Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


TOL Subscriber
The latest information is the audio from an eyewitness video of the event. It clearly indicates that Brown (who had robbed the convenience store) had run from the police vehicle encounter, but then turned to bull-rush the officers. The officer fired and kept firing when Brown wouldn't go down, presuming the possiblity of him being on PCP, etc.

I'm no fan of the current epidemic of police brutality and gross misconduct, but the evidence is that Brown was a thug and felon who was also aggressive toward police officers in a manner that warranted deadly force.

The Berean

Well-known member
Yeah, I tend to be skeptical of the cops, if for no other reason (there are other reasons) than the fact that they are known to often cover up for each other and that they can get away with lying while you cannot.

If your version is correct, it may have been justified, but as a default I assume that that isn't the case.

I prefer to wait until more details are discovered. :think: A young man is dead there should be a thorough and detailed investigation. If the police officer shot Michael Brown while Brown had his hands up then that is murder and the officer should got rot in prison the rest of his life.

The Berean

Well-known member
The latest information is the audio from an eyewitness video of the event. It clearly indicates that Brown (who had robbed the convenience store) had run from the police vehicle encounter, but then turned to bull-rush the officers. The officer fired and kept firing when Brown wouldn't go down, presuming the possiblity of him being on PCP, etc.

I'm no fan of the current epidemic of police brutality and gross misconduct, but the evidence is that Brown was a thug and felon who was also aggressive toward police officers in a manner that warranted deadly force.

I'm not aware that Brown had any felony convictions. Also the police officer who shot Brown was not aware that Brown had robbed the convenience store. The police chief had made this clear. But if the audio is accurate then it looks like the officer was justified in shooting Brown. It seems that Brown perhaps thought the police were already after him about the robbery?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I prefer to wait until more details are discovered. :think: A young man is dead there should be a thorough and detailed investigation. If the police officer shot Michael Brown while Brown had his hands up then that is murder and the officer should got rot in prison the rest of his life.

That's fine, but realize again that cops cover up for their own and will likely lie about what they find. It happens all the time. I don't trust the government to police its own.

Tax evaders and marijuana users rot in prison while the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas on tape walk free. That's the "land of the fre" for you:rolleyes:


TOL Subscriber
I'm not aware that Brown had any felony convictions. Also the police officer who shot Brown was not aware that Brown had robbed the convenience store. The police chief had made this clear. But if the audio is accurate then it looks like the officer was justified in shooting Brown. It seems that Brown perhaps thought the police were already after him about the robbery?

Yes, that's the context in which I meant "felon", as the static fact based on the robbery rather than a criminal record or any knowledge of the situation by the officer(s).

I'm also disturbed by Holder and Obama intentionally attempting to withhold the robbery footage to keep the situation escalated and the facts obscured.


TOL Subscriber
That's fine, but realize again that cops cover up for their own and will likely lie about what they find. It happens all the time. I don't trust the government to police its own.

Tax evaders and marijuana users rot in prison while the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas on tape walk free. That's the "land of the fre" for you:rolleyes:

Make no mistake... As of dark tonight, the police are taking advantage of the likelihood that Brown was being the aggressor. They've shut off the lights and donned night goggles along with the militarized added jurisdictional help, and they've gassed several in the last few hours.

Even when the police aren't guilty inititally, they very often are eventually. And in spades. (Pun intended, to provoke accusation.)

Of several sources for this same released info...
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
On the issue of the moment, it's looking better for the officer from what I'm hearing about the audio. Looks like it might be one of those old, "They're onto me" when they really aren't moments gone bad.

Nobody really cares about your obsession with a two year old argument.
Since when do you speak for everybody? I mean you're having a hard enough time trying to remember who you're talking as... And it's not an obsession, just a context. One you invited further discussion on in this thread.

With your immoral positions on homosexuality,
It's a sin. That's not an immoral position to take. It can't be prosecuted as a crime within the context of our laws. Nothing immoral about being rational or educated.

Now denying the divinity of Christ and contradicting you might want to put that stone down carefully and run, like you have from that context (and shame on you for letting THall take the fall for it...or whoever).

and perpetual lies and compulsions
Nope and nope, which is why you don't cite, quote or illustrate.

Christ's Word

New member
That's fine, but realize again that cops cover up for their own and will likely lie about what they find. It happens all the time. I don't trust the government to police its own.

Tax evaders and marijuana users rot in prison while the cops who murdered Kelly Thomas on tape walk free. That's the "land of the fre" for you:rolleyes:

I would not jump to conclusions on this deal. My husband got a hold of a cell phone video, where someone was speaking to another person on scene trying to describe what just happened. You can hear the voices in the background as the video shows Brown lying motionless in the street. The voice said something like, "the cop shot at him and missed, and he kept coming at him and coming until the cop finally got him in the chest and then in the face and he went down".

