REPORT: The Deity of Christ


Well-known member
Find the alleged "article"

Find the alleged "article"

I stole from, in toto.

The burden of proof falls upon you.

I do my own work the hard way...with books...from my own library.

I always cite my sources. Always.

I posted a response. You have accused me of theft. Now prove it.

I am innocent.


New member
Too easy.

Too easy.

Love the melodramatics, Theophilus. I don't get to see this kind of performance too often. :p

Anyway, seeing as I've already cited a large proportion of the original article, and told you where this same article can be found, I may as well take it to the next level. :D

First, I'll give you a hotlink to the article in .PDF format. You can download it here.

Next, I'll copy/paste the entire article in toto.


The Trinity - Part One.
By Dr. Norman Geisler.

Trinity simply means "triunity." God is not a simple unity; there is plurality in his unity. The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Christian Faith. Unlike an antinomy or paradox, which is a logical contradiction, the Trinity goes beyond reason but not against reason. It is known only by divine revelation, so the Trinity is not the subject of natural theology but of revelation.

The Basis for the Trinity.
While the word Trinity does not occur there, the concept is clearly taught in the Bible. The logic of the doctrine of the Trinity is simple. Two biblical truths are evident in Scripture,the logical conclusion of which is the Trinity:

1. There is one God.

2. There are three distinct persons who are God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

One God.
The central teaching of Judaism called the Shema proclaims: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one" (Deut. 6:4). When Jesus was asked the question, "What is the greatest commandment?" he prefaced the answer by quoting the Shema (Mark 12:29). In spite of his strong teaching on the deity of Christ (cf. Col. 2:9), the apostle Paul said emphatically, "there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live" (1 Cor. 8:6). From beginning to end, the Scriptures speak of one God and label all other gods as false (Exod. 20:3; 1 Cor. 8:5-6). The Bible also recognizes a plurality of persons in God. Although the doctrine of the Trinity is not as explicit in the Old Testament as the New Testament, nonetheless, there are passages where members of the Godhead are distinguished. At times they even speak to one another (see Ps. 110:1).

The Father Is God.
Throughout Scripture God is said to be a Father. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "Our Father in heaven" (Matt. 6:9). God is not only "our heavenly Father" (Matt. 6:32) but the "Father of our spirits" (Heb. 12:9). As God, he is the object of worship.Jesus told the woman of Samaria, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks" (John 4:23). God is not only called "our Father" (Rom. 1:7) many timesbut also "the Father" (John 5:45; 6:27). He is also called "God and Father" (2 Cor. 1:3). Paul proclaimed that "there is but one God, the Father" (I Cor. 8:6). Additionally, God is referred to as the "Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 15:6). Indeed, the Father and the Son are often related by these very names in the same verse (Matt. 11:27; 1 John 2:22).

The Son Is God.
The deity of Christ is treated [in a future article] in the section on attacks on the Trinity and more extensively in Baker's Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics in an article entitled Christ, Deity of. As a broad overview it should he noted that Jesus claimed to be Yahweh God. YHWH, translated in some versions Jehovah, was the special name of God revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14, when God said, "I AM WHO IAM." In John 8:58, Jesus declares: "Before Abraham was born, I am." This statement claims not only existence before Abraham, but equality with the "I AM"of Exodus 3:14. The Jews around him clearly understood his meaning and picked up stones to kill him for blas-pheming (see Mark 14:62; John 8:58; 10:31-33; 18:5-6). Jesus also said, "I am the first and the last (Rev. 2:8).

Jesus took the glory of God.
Isaiah wrote, "I am the LORD [Yahweh], that is my name! I will not give my glory to another; or my praise to idols" (42:8) and, "This is what the LORD[Yahweh] says . . . I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God" (44:6). Likewise, Jesus prayed, "Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began" (John 17:5). But Yahweh had said he would not give his glory to another.

While the Old Testament forbids giving worship to anyone other than God (Exod. 20:1-4; Deut. 5:6-9), Jesus accepted worship (Matt. 8:2; 14:33; 15:25; 20:20; 28:17; Mark 5:6).

The disciples attributed to him titles the Old Testament reserved for God, such as, "the first and the last" (Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13), "the true light" (John 1:9), "the "rock" or "stone" (1 Cor.10:4; 1 Peter 2:6-8; cf. Ps. 18:2; 95:1), the "bridegroom" (Eph. 5:28-33; Rev. 21:2), "the chief Shepherd" (I Peter 5:4), and "the great shepherd" (Heb. 13:20).

They attributed to Jesus the divine activities of creating (John 1:3; Col. 1:15-16), redeeming (Hosea 13:14;Ps. 130:7), forgiving (Acts 5:31; Col. 3:13; cf. Ps. 130:4; Jer: 31:34), and judging (John5:27). They used titles of deity for Jesus. Thomas declared: "My Lord and my God!" (John20:28). Paul calls Jesus the one in whom "the fullness of deity dwells bodily" (Col. 2:9). In Titus, Jesus is called, "our great God and savior" (2:13), and the writer to the Hebrews says of him, "Thy throne, O God, is forever" (Heb. 1:8). Paul says that, before Christ existed as a human being, he existed as God (Phil. 2:5-8). Hebrews 1:3 says that Christ reflects God's glory, bears the stamp of his nature, and upholds the universe. The prologue to John's Gospel also minces no words, stating, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was God" (John 1:1).

Jesus claimed equality with God in other ways. He claimed the prerogatives of God. He claimed to be Judge of all (Matt. 25:31-46; John 5:27-30), but Joel quotes Yahweh assaying, "for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side" (Joel 3:12). He said to a paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven" (Mark 2:5b). The scribes correctly responded, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (vs. 7b). Jesus claimed the power to raise and judge thedead, a power which only God possesses (John 5:21, 29). But the Old Testament clearly taught that only God was the giver of life (Deut. 32:39; 1 Sam. 2:6) and the one to raise the dead (Psa. 71:20).

Jesus claimed the honor due God, saying, "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him" (John 5:23b). The Jews listening knew that no one should claim to be equal with God in this way and again they reached for stones (John 5:18). When asked at his Jewish trial, "Are you the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the Blessed One?" Jesus responded, "I am, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand ofthe Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Mark 14:61-62).

The Holy Spirit Is God.
The same revelation from God that declares Christ to be the Sonof God also mentions another member of the triunity of God called the Spirit of God, or Holy Spirit. He too is equally God with the Father and the Son, and he too is a distinct person.The Holy Spirit is called "God" (Acts 5:3-4). He possesses the attributes of deity, suchas omnipresence (cf. Ps. 139:7-12) and omniscience (1 Cor. 2:10, 11). He is associated with God the Father in creation (Gen. 1:2). He is involved with other members of the Godhead in the work of redemption (John 3:5-6; Rom. 8:9-17, 27; Titus 3:5-7). He is associated with other members of the Trinity under the "name" of God (Matt. 28:18-20). Finally,the Holy Spirit appears, along with the Father and Son, in New Testament benedictions (forexample, 2 Cor. 13:14).

