I think ok is kind of still a boy and likes to tease someone he likes.
meshak, he's not a harmless tease, he's a bully. It's how he amuses himself, and there's something seriously wrong with that.
I don't want to sound like sexist but most man don't grow up mentally.
Sorry boys.
I apologize before I get bombarded with counter attack.
I don't mean to be hostile against men.
Calling men boys is like calling women girls. Depending on context it could be harmless - or it could be sexist. If it's used by one sex to demean or talk down to or be patronizing to the other sex, then it's sexist.
And most men are grown up mentally, to say otherwise is as much a disservice to men as it would be to say most women don't grow up mentally. Hopefully men and women reach their optimum levels of mental and emotional maturity, but there are a lot of genetic and environmental variables that can have profound and lasting effects, and some individuals may have less available adapting and coping mechanisms.
Short version: Most people grow up. Some take longer than others, and some have a lot more to overcome than others to get there. (Well, I guess that wasn't a whole lot shorter... :chuckle: )
That doesn't mean there aren't men who are mean, or jerks, or just plain evil. There are.
And there are women who are just as mean or evil in their own way.
I hope that makes sense. I'm really tired today.