Now I am paraphrasing what I remember, because it was actually in ebonics, and I am trying to translate and make sense of the broken english, but the gist of the matter is that Brown was charging the officer in a relentless way. IF this is true, and there are no bullets in Brown's back, this is good for the officer and horrible for the citizens of St. Louis, expect more rioting and the rage expressed to increase.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I would not jump to conclusions on this deal. My husband got a hold of a cell phone video, where someone was speaking to another person on scene trying to describe what just happened. You can hear the voices in the background as the video shows Brown lying motionless in the street. The voice said something like, "the cop shot at him and missed, and he kept coming at him and coming until the cop finally got him in the chest and then in the face and he went down".

Now I am paraphrasing what I remember, because it was actually in ebonics, and I am trying to translate and make sense of the broken english, but the gist of the matter is that Brown was charging the officer in a relentless way. IF this is true, and there are no bullets in Brown's back, this is good for the officer and horrible for the citizens of St. Louis, expect more rioting and the rage expressed to increase.

Post #266

Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.

Christ's Word

New member
On the issue of the moment, it's looking better for the officer from what I'm hearing about the audio. Looks like it might be one of those old, "They're onto me" when they really aren't moments gone bad.

Since when do you speak for everybody? I mean you're having a hard enough time trying to remember who you're talking as... And it's not an obsession, just a context. One you invited further discussion on in this thread.

It's a sin. That's not an immoral position to take. It can't be prosecuted as a crime within the context of our laws. Nothing immoral about being rational or educated.

Now denying the divinity of Christ and contradicting you might want to put that stone down carefully and run, like you have from that context (and shame on you for letting THall take the fall for it...or whoever).

Nope and nope, which is why you don't cite, quote or illustrate.

You are just a corrupt idiot, with no moral framework, who continually lays out false constructs, and is the ultimate example of moral inversion.:kookoo:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I love forensics but am always stunned when bullets change direction in the human body....

Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.

You would be surprised at the amount of foolish Americans that think JFK was also shot from the front when the bullets all exited the front. Or maybe you would not be that foolish. People let emotion get in the way of facts all the time.


Well-known member
My husband got a hold of a cell phone video, where someone was speaking to another person on scene trying to describe what just happened.

You mean your husband got a hold of The Internet? He's awesome!

I knew someone who used to say "My friend told me..." such-and-such, but what it really meant was that she read something in People Magazine.

You can hear the voices in the background as the video shows Brown lying motionless in the street. The voice said something like, "the cop shot at him and missed, and he kept coming at him and coming until the cop finally got him in the chest and then in the face and he went down". Now I am paraphrasing what I remember, because it was actually in ebonics, and I am trying to translate and make sense of the broken english, but the gist of the matter is that Brown was charging the officer in a relentless way.

No need to paraphrase. My important friend's husband (The Internet), got a hold of a transcript.

IF this is true, and there are no bullets in Brown's back,

Your awesome husband who got a hold of The Internet didn't tell you that my friend's husband's brother, The New York Times, got a hold of the results of a preliminary private autopsy and they told my other friend's husband, The Internet, that there were no entry wounds in Michael Brown's back? (I'm figuring that's what you meant when you said "no bullets in Brown's back"?)

My friend's husband's brother, The New York Times, gave me this diagram of the entry wounds:

WARNING: This entry wound diagram contains a line drawing of a nude human man:


this is good for the officer and horrible for the citizens of St. Louis, expect more rioting and the rage expressed to increase.

That's what my really important, in-the-know friends, Anyone and Everyone, said.
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Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
You would be surprised at the amount of foolish Americans that think JFK was also shot from the front when the bullets all exited the front. Or maybe you would not be that foolish. People let emotion get in the way of facts all the time.

You know, it did make me think of JFK....

Posted from the TOL App cause that's how I roll.

The Barbarian

The sad thing is, these shootings never seem to teach anyone anything. The authorities made the same mistakes they always make, some people let anger rule their behavior.

And some thugs on both sides took advantage to do things to merchants and news people that they'd never have the guts to do normally.

Nothing ever changes.


Well-known member
An important friend of mine has let me know that the Governor has called in The National Guard:

Missouri Governor to Deploy National Guard to Ferguson

FERGUSON, Mo. — Gov. Jay Nixon announced early Monday that he would deploy the Missouri National Guard to this St. Louis suburb, ratcheting up efforts to quell unrest that has paralyzed the city since an unarmed black teenager was killed by a white police officer.

Mr. Nixon said in a statement that he chose to activate the National Guard because of “deliberate, coordinated and intensifying violent acts.”

The governor’s decision came after the worst night of violence since the unrest began...

Full article here

I wonder if they've consulted CW and her gleaming THall.