Not only does the Holy Spirit possess deity but he also has a differentiated personality. That he is a distinct person is clear in that Scripture refers to "him" with personal pronouns(John 14:26; 16:13). Second, he does things only persons can do, such as teach (John 14:26;1 John 2:27), convict of sin (John 16:7-11), and be grieved by sin (Eph. 4:30). Finally, the HolySpirit has intellect (I Cor. 2:10,11), will (1 Cor. 12:11), and feeling (Eph. 4:30).

That the three members of the Trinity are distinct persons is clear in that each is mentioned in distinction from the others. The Son prayed to the Father (cf. John 17). The Father spoke from heaven about the Son at his baptism (Matt. 3:15-17). Indeed, the Holy Spirit was present at the same time, revealing that they coexist. Further, the fact that they have separate titles (Father, Son, and Spirit) indicate they are not one person. Also, each member of the Trinity has special functions that help us to identify them. For example, the Father planned salvation (John 3:16; Eph. 1:4); the Son accomplished it on the cross (John17:4; 19:30; Heb. 1:1-2) and at the resurrection (Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:1-6), and the Holy Spirit applies it to the lives of the believers (John 3:5; Eph. 4:30; Titus 3:5-7). The Son submits to the Father (1 Cor. 11:3; 15:28), and the Holy Spirit glorifies the Son (John16:14).


There's obviously another part to it, but I couldn't find the link. Still, I've proved my point, and that's the main thing.

Incidentally, I have Geisler's Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics sitting right here on my desk next to me, and I can tell you right now that most of the article above is word-for-word identical with Geisler's entry on the Trinity. I have only spotted a couple of discrepancies so far - one of which is the reference to Kant in the third sentence, which you added yourself. (I guess you must have the Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics too, eh?) So if you didn't get it from (or a similar Website), you must have copied it from Geisler's book.

Either way, you obviously didn't cite your source in this case.

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New member



Time to drop down from the high horse a tad. Now, I know you admire yourself as a wordsmith, and revel in debate. That is fine. That is you, and no one need conform to you, exemplar that you may be.

For those who know Theophilus, and have for a long time, we know her somewhat differently. She researches things when asked. Her library is extensive, as extensive as her determination to seek.

You've accused her of plagiarism. I've gone over, in detail, what she posted, and what you showed. You are stretching real hard to discredit someone. She does and did refer to Geisler, and others. In my first debate with her a long time ago, before we fell in love and were married, she did the same.

In this piece, you are correct, she did not cite sources. But it was far from the copy/paste you have accused her of, and the burden is on you, not her.

However, her sources were several, as they usually are.

Now, about plagiarism. What's your definition? It is true, in a strict sense, of using someone else's material or writing, without citing. But the 'spirit' of that has always been about using such to one's personal benefit: the student who plagiarizes and passes something off to obtain a grade, the author who seeks royalties from someone else's work, the charlatan who professes 'this is my work', expecting accolades.

Theophilus does none of those, friend. Never has. She also, when copy/pasting in toto, cite sources, regularly.

You are trying an ad hominem to discredit her on the strictest possible application of plagiarism. She did not copy paste. She did refer to sources, and come up with her own post.

So, let me ask you this, in the 'strict' sense. In another post, you had this:

Evolution can only advance a species if:
„h That species continues to reproduce.
„h The fittest and most well-adapted members of that species are the ones who reproduce most often.
„h Any mutations within that species are beneficial to the continued survival of the species.

Are those completely your original thoughts? You discovered and verified these tenets all on your own? You didn't copy/paste, you may well have phrased it entirely yourself, but was the idea totally and originally yours? Yes? No? Or did you use your own words to express things developed by others?

Plagiarizing: (Merriam-Webster)
transitive senses : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
intransitive senses : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

Bubba, find where she copy/pasted this, which was your charge.

I've looked carefully at what you showed, and what she wrote, and where there are that which overlaps, there is no outright taking. Her thoughts and conclusions are there, based upon what she did research.

How far do you want to go with 'crediting'? I have taken folks to task before for entire copy/paste jobs expressly passed off as their own, even to claiming how much 'work' they put into it.

But Theo and I sit side by side at our terminals when she does these things. The books crouch in on my mousepad. I have to be careful walking lest I trip over them.

That's not plagiarism in my understanding, but perhaps to you, if you are that much of a legalist.

So where'd you get those three precepts about evolution? I've just done a Google search and can find the three paraphrased repeatedly at other sites.

Can I accuse you of plagiarism?

Students are required, it is true, to give their sources for such as papers, but they do indeed gather ideas and information from other sources, and are even expected to. If a student leaves out a footnote with a source, is that plagiarsim, or is the bar a bit higher than that? And is it wrong for the student to use such sources?

Your charge that she copy/pasted this is purely false, and you owe her an apology.

And hey, apologies are good for the soul. I offered you one, when I was clearly in the wrong and without excuse.



New member


Ya'nar -

Time to drop down from the high horse a tad.

There's no high horse here. The very most you can accuse me of is honesty. :)

Now, I know you admire yourself as a wordsmith

I don't "admire myself" as anything, and I'll thank you to stop attributing motives, which is precisely what you accused me of doing.

and revel in debate.

I don't "revel in debate." Debate comes to me, because so many of the fine Christian folks here at T.O.L. want to grab me by the collar and yell "You're a cultist!!!!" in my face. So I stand up for myself, and - bingo! We have a debate.

That is fine. That is you, and no one need conform to you, exemplar that you may be.

I have never held myself up as an exemplar, and I have never demanded that others "conform to me."

For those who know Theophilus, and have for a long time, we know her somewhat differently.

"Differently"? Different to what? You are accusing me of viewing her in a different light, which is not true. I am not imputing motives, nor have I made any attack on her character. I am not accusing her of being a certain type of person - I am merely pointing out that she did not acknowledge a source, despite having lifted a slab of material from it, word for word.

She researches things when asked.

I know she does. I have seen her do it on several other threads.

Her library is extensive

The same is true of many people here - including myself.

as extensive as her determination to seek.

See above.

You've accused her of plagiarism. I've gone over, in detail, what she posted, and what you showed.

So you see that she plagiarised.

You are stretching real hard to discredit someone.

I am not stretching hard, and you're playing the sympathy card when you claim that I am trying to discredit her. I am not doing anything of the kind.

Let's compare Theophilus' post with the word of Geisler's Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics, which I have open before me right now. I'll put them side by side, with Theophilus in read, and Geisler in blue:

  • Two biblical truths are evident in scripture, the logical conclusion of which is the Trinity:
    Two biblical truths are evident in Scripture,the logical conclusion of which is the Trinity:

    1. There is one God;
    1. There is one God.

    2. There are three distinct persons who are God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    2. There are three distinct persons who are God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    The Trinity is one of the greates mysteries of the Christian faith.
    The Trinity is one of the great mysteries (see MYSTERY) of the Christian Faith.

