they have all left this Forum.
=word-for-word copy'paste spam.

If Jesus had not fulfilled the law and abolished it no one could be saved. Where there is law there is judgment and condemnation.

=abolishing the the law saves, not Christ dying for our sins.

He admits it again.

Why did Christ die for our sins, Pate?

Pate: If there is no law, there is no judgment and condemnation; thus the cross was unnecessary.

"Pate-ianity:" Destroy the law, make it void, so that we cannot be condemned, judged, for breaking a law, committing a transgression, sin, resulting in a sin debt=not that Christ died for our sins/sin debt, He taking the judgment/ condemnation, in our place, for transgressing His own good, holy, spiritual law.

This is "Pate-ianity"'s satanic argument, solution, to the sin/sins problem-not that Christ died for our sin debt, in our place, taking the penalty in our stead, being condemned, judged, in our place, but eliminating the law, so that there is no judgment/condemnation possible, as their is no sin debt to be paid for,no judgment/condemnation..

How can Christ die for your/our sins, our sin debt, if the law was deleted, eliminated,destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago, and thus there is no transgression, sin debt, since there is no law. Go ahead, spammer, Tell, all of TOL. And tell all of TOL, why Christ died for our sin debt,and, again, how is that possible, since there is no law, according to your magic wand sorcery, deleting it, which spells out, defines, sin. Tell us how you commit sins/transgressions, which you admit that you do, if, as you say, there is no more holy, good, spiritual law of God, that defines, marks them, as such.


"There is therefore no condemnation to them to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" Romans 8:1.

Pate: We are in Christ Jesus, because his walk in the law is credited to us, as we are imputed the righteousness of the law, just as "Jesus" obtained His righteousness, and because there is no law any more, as God destroyed it, made it void, and we cannot be judged/condemned, by a non existing law, and thus no sin debt can be incurred, and we are not saved because Christ died for our sin debt-there is none.

Why did Christ suffer, die, Pate?
There is no condemnation because there is no law, it has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15 also Colossians 2:14.

ON RECORD-AGAIN-Pate: We are not condemned, because there is no law any more, as God destroyed it, made it void, and we cannot be judged/condemned, by a non existing law, and thus no sin debt can be incurred, and we are not saved because Christ died for our sin debt-there is none.
One of the reasons that Jesus abolished the law is because the law promotes sin, Romans 7:7-11.

No, the Lord Jesus Christ did not abolish the law, make it void, as you also said Paul says, and is going to send you to hell, for satanically stating, misinterpreting the verse, that the law makes you sin, and you saying that it is not good, not spiritual, not holy.

Where there is no law there is no sin. 14:6.
No sin, liar? Then how can Christ die for your sins, in the future that you commit, if the law defining said sins/sin debt, was destroyed 2000+ years ago, Pate? You say you are a sinner, Pate? You commit sins, do you, Pate? How is that- "Where there is no law there is no sin

Witness, again, the continued evasion, side stepping, as Pate refuse to address my/others' challenges, to his argument, as he will not answer:

How can Christ die for your/our sins, our sin debt, if the law was deleted, eliminated,destroyed, made void, 2000+ years ago, and thus there is no transgression, sin debt, since there is no law. Go ahead, spammer, Tell, all of TOL. And tell all of TOL, why Christ died for our sin debt,and, again, how is that possible, since there is no law, according to your magic wand sorcery, deleting it, which spells out, defines, sin. Tell us how you commit sins/transgressions, which you admit that you do, if, as you say, there is no more holy, good, spiritual law of God, that defines, marks them, as such.


2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV

to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

Colossians 2:13 KJV

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Go ahead, Pate-tell us how we/you have trespasses, "their trespasses," "post cross," if there can be no trespasses, since their is no law, as it was destroyed, according to you, 2000+ years ago, at the cross, defining trespasses/sins/sin debt.

You won't, after years of being asked this, by myself, numerous members of the boc-just more copy'npaste, word-for-word spam, posting verses in isolation, deleting hundreds of verses, with no explanation, and marking everyone on TOL, as not having the Holy Spirit, since they disagree, and despise, your satanic assertion, and blustering that you are the only one that preaches "the Gospel," and believes the bible, on this site.

Deceiver, rejecting that Christ died for our sins.

Tell us Pate-HOW CAN CHRIST DIE FOR OUR/YOUR SINS/SIN DEBT, if there is no holy law of God defining sin, and thus there can be no sin debt?

As I have stated, over, and over, again-Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.As I/musty/others, have pointed out, continually, he just ignores challenges to his argument, and instead, "human reasoning"s our rebuttal, with "Well, If Jesus did not .......Who did he do it for?," posts verse in isolation, never "connecting the dots,"redefines biblical words, spams false , insane false dichotomies, such as, "Well, if the law exists, then everyone is under it, subject to it, and we cannot keep it, so it must destroyed...," and "closes" his spam, by asserting that anyone that disagrees with him, does not have the Holy Spirit, and that no one on TOL, except himself, preaches justification by faith alone(despite him preaching "vicarious law keeping"), and not many on TOL believe the bible, "obviously," as he does, despite him believing "The Reader's Digest Condensed Bible," as he attempt, on record, to delete 3/4 of it.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
In a "nut shell:"

where there is law there is judgment and condemnation.

=abolishing the the law saves, not Christ dying for our sins.

=the solution to judgment/condemnation,according to Pate, by His own words, is not Christ bearing it for us, in our place, as a substitute, but eliminate the law, so that there is no judgment/condemnation, charged to anyone.

