REPORT: The Death Penalty Debate - By Bob Enyart


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Originally posted by beast

Thank you....

I heard your forum was hated of liberals.... so I though I should check it out.
Very true. TOL is run by folks with a Christian Reconstructionist bent while simultaneously having a dispensationalist/open-view twist.


Well I'm a liberal in regards to the death penalty, I hate abortions, and abortionists, but I don't take the law into my own hands, I would get rid of them pronto if I was in power, along with everyone who would threaten me for doing so.... I especially hate kidnappers and murderers, liars also, because the liar is usually the pardner of the murderer. False witnesses etc. All skum in my eyes.

I don't know how much license I have with language, but I will remain within the bounds of decency. I long ago ran out of tolerance, so you won't hear any bleeding heart sewage from me.

Dispensionalism.... hummm!
Well you'll soon know where I stand in regards to prophecy.

I write at the english forum. Been there for quite a few years.
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If I was the king, I would kill all the murderers, and all the kidnappers, and everyone who lied to me.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by beast

If I was the king, I would kill all the murderers, and all the kidnappers, and everyone who lied to me.
It's highly unlikely that you'd ever qualify for the job, then.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by beast

I hate to disappoint you, but I already have the job...
As king? You sound like a thoroughly disagreeable fellow. Remind me not to visit your domain, what country was that again?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by beast
Trust me.
The last Christian I heard say that was a married pastor who was sleeping with two other married women in the congregation... :think:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath to beast

The last Christian I heard say that was a married pastor who was sleeping with two other married women in the congregation... :think:


His wife probably was a toilet seat tyrant who withdrew sex from him every time he didn't obey her beck and call....


New member
beast wrote:

His wife probably was a toilet seat tyrant who withdrew sex from him every time he didn't obey her beck and call....

Oh, well that should completely excuse his concubine-riddled infidelities, right? He should probably be given a medal.


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Originally posted by beast

If I was the king, I would kill all the murderers, and all the kidnappers, and everyone who lied to me.
Are you basing what you would do if you were king on what would suit you personally or patterning after biblical ideas?


After the law of God of course, there is no justice apart from the law.

And for the women with whom he was having sex with probably had husbands that were paraplegic.... lots of them around. In the case of adultery, stoning is not always the right judgement.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beast

After the law of God of course, there is no justice apart from the law.

And for the women with whom he was having sex with probably had husbands that were paraplegic.... lots of them around. In the case of adultery, stoning is not always the right judgement.


New member
Naw, this sadsack is trying to troll us. Could the lure he's lumpenly dragging behind his plastic peddleboat be any more pathetically garish and tinny?

Are we sharks or minnows? Don't be rising to this bait.