    Unlike an antimony (read Kant) or paradox, which is a logical contradiction, the Trinity goes beyond reason but not against reason.
    Unlike an antinomy (see KANT) or paradox, which is a logical contradiction, the Trinity goes beyond reason but not against reason.

    It is known only by divine revelation and is not the subject of "natural" theology (see Heb. 1:1-3, 11:1 and 2 Tim. 3:16, 17).
    It is known only by divine revelation, so the Trinity is not the subject of "natural" theology but of revelation (see REVELATION, SPECIAL.)
For the next section, I shall have to spread my net further afield. Let's read what Theophilus had posted, and then compare it with an article which I have since found on several different Trinitarian Websites - none of which give any credit to an original source:

  • The O.T. constantly insists that there is only one God, the self-revealed Creator, who must be worshipped and loved exclusively (Deut. 6:4, 5; Isa. 44:6 - 45:25) and the N.T. agrees (Mark 12:29-30; 1 Cor. 8:4; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5) but speaks of three personal agents, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, working together to bring about salvation (Rom. 8; Eph. 1:3-14; 2 Thess. 2:13, 14; 1 Pet. 1:2).
You will find this exact paragraph in a large article here. It has also been copy/pasted onto a discussion board here, which is clearly a plagiarised version of the article found here.

Theophilus also wrote this...

  • The basic assertion of this doctrine is that the unity of the one God is complex. The three personal "subsistences" (as they are called) are coequal and coeternal centers of self-awareness, each being "I" in relation to two who are "You" and each partaking of the full divine essence along with the other two. They are not three roles played by one person (that is modalism), nor are they three gods in a cluster (that is tritheism); the one God ("He") is also, and equally, "they," and "they" are always together and always cooperating, with the Father initiationg, the Son complying, and the Spirit executing the will of both, which is His will also.
...which can be found at the message board to which I previously referred (here), where it looks like this:

  • Basically the doctrine is that the unity of the one God is complex. The three personal “subsistences” (as they are called) are coequal and coeternal centers of self-awareness, each being “I” in relation to two who are “You,” and each having the full divine essence of God, the specific existence that belongs to God alone. God is not one person who plays three separate roles; this is the error called “modalism.” Nor are there three gods who only seem to be one because they always act together; this is “tritheism.”
The same paragraph can be found here, under the title "The basic assertion of this doctrine is that the unity of the one God is complex." It is plagiarised again, over here.

When Theophilus wrote this...

  • The Trinity is throughout scripture though the technical language of historic trinitarianism is not found there. Trinitarian faith and thinking are present in all of scripture. In that sense the Trinity must be acknowledged as a biblical doctrine; an eternal truth aboout God which, though never explicit in the O.T., is plain and clear in the N.T.
...she was (once again) using material from the same article to which I have previously referred, in which this paragraph appears as follows:

  • Though the technical language of historic trinitarianism is not found there, trinitarian faith and thinking are present throughout its pages, and in that sense the Trinity must be acknowledged as a biblical doctrine: an eternal truth about God which, though never explicit in the Old Testament, is plain and clear in the New.
And what is the original source of this much-plagiarised article? I don't know...

...yet. But I'll keep hunting, because it's bound to turn up sooner or later. :)

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source. I see this time and time again on Trinitarian Websites - particularly on discussion boards. Trinitarians are in the habit of copy/pasting lists of proof texts that they have never actually studied themselves, entire paragraphs from articles and essays which they never wrote, and arguments which they frequently do not understand. Very rarely will a plagiarist go back and study the original material in order to validate its claims. This demonstrates the extent to which Trinitarians are prepared to accept what they are told, without questioning (a) the source, (b) the material, or (c) the logic involved. Indeed, Trinitarian apologetics is largely reliant on the unquestioning submission of people who do not study their Bibles in any depth whatsoever.

She does and did refer to Geisler, and others.

She did in her later post, but not in the one that I'm talking about.

In my first debate with her a long time ago, before we fell in love and were married, she did the same.

On this occasion, however, she did not.

In this piece, you are correct, she did not cite sources.

Thankyou. The charge of plagiarism, therefore, is both accurate and proved.

But it was far from the copy/paste you have accused her of, and the burden is on you, not her.

Firstly, I accept that the material from Geisler was not a copy/paste. I accept that she is telling the truth when she says that she copied it out from her books.


Actually I put my answer together from a pile of books beside my computer.

One of these books must have been Geisler's Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics, which (as I have already pointed out) I own myself. The rest of it may have been plagiarised from an original source which (as I have since demonstrated) various other Trinitarians have happily plagiarised - or it may have come from the Websites to which I have referred.

However, her sources were several, as they usually are.

I have never denied it. But she did not reference her sources. That's what I'm claiming, and that's what I proved.

Now, about plagiarism. What's your definition?

I use the definition that is found in The Chambers Dictionary.

It is true, in a strict sense, of using someone else's material or writing, without citing.

Especially when it's copied word for word, without a single reference to the original source.

But the 'spirit' of that has always been about using such to one's personal benefit: the student who plagiarizes and passes something off to obtain a grade, the author who seeks royalties from someone else's work, the charlatan who professes 'this is my work', expecting accolades.

No, motivation is irrelevant. That is "stretching" it indeed.

Theophilus does none of those, friend. Never has.

I never spoke a word about her motives. This is irrelevant.

She also, when copy/pasting in toto, cite sources, regularly.

But in this case, she copied out (word for word), material that she passed off as her own without acknowledging her sources. That is plagiarism.

You are trying an ad hominem

It is not an ad hominem, it is simply accurate. I have made no judgement of her character, nor have I imputed motives.

to discredit her

Imputing motives again, eh? Sorry, but that won't wash.

on the strictest possible application of plagiarism.

There's no "strictest possible application" about it. If anything, I am using the standard definition.

She did not copy paste.

I accept that she did not copy/paste. She copied it out by typing the material word for word, with the Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics at her side.

She did refer to sources

In the post with which I have taken issue, she referred to no sources whatsoever. Only later did she "refer to sources."

and come up with her own post.

She came up with her own post, but failed to acknowledge that some of that post consisted of plagiarised material.

So, let me ask you this, in the 'strict' sense. In another post, you had this:

Evolution can only advance a species if:
„h That species continues to reproduce.
„h The fittest and most well-adapted members of that species are the ones who reproduce most often.
„h Any mutations within that species are beneficial to the continued survival of the species.

Are those completely your original thoughts?

No, they are (for the most part) universally accepted principles. Reference to universally accepted principles is not plagiarism.

You discovered and verified these tenets all on your own?

I didn't have to. I wasn't using anyone else's work - I was referring to universally accepted principles.

You didn't copy/paste, you may well have phrased it entirely yourself, but was the idea totally and originally yours? Yes? No?

No. And in this case, it doesn't have to be, either.

Or did you use your own words to express things developed by others?

I did indeed. But of course, this is not plagiarism.

Bubba, find where she copy/pasted this, which was your charge.