It is that simple. And this is why he will not go on record, and tell us why Christ died for our sins-HE REJECTS IT.

Why did Christ die for our sins, Pate?

Pate: If there is no law, there is no judgment and condemnation; thus the cross was unnecessary, as no sin debt is incurred.

"Pate-ianity:" Destroy the law, make it void, so that we cannot be condemned, judged, for breaking a law, committing a transgression, sin, resulting in a sin debt=not that Christ died for our sins/sin debt, He taking the judgment/ condemnation,we deserved, in our place, for transgressing His own good, holy, spiritual law.

This is "Pate-ianity"'s satanic argument, solution, to the sin/sins problem-not that Christ died for our sin debt, in our place, taking the penalty in our stead, being condemned, judged, in our place, but eliminating the law, so that there is no judgment/condemnation possible, as their is no sin debt to be paid for,no judgment/condemnation..
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He won't touch it with a ten meter cattle prod.

Be forewarned, musty, as Pate's spam of judgment/condemnation of us as not "having evidence of the Holy Spirit," since we challenge his "Pate-ianity,"as he downs another "spirit" of Jack Daniels, of us not preaching "The gospel" of Pate, that allegedly Paul preached, as he is the only one that does, on TOL, and the only one that believes the bible, on TOL, looms......

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Be forewarned, musty, as Pate's spam of judgment/condemnation of us as not "having evidence of the Holy Spirit," since we challenge his "Pate-ianity,"as he downs another "spirit" of Jack Daniels, of us not preaching "The gospel" of Pate, that allegedly Paul preached, as he is the only one that does, on TOL, and the only one that believes the bible, on TOL, looms......

I am going to answer this religious reprobates post for the sake of others. He is beyond hope. Reprobates cannot hear or understand the Gospel. They have been cut off. the Holy Spirit has given up on them. They hear but they cannot understand. Only those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit can hear, believe and understand the Gospel.

All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did is for our salvation and justification.

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10. There is nothing that anyone can do to make themselves more holy than what God has made them in Jesus Christ.

Listen to what Paul says and not the reprobates.

"For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3.

God sees the Christian as perfect and complete in his Son Jesus Christ. If this is true, which it is, then who needs the law? If God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ", then why do we need to be concerned about sin?

Those that believe the Gospel have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. This is proof that they are Christians. They are no longer trying to be good enough, they believe that they are already perfect and complete "In Christ". Few there be that believe that, because like Jesus said, "Few there be that Find it" Matthew 7:14

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am going to answer this religious reprobates post for the sake of others. He is beyond hope. Reprobates cannot hear or understand the Gospel. They have been cut off. the Holy Spirit has given up on them. They hear but they cannot understand. Only those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit can hear, believe and understand the Gospel.

All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did is for our salvation and justification.

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10. There is nothing that anyone can do to make themselves more holy than what God has made them in Jesus Christ.

Listen to what Paul says and not the reprobates.

"For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3.

God sees the Christian as perfect and complete in his Son Jesus Christ. If this is true, which it is, then who needs the law? If God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ", then why do we need to be concerned about sin?

Those that believe the Gospel have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. This is proof that they are Christians. They are no longer trying to be good enough, they believe that they are already perfect and complete "In Christ". Few there be that believe that, because like Jesus said, "Few there be that Find it" Matthew 7:14

Copy'npaste spam.

Answer-Why did Christ die for our sins, Pate, as I/others, have asked you, for years, and when was it accomplished, as musty has asked you, over, and over?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am going to answer this religious reprobates post for the sake of others. He is beyond hope. Reprobates cannot hear or understand the Gospel. They have been cut off. the Holy Spirit has given up on them. They hear but they cannot understand. Only those that are indwelt with the Holy Spirit can hear, believe and understand the Gospel.

All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did is for our salvation and justification.

In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10. There is nothing that anyone can do to make themselves more holy than what God has made them in Jesus Christ.

Listen to what Paul says and not the reprobates.

"For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3.

God sees the Christian as perfect and complete in his Son Jesus Christ. If this is true, which it is, then who needs the law? If God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ", then why do we need to be concerned about sin?

Those that believe the Gospel have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. This is proof that they are Christians. They are no longer trying to be good enough, they believe that they are already perfect and complete "In Christ". Few there be that believe that, because like Jesus said, "Few there be that Find it" Matthew 7:14
In a "nut shell:"

where there is law there is judgment and condemnation.

=abolishing the the law saves, not Christ dying for our sins.

=the solution to judgment/condemnation,according to Pate, by His own words, is not Christ bearing it for us, in our place, as a substitute, but eliminate the law, so that there is no judgment/condemnation, charged to anyone.

It is that simple. And this is why he will not go on record, and tell us why Christ died for our sins-HE REJECTS IT.

Why did Christ die for our sins, Pate?

Pate: If there is no law, there is no judgment and condemnation; thus the cross was unnecessary, as no sin debt is incurred.

"Pate-ianity:" Destroy the law, make it void, so that we cannot be condemned, judged, for breaking a law, committing a transgression, sin, resulting in a sin debt=not that Christ died for our sins/sin debt, He taking the judgment/ condemnation,we deserved, in our place, for transgressing His own good, holy, spiritual law.

This is "Pate-ianity"'s satanic argument, solution, to the sin/sins problem-not that Christ died for our sin debt, in our place, taking the penalty in our stead, being condemned, judged, in our place, but eliminating the law, so that there is no judgment/condemnation possible, as their is no sin debt to be paid for,no judgment/condemnation..