I have already given her (a) the entire article in toto, (b) a hotlink to the Website in which the article appears, which is where I believed she had taken it from. In addition to this, I have also followed up the rest of her post, and discovered that she made extensive use of original material which other Trinitarians have repeatedly plagiarised. Did she take it from an original source, or copy/paste it from the other plagiarists? I don't know. But the point is made, and the charge of plagiarism is undeniably accurate.

I've looked carefully at what you showed, and what she wrote, and where there are that which overlaps, there is no outright taking.

I have since demonstrated that there certainly was "outright taking" - and not just from Geisler, but from another original source which has clearly been plagiarised by others.

Her thoughts and conclusions are there, based upon what she did research.

Her thoughts and conclusions are certainly there - deep within a forest of plagiarised material.

How far do you want to go with 'crediting'?

Standard referencing is very easy to do. You might want to review some of the threads in which I have made extensive use of citations. I always give (a) the author's name, (b) the date of publication, and (c) the title of the work in question. I use italics for the cited material, and I place the referencing in bold.

I have taken folks to task before for entire copy/paste jobs expressly passed off as their own, even to claiming how much 'work' they put into it.

Then you'll understand why I take issue with your wife.

But Theo and I sit side by side at our terminals when she does these things. The books crouch in on my mousepad. I have to be careful walking lest I trip over them.

That's not plagiarism in my understanding, but perhaps to you, if you are that much of a legalist.

I am not a "legalist." There's no need to be.

So where'd you get those three precepts about evolution?

If you check the context of my remarks, you will find that I was not defining evolution, but making a point against evolution.



Evolution can only advance a species if:
  • That species continues to reproduce.
  • The fittest and most well-adapted members of that species are the ones who reproduce most often.
  • Any mutations within that species are beneficial to the continued survival of the species.
I suggest to you that homosexuality is not condusive to the propagation of a species.


If you can find an evolutionist who wrote this at some stage, we may have a "plagiarism" charge on our hands.

I've just done a Google search and can find the three paraphrased repeatedly at other sites.

"Paraphrased", eh? (In other words, you can't find any place where the exact same words occur, much less an original source from which they were plagiarised.) Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, since my entire post consisted of (a) three truisms, and (b) an opinion. If, for example, I say "Gravity increases with mass", I am merely repeating a universal principle. I am not plagiarising anybody.

Here, let me show you:
  • Evolution can only advance a species if:
I reckon you could find that sentence just about anywhere in the world. It's so short and so precise that it's bound to turn up in almost every piece of written work on evolution.
  • That species continues to reproduce.
A truism (obviously.) No plagiarism here. Too short, too precise, and clearly universal. It's also qualified by the previous statement.
  • The fittest and most well-adapted members of that species are the ones who reproduce most often.
See above.
  • Any mutations within that species are beneficial to the continued survival of the species.
See above.
  • I suggest to you that homosexuality is not condusive to the propagation of a species.
That's clearly my own opinion. I doubt you will find too many evolutionists who would say this in public - although Dr Peter Singer might be radical enough to shout it from the rooftops! :eek:

Can I accuse you of plagiarism?

No. :)

Students are required, it is true, to give their sources for such as papers, but they do indeed gather ideas and information from other sources, and are even expected to. If a student leaves out a footnote with a source, is that plagiarsim, or is the bar a bit higher than that? And is it wrong for the student to use
such sources?

The issue is not the use of sources, but the lack of acknowledgement. Please address the issue.

Your charge that she copy/pasted this is purely false, and you owe her an apology.

You're being pedantic in order to gain an apology because I was merely incorrect with regard to the mode of transmission. That's OK, I can handle it. :) So I apologise for accusing her of copy/pasting the material in question. I accept that she plagiarised it by copying word for word from Geisler's Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics, adding plagiarised material from an as-yet-unidentified source which other Trinitarians have been plagiarising all over the Internet. :)

And hey, apologies are good for the soul.

As one who has given many apologies during his lifetime, I can only agree.

I offered you one, when I was clearly in the wrong and without excuse.

And I accepted it, and I thank you for it again.

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New member
Freak -


Ya'nar is correct you owe Theo an apology. For once humble yourself.

You're a pompous hypocrite. :p

Paul -

Rock n' roll, Denis!

It's good to see a man stand up for his wife! Shows character!

While I commend his character, I would remind him that it makes no sense to defend the indefensible.

Knight -

Based on threads I have read tonight, Evangelion isn't having a very good week.

You wish! :p

Any time you want to debate theology, just let me know. ;) It's always easier to sit on the sidelines and cheer those who are confident enough to stand up for what they believe...

...especially when you're not prepared to do it yourself.



New member
Incidentally, Trinitarians have been known to invent entire quotes and claim that these came from an original, authoritative source.

I can provide a classic example, if anyone's interested.



New member

You have the dubious honor of having gotten my attention. Sharp attention, and you've given yourself away.

I've perused quite a few of your posts, in trying to get a better understanding of your thoughts and how you operate. With much of it, I am duly impressed. You do stress that virtually everything you write is your own, and in the minimal places where this is otherwise, you do cite sources. You are also, evidently, proud and confident of what you do. That is not said as a negative, by the way. You offer challenges. You use, often (and even well justified), sarcasm to belittle your opponents. You're a debater, Evangelion.

And yes, it takes one to know one, and if you have flaws, which no doubt you do, as do we all, that I may recognize some of them is simply because - we share them. I too am a debater, occasionally condescending and all too often sarcastic.

But, Evangelion, you turned your guns on the wrong target for the wrong reasons. To the beginning.

The first post in section 2 of this thread was by Theo. It was a 'sourced' (by Theo) quote from David Wallace. The second post is the 'brouhaha' - where Theo tells right off that this came from another discussion. She even left in the quotes from the other party in that discussion that she was addressing.

That's when you accused her not only of plagiarism, but of copy/pasting this from an article by Geisler, even claiming that this was probably the site she got it from. Theo replied, and honestly, that she did cherry pick this one reply from a long conversation at another site, apologized if she didn't make that clear (I think it was), and told you she had compiled this answer, back then, from a host of books, including from Geisler. That's all true.

You came back with:

Well, I dunno, Theophilus... it all seems rather fishy to me. I'm not convinced that you've disproved my accusation.

Now friend, I always, ALWAYS, have a real problem with people being required to disprove accusations. Burden is on the wrong side.

Then Theo told you how she does this, from books, and with hard work and study, and does cite her sources. She did not deny that these things came from other places, but told you she gets them from various books. You chose not to believe her. Instead, you went on a search to find that, gosh, some of those passages could be found at other places. Evangelion, I can do that with almost any quote! That the same thing is on the Net does not mean it was not found in a printed book, and for you to draw that connection as an immutable flow is absurd!

A; I got this from my studies, and found it in a book.

B: No, since it is on the Internet, you must have gotten it from there!

Absolute rubbish!

You have apologized for claiming this was a copy/paste, and that is good. You also accused Theo of taking most of this all from a single article, with an insinuation:

This article may be found at, which is probably where you got it from in the first place.

Evangelion, Theo did take this, as she said, from another thread at another site, that she posted. That's obvious since she is replying to things not said in this discussion. That she did not cite her sources is either oversight, or what you try so damnably hard to make of it - intentional deceit and a character flaw.

I told you about how Theo does this stuff. You and she are not the same. You use your own words, are apparently proud of that, and it works for you. Theo looks things up, is not either as confident or proud of her own words, but is and always has been an earnest student and one willing to make effort to get answers for others, especially those who ask.

I pointed out that in the post just before the one in question, she did cite the source. In a 'getting to know who you are dealing with', try these, from another site. Whether they are entire articles, or just comments, or definitions, Theo regularly cites. These are a mix, of MacArthur, Piper, Spurgeon, Novak, Mother Theresa, Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary, Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary, Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, etc:

Here's 'hindsight', Evangelion, usually my personal 'best sight'. If asked if she got this from other sources, and what they were, Theo would have not only replied honestly, but would have eagerly recommended the books. She always does. What happened, though, is that she was immediately charged with something untoward and unwholesome, and this was insisted upon, by you, as being the case. Further, you insisted this could not be oversight or anything else, but absolutely contrary to your disclaimer that you were not attacking her character, you very much were doing so, and for a polemical reason.

You've proved that, and that your purpose was the ad hominem attack to score points and discredit another by that.

You wrote:

"Differently"? Different to what? You are accusing me of viewing her in a different light, which is not true. I am not imputing motives, nor have I made any attack on her character. I am not accusing her of being a certain type of person - I am merely pointing out that she did not acknowledge a source, despite having lifted a slab of material from it, word for word.


I am not stretching hard, and you're playing the sympathy card when you claim that I am trying to discredit her. I am not doing anything of the kind.

Really? REALLY????Try this:

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source. I see this time and time again on Trinitarian Websites - particularly on discussion boards.

Check and mate on a text book standard ad hominem attack. That's why this couldn't be innocent oversight, or anything other than a 'character flaw', because you determined to lump her with a class of deficient persons - by definition: Trinitiarians.

'Standard Trinitarian tactic!' Sounds a lot like 'Usual Irish behavior' or 'customary Jewish greed".'

How many weeks have you been posting at Walter Martin, Evangelion? Have you noticed the anti-Trinitarians there copy/pasting entire unsourced tracts, repeatedly, and being brought up short on it by several folks?

As an example:

But you weren't done yet with the polemical:

Trinitarians are in the habit of copy/pasting lists of proof texts that they have never actually studied themselves, entire paragraphs from articles and essays which they never wrote, and arguments which they frequently do not understand. Very rarely will a plagiarist go back and study the original material in order to validate its claims. This demonstrates the extent to which Trinitarians are prepared to accept what they are told, without questioning (a) the source, (b) the material, or (c) the logic involved. Indeed, Trinitarian apologetics is largely reliant on the unquestioning submission of people who do not study their Bibles in any depth whatsoever.

Evangelion, I have never, in all my years of this, seen such a blatant and intentioned ad hominem attack, carried off with such determined fervor.

That is why rather than ask if Theo had culled these from somewhere, it had to be plagiarsim, and nothing but. That's why when she said she got these out of books, by her study, you had to try to reject that, because it did not fit your prejudiced broad brush of those gullible and lazy Trinitarians! That's why you have persisted, because it is precisely your intent to discredit by presumed character flaw. You again:

It is not an ad hominem, it is simply accurate. I have made no judgement of her character, nor have I imputed motives.

You haven't?

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source.

That's an attack on character, and a lumping together of people by 'class'.

Trinitarians are in the habit of copy/pasting lists of proof texts that they have never actually studied themselves, entire paragraphs from articles and essays which they never wrote, and arguments which they frequently do not understand.


Very rarely will a plagiarist go back and study the original material in order to validate its claims. This demonstrates the extent to which Trinitarians are prepared to accept what they are told, without questioning (a) the source, (b) the material, or (c) the logic involved. Indeed, Trinitarian apologetics is largely reliant on the unquestioning submission of people who do not study their Bibles in any depth whatsoever.

And I suppose that is not an indication of flawed character?

In six years on the Net, I have become quite a researcher of quotes, Evangelion. There has been and is an industry of miscontextualized, distorted, corrupted and entirely bogus 'Catholic' quotes. I've searched them out, painstakingly. Had a lovely discussion with a monk at a monastery with a printing house, about a book credited to them as publisher. He was amused, as I wasn't the first inquiry. The book was credited with having been published years before that monastery started publishing, and then too, they only published sheet music, mostly chant! I've found as many as four different quotes attributed to a single issue of a Catholic periodical, that never once mentioned the topic of any of the quotes (God bless the UMich archives!). These supposed quotes are all over the Net, and are, well, copy/pasted without question. They are used by all manner of folks, including anti-Trinitarians, but also by all types of Christians and anti-Christians and atheists. In short, Evangelion, I have never felt that I could reasonably make the claim, even after dozens of these incidents, that 'non-Catholics' or 'anti-Catholics' do such and such, are gullible, don't check, etc. Some do. Most, the overwhelmingly 'most' do not.

But if I were to do as you do here, I would do exactly that. I would paint all opposition with the broad brush ad hominem as you do.

The fact that you jumped on Theo over this, and then linked it to being an ATTRIBUTE of her belief in the Trinity gives you away completely.

She did this and it is wrong.
Why did she do this?
She's a Trinitarian and they do that kind of thing.

You can substitute anything you like for Trinitarian, and it basically reads the same: Negro, Jew, Catholic, Christadelphian.

You were indeed trying to establish character flaw directly linked to her profession of faith, and should be ashamed.

If that were not the case, her being a Trinitarian would have zero to do with it, but that was not the case: you made it central, to make a polemical point about Trinitarians in general. It's also why you resisted her honest 'I got it from books' she studied. It didn't fit the image you wanted to portray of such believers.



New member


Bugger off.

There's no bandwagon for you to jump on, and no one is buying Evangelion as 'evil'. Needing the occasional course correction, as we all do from time to time, maybe.

Consigned to stoking the coals - not by a long shot.

We're adults, and we will fight and sharply with words and ideas, and sometimes cross lines we shouldn't, mea culpa...but there's no condemnation of hearts and souls here, Freak, and no one willing to sign on either.



New member

Bugger off

NO, I will not.

Evangelion is a man who espouses evil doctrine that must be exposed. He needs salvation. He needs to recognize the evil within him. He needs to admit this before the Lord Jesus.

By the way, do you know what anti-Christ movement ev. belongs to?


New member


Freak: Evangelion is a man who espouses evil doctrine that must be exposed. He needs salvation. He needs to recognize the evil within him. He needs to admit this before the Lord Jesus.

First, Freak, who doesn't this apply to: ". He needs salvation. He needs to recognize the evil within him. He needs to admit this before the Lord Jesus."

I'd suggest you, me, everybody.

You also wrote:

By the way, do you know what anti-Christ movement ev. belongs to?

Freak, if Theo and I and Evangelion were next door neighbors, I'd imagine the fence between the backyards would be at about 12' at the moment, and one or the other party is preparing to run the concertina wire along the top. It happens.

I'm disputing with Evangelion a single issue.

In that, it doesn't matter whether Evangelion is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist or Bishop of Rome. It's immaterial. I care not one whit about demonstrating that he is 'evil', because I can't know that and don't know that. I'm called to, by and with the grace of God, root out my own predilection for evil. I've enough there to keep me occupied, in the 'evil' department.

Evangelion and I may well debate, and strenuously and with concern, the serious issues of faith and theology. Maybe not. But if we do, from my end, it will be issue by issue, and whatever membership in whatever faith Evangelion holds to, Christadelpian or otherwise, will be immaterial to me. Completely.

Likewise, his being Christadelphian is no more relevant to our current spitting contest than that I am Catholic or that Theo is Evangelical. Whichever of us are right or wrong in this - it's not a matter of faith and doctrine.

Matter of fact, I'd be quite the hypocrite if what I was disputing with Evangelion was imputing to my wife certain actions based on her being 'Trinitarian', to then impute to him certain acts or motives (e.g., 'evil') based on his being a Christadelphian.

It ain't a crusade, it's a squabble.

You want to debate Evangelion on points of faith, you are more than entitled, and no doubt he is more than ready.

But that's not the discussion cum mud-wrestle we are having.



New member
Thanks Denis. I really appreciate the spirit of your posts. :up:

Freak - back off, or you will find yourself publicly challenged to a debate on the Trinity. :p


New member
For Denis.

For Denis.

Denis -

You have the dubious honor of having gotten my attention.

I'm flattered.

Sharp attention, and you've given yourself away.

We shall see.

I've perused quite a few of your posts, in trying to get a better understanding of your thoughts and how you operate.

I appreciate your desire to understand where I'm coming from. 99.9% of the time, nobody can be bothered to try, and consequently, I am frequently misrepresented - which is why I'm so often on the defensive.

With much of it, I am duly impressed. You do stress that virtually everything you write is your own, and in the minimal places where this is otherwise, you do cite sources. You are also, evidently, proud and confident of what you do. That is not said as a negative, by the way. You offer challenges. You use, often (and even well justified), sarcasm to belittle your opponents.

Thankyou. :up: I trust that you have also noticed the places in which I give credit where credit is due.

You're a debater, Evangelion.

It is what I have been trained for. It is what I do, and to a large extent, it is who I am.

And yes, it takes one to know one, and if you have flaws, which no doubt you do, as do we all, that I may recognize some of them is simply because - we share them. I too am a debater, occasionally condescending and all too often sarcastic.

Mea culpa. Errare humanum est.

But, Evangelion, you turned your guns on the wrong target

I think not.

for the wrong reasons.

If this is what you are determined to believe, there's not a lot I can do to change your mind. But I can at least defend my position, and hope that you will see where I'm coming from.

To the beginning.


The first post in section 2 of this thread was by Theo. It was a 'sourced' (by Theo) quote from David Wallace.

I did not take issue with this post.

The second post is the 'brouhaha' - where Theo tells right off that this came from another discussion. She even left in the quotes from the other party in that discussion that she was addressing.

She did not cite her sources in the post which contained the material from Geisler. I took issue with this.

That's when you accused her not only of plagiarism, but of copy/pasting this from an article by Geisler, even claiming that this was probably the site she got it from.

Yes, that is what I did. And some of this was untrue, as I later acknowledged.

Theo replied, and honestly, that she did cherry pick this one reply from a long conversation at another site, apologized if she didn't make that clear (I think it was), and told you she had compiled this answer, back then, from a host of books, including from Geisler. That's all true.

You came back with:

Well, I dunno, Theophilus... it all seems rather fishy to me. I'm not convinced that you've disproved my accusation.

Now friend, I always, ALWAYS, have a real problem with people being required to disprove accusations. Burden is on the wrong side.

At this point I was still in the process of hunting down the material she had used. I was not convinced because my investigation was not yet complete.

Again - from Theophilus:

Your plagiarism accusation is blatantly false. So is your accusation of where the material came from.

Plagiarism, Denis, is what we call "using material without referencing the souce." So I responded thus:

I'm not convinced that you've disproved my accusation, and in any case, since you didn't cite your sources, you've plagiarised by definition.

I was not convinced that she had disproved my accusation. What accusation? The accustion of plagiarism. The original source was still under dispute - and I later apologised for the error when I discovered that the source was not a Website, but Geisler's book.

Then Theo told you how she does this, from books, and with hard work and study, and does cite her sources.

True - and I know that she does, which is precisely why I had said (in my original post) that I was disappointed to find that she had not acknowledged her sources on this occasion. If I had wanted to write her off completely, I would not have expressed disappointment. My disappointment was a direct result of Theophilus acting out of character.

She did not deny that these things came from other places, but told you she gets them from various books. You chose not to believe her.

Correct. At this point, I was not convinced - especially since she had still not referenced her material.

Instead, you went on a search to find that, gosh, some of those passages could be found at other places.

Yes. And in light of the fact that I had not been given any references, this was the only way to prove my claim that she had used someone else's material without referencing it - which is what she had asked me to prove. Which I did.

Evangelion, I can do that with almost any quote! That the same thing is on the Net does not mean it was not found in a printed book, and for you to draw that connection as an immutable flow is absurd!

It is not true that I had "drawn that connection as an immutable flow." Indeed, I revised my position as soon as I was satisfied that I had made a mistake. "Immutable" means "unchanging." I changed; ergo, I had not drawn a connection "as an immutable flow."

A; I got this from my studies, and found it in a book.

B: No, since it is on the Internet, you must have gotten it from there!

Absolute rubbish!

Here you overstep the mark. Remember that in my next post, I had written:

Incidentally, I have Geisler's Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics sitting right here on my desk next to me, and I can tell you right now that most of the article above is word-for-word identical with Geisler's entry on the Trinity. I have only spotted a couple of discrepancies so far - one of which is the reference to Kant in the third sentence, which you added yourself. (I guess you must have the Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics too, eh?) So if you didn't get it from (or a similar Website), you must have copied it from Geisler's book. Either way, you obviously didn't cite your source in this case.

By now, I was prepared to accept that she had indeed used a book - specifically, the Baker Encyclopaedia of Christian Apologetics. My point, therefore - "either way, you obviously didn't cite your source in this case" - still stands.

You have apologized for claiming this was a copy/paste, and that is good.

There was no alternative but to apologise, since I had clearly been proved wrong on this account.

You also accused Theo of taking most of this all from a single article, with an insinuation:

This article may be found at, which is probably where you got it from in the first place.

This was in reference to the Geisler material only - not to the other material, which had come from another source. The accusation was later proven to be false, and I retracted it, with an apology.

Evangelion, Theo did take this, as she said, from another thread at another site, that she posted. That's obvious since she is replying to things not said in this discussion.

I accept all of this (as I did before), but my point still stands.

That she did not cite her sources is either oversight, or what you try so damnably hard to make of it - intentional deceit and a character flaw.

I never accused her of intentional deceit, and I never accused her of a character flaw. I merely accused her of sloppy research methods - and sloppy research methods always make a person look bad, even if you give them the benefit of the doubt. That is why I have to be so careful around here - because the moment I put a foot wrong, I have half a dozen Trinitarians baying for my blood. So I have learned to be meticulous in my own debates, and rigorous when it comes to the examination of others.

I told you about how Theo does this stuff. You and she are not the same. You use your own words, are apparently proud of that, and it works for you. Theo looks things up, is not either as confident or proud of her own words, but is and always has been an earnest student and one willing to make effort to get answers for others, especially those who ask.

I have not denied this - I have merely observed that she did not cite her source. Which was true. There is another issue involved, but you go on to discuss this later, so I shall wait to address it.

I pointed out that in the post just before the one in question, she did cite the source. In a 'getting to know who you are dealing with', try these, from another site. Whether they are entire articles, or just comments, or definitions, Theo regularly cites. These are a mix, of MacArthur, Piper, Spurgeon, Novak, Mother Theresa, Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary, Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary, Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, etc:


Referring to "another site" (which she did not do until I made my accusation) is not the same as providing references in a post which draws heavily on original material. It is precisely this that I take issue with.

Here's 'hindsight', Evangelion, usually my personal 'best sight'. If asked if she got this from other sources, and what they were, Theo would have not only replied honestly, but would have eagerly recommended the books. She always does.

I do not dispute this. My contention is that she did not do it in the first place, and that she should have done, especially since that is what she usually does.

What happened, though, is that she was immediately charged with something untoward and unwholesome, and this was insisted upon, by you, as being the case.

I did not accuse her of anything "untoward and unwholesome" - I merely accused her of plagiarising a source, which - even if we take the most general definition as our working model - she clearly had.

Further, you insisted this could not be oversight or anything else

No, I never insisted anything of the sort. And it was only later that I discussed the general trend of Trinitarian plagiarism as it relates to my personal experience.

but absolutely contrary to your disclaimer that you were not attacking her character, you very much were doing so, and for a polemical reason.

Alas, this was not my intention, nor was it ever stated or implied in any of my posts. I attacked sloppy research methods, not character.

You've proved that, and that your purpose was the ad hominem attack to score points and discredit another by that.

This is simply not true.

You wrote:

"Differently"? Different to what? You are accusing me of viewing her in a different light, which is not true. I am not imputing motives, nor have I made any attack on her character. I am not accusing her of being a certain type of person - I am merely pointing out that she did not acknowledge a source, despite having lifted a slab of material from it, word for word.


I am not stretching hard, and you're playing the sympathy card when you claim that I am trying to discredit her. I am not doing anything of the kind.

Really? REALLY????Try this:

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source. I see this time and time again on Trinitarian Websites - particularly on discussion boards.

Let's review that last paragraph:

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source. I see this time and time again on Trinitarian Websites - particularly on discussion boards.

Where's the character attack, Denis? This has everything to do with sloppy research methods, and nothing to do with character. And FYI, this is indeed my experience with Trinitarians on the Net.

Check and mate on a text book standard ad hominem attack.

Accusing someone of sloppy research is a "text book standard ad hominem attack", is it? Even when it is true? This is too much, Denis.

That's why this couldn't be innocent oversight, or anything other than a 'character flaw', because you determined to lump her with a class of deficient persons - by definition: Trinitiarians.

'Standard Trinitarian tactic!' Sounds a lot like 'Usual Irish behavior' or 'customary Jewish greed".'

Well, I'm sorry if this is the kind of idea that springs immediately to your mind. My observation was simple - that I have seen this kind of tactic (call it sloppy research, if you will) many times before, and I have noted that this is a standard mode of procedure for Trinitarian apologists. All of this is perfectly true. Your personal interpretation of it is another matter entirely.

How many weeks have you been posting at Walter Martin, Evangelion? Have you noticed the anti-Trinitarians there copy/pasting entire unsourced tracts, repeatedly, and being brought up short on it by several folks?

As an example:

Yes, I have seen it done many a time - and not just by Trinitarians, either. But the context was Trinitarianism, and it was a Trinitarian to whom I was speaking. There was nothing in my post which implied that Trinitarians are the only ones who do this, so please stop suggesting that this is what I had meant.

But you weren't done yet with the polemical:

Trinitarians are in the habit of copy/pasting lists of proof texts that they have never actually studied themselves, entire paragraphs from articles and essays which they never wrote, and arguments which they frequently do not understand. Very rarely will a plagiarist go back and study the original material in order to validate its claims. This demonstrates the extent to which Trinitarians are prepared to accept what they are told, without questioning (a) the source, (b) the material, or (c) the logic involved.

Insofar as I have solid evidence to prove that this is often the case with other Trinitarians, there's no way that it can be misconstrued as a personal character attack on your wife. Indeed, the paragraphy above could be applied to Catholics as well. Or JWs. Or other denominations in which the "hierarchy factor" plays an important role. General comments are not the same as specific attacks - and this was clearly a general comment.

I freely acknowledge that this part...

Indeed, Trinitarian apologetics is largely reliant on the unquestioning submission of people who do not study their Bibles in any depth whatsoever.

...was my personal opinion. But if you want to see some evidence for it, just let me know. I've got plenty.

Evangelion, I have never, in all my years of this, seen such a blatant and intentioned ad hominem attack, carried off with such determined fervor.

If I had wanted to accuse Theophilus of being a blind follower of dogma, I would have done so. My only mistake was to write my post in a way that made it possible for people to interpret the final paragraph as a direct reference to Theophilus.

That is why rather than ask if Theo had culled these from somewhere, it had to be plagiarsim, and nothing but.

"Culling" without referencing is plagiarism by definition. It says nothing about the moral character of the plagiarist in question. Plagiarism is an act, not a state of mind or a moral conviction. If Theophilus uses material without acknowledging the source, she is plagiarising. The same definition applies to anyone who does it - not just to your wife. There is nothing personal about this entire issue - at least, not from my side.

That's why when she said she got these out of books, by her study, you had to try to reject that, because it did not fit your prejudiced broad brush of those gullible and lazy Trinitarians!

No, I rejected it at the time, because I was not yet wholly convinced. But guess what? I corrected my position when I discovered that I had been wrong.

That's why you have persisted, because it is precisely your intent to discredit by presumed character flaw.

False. If I wanted to attack her character, why was I so quick to be corrected - and so quick to apologise?

The bottom line remains - I said that she had used a source without referencing it. She asked me to prove this. I did.

You again:

It is not an ad hominem, it is simply accurate. I have made no judgement of her character, nor have I imputed motives.

You haven't?

Basically, Theophilus is merely resorting to the standard Trinitarian tactic of copy/pasting the work of others without acknowledging the original source.

That's an attack on character, and a lumping together of people by 'class'.

No, that's an observation - an observation which (by this time) I had proved to be correct. You probably take issue with the words "resorting" and "standard Trinitarian tactic", which (in your mind) imply a direct attempt to deceive. This was not what I had meant, and it should be obvious from the fact that I had originally said to her:

Oh come on, Theophilus - I expected better from you.

And yes, I did expect better from her. Why? Because I know that she can do better. This is not consistent with your accusation that my only intent was to pull her down.

Trinitarians are in the habit of copy/pasting lists of proof texts that they have never actually studied themselves, entire paragraphs from articles and essays which they never wrote, and arguments which they frequently do not understand.


This was an "if the cap fits, wear it" comment. It was not directly aimed at Theophilus.

Very rarely will a plagiarist go back and study the original material in order to validate its claims. This demonstrates the extent to which Trinitarians are prepared to accept what they are told, without questioning (a) the source, (b) the material, or (c) the logic involved. Indeed, Trinitarian apologetics is largely reliant on the unquestioning submission of people who do not study their Bibles in any depth whatsoever.

And I suppose that is not an indication of flawed character?

And I suppose you can see that I did not direct it at your wife? By this stage, Denis, I was clearly generalising. If I had wished to attack Theophilus, I would have done so in no uncertain terms.

In six years on the Net, I have become quite a researcher of quotes, Evangelion. There has been and is an industry of miscontextualized, distorted, corrupted and entirely bogus 'Catholic' quotes. I've searched them out, painstakingly. Had a lovely discussion with a monk at a monastery with a printing house, about a book credited to them as publisher. He was amused, as I wasn't the first inquiry. The book was credited with having been published years before that monastery started publishing, and then too, they only published sheet music, mostly chant! I've found as many as four different quotes attributed to a single issue of a Catholic periodical, that never once mentioned the topic of any of the quotes (God bless the UMich archives!). These supposed quotes are all over the Net, and are, well, copy/pasted without question. They are used by all manner of folks, including anti-Trinitarians, but also by all types of Christians and anti-Christians and atheists. In short, Evangelion, I have never felt that I could reasonably make the claim, even after dozens of these incidents, that 'non-Catholics' or 'anti-Catholics' do such and such, are gullible, don't check, etc. Some do. Most, the overwhelmingly 'most' do not. But if I were to do as you do here, I would do exactly that. I would paint all opposition with the broad brush ad hominem as you do.

I had said "Trinitarians are in the habit of...", not "All Trinitarians do this." I had identified a trend. I had not written everyone off in a single breath. Do you recognise the distinction?

The fact that you jumped on Theo over this, and then linked it to being an ATTRIBUTE of her belief in the Trinity gives you away completely.

No, I did not do this at all.

She did this and it is wrong.
Why did she do this?
She's a Trinitarian and they do that kind of thing.

You can substitute anything you like for Trinitarian, and it basically reads the same: Negro, Jew, Catholic, Christadelphian.

You were indeed trying to establish character flaw directly linked to her profession of faith, and should be ashamed.

This is untrue, and I have already explained why.

If that were not the case, her being a Trinitarian would have zero to do with it

The fact that she is a Trinitarian has everything to do with the original debate, which arose from her defence of Trinitarianism. The fact that Trinitarians in general use sloppy research methods, is another thing entirely. The fact that Theophilus used sloppy research methods (and I am happy to accept that this was a mere accident) leaves her open to a justifiable accusation of plagiarism.

but that was not the case: you made it central, to make a polemical point about Trinitarians in general.

No, I merely observed that she had used sloppy research methods, and that sloppy research methods are common among Trinitarians. The fact that I had originally observed that Theophilus does not usually do this, should be more than enough to demonstrate that I was not lumping her together with other Trinitarians I have met. You can choose to reject my explanation if you wish - that is your prerogative. But if that is the case, I shall require you to tell me why you think I said (at the beginning), "Oh come on, Theophilus - I expected better from you." Does this sound like someone who has already decided that Theophilus is just a blind copy/paster? Not in my book it doesn't.

It's also why you resisted her honest 'I got it from books' she studied. It didn't fit the image you wanted to portray of such believers.

None of this is true. The very moment that I realised her claim "I got it from books" was true, I apologised. This does not change the fact that she used a source without referencing it - which was, let us remember, my original accusation. If I had wanted to impugn her motives, I would still not have accepted her "I got it from books" defence. But since I had Geisler's book open on my desk by that stage, it was obvious that this was the souce in question.

Now, just one more point before I wrap up. Theophilus has made certain comments about the meaning and significance of the Hebrew word echad. These comments are, for the most part, incorrect - a fact which can be proved by several minutes with a copy of Brown-Driver-Briggs.

When I see people writing stuff like this...

"One" in Hebrew: Yachead is the O.T. word used for absolute unity; a mathematical or numerical one. It is used about twelve times in the O.T., but never to describe the unity of God (Gen. 22:2; Zech. 12:10).

Echad however speaks of a compound or collective unity. In marriage "the two shall be one flesh" (Gen. 2:24); a crowd can gather together "as one" (Ezek. 3:1); or be of one mind or heart: "All the rest of Israel were of one heart to make David king" (1 Chron. 12:38). This is the compound plural ALWAYS used of God when He is called "one" Lord.

...I know I am looking at the work of someone who has not studied the word echad in any detail whatsoever.

That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say that Trinitarians are in the habit of accepting material at face value without attempting to validate its claims. You and I both know that Theophilus is capable of much better, which is why I was disappointed to see her using methods which I have come to associate with the poor methodology of standard Trinitarian exegetes. She will do herself no favours by posting material that is demonstrably false.

In conclusion -

I apologise for having offended both you and your wife. It was never my intention. I thank you for your tone, I thank you for your compliments, and I thank you for your time.



New member

I have debated your kind quite often and have done so in public forums all over the world. I'm not one least bit taken back by your desire to engage me in a debate on the Trinity. In fact, I'm still awaiting for you to answer my many questions I have raised in our last debate.


Originally posted by Freak

I have debated your kind quite often and have done so in public forums all over the world. I'm not one least bit taken back by your desire to engage me in a debate on the Trinity. In fact, I'm still awaiting for you to answer my many questions I have raised in our last debate.

Ah Freak, I laughed and Laughed, you are hoist on your own petard my winsome wee mate, not only do you NOT answer questions, you start other threads in order NOT to answer 'em.

But I suppose you'll see this as more evidence of the hatred in my heart. We are all folk of impenetrable darkness and weakness but it is not our lack of light or strength that saves us, it is rather our relationship with the Christ.

Furthermore Denis is right, Freak, stay out of it, see I haven't jumped in & as current holder of the "South Pacific Loudmouth of the Year award", given by Malcolm Stevenson, Australian Region President, Community of Christ. If I can restrain myself so can you!

My 2c is that the debate while certainly interesting is in danger of degenerating into personalities, I have too much respect for Theophilus (with whom I rarely agree), Evangelion (with whom I sometimes agree) & Ya'nar (who is always interesting) to enjoy seeing that happen.
