Repentance is given by the Saviour !


Well-known member
Amen Brother, God doesn't want the non-elect goats to repent of their sins, for He Created them as Vessels of Wrath and is fitting them for destruction per Rom. 9:22; Mat. 25:41.

Repentance is only in view of remission of sins Luke 24:47 given to those Christ died for, His Sheep John 10:11; 15 !

You blaspheme the God of grace by denying the blood of His Son to most of humanity and He intended it for anyone, not just you.

Enjoy the Lake of Fire.


Well-known member
In light of repentance being of Christ and His Saving prerogative, it's not scriptural to make it a condition for sinners to perform in order to get saved.

So true ! Those Christ is Saviour to, He also gives them of His Spirit which produces in them both Faith and Repentance Rom. 8:9: The New Heart He gives each one of them as a Saviour should:

Ezek. 36:26-27

26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.


New member
So true ! Those Christ is Saviour to, He also gives them of His Spirit which produces in them both Faith and Repentance Rom. 8:9: The New Heart He gives each one of them as a Saviour should:

Ezek. 36:26-27

26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

Doesn’t seem too efficient having to replace a heart He should have put in there to start with as well THEY WERE CREATED ELECTED...just have them born perfect already...skip that transplanting step...that need for repentance part even...heck how about just make people born perfect so no need to sacrifice begotten Son?

No need to make all people perfect keep some to torment forever just cuz well apparently that’s what He wants to do...

Oh and do the elected not goats walk in ALL my statutes and keep ALL judgements and DO ALL? AND Because they were created to do so?

Or a different set not dispensed to them initially but later...

I mean which set are we elected raptured from here...the OT set or kingdom set or the body of christ set?


Well-known member
Like Faith, True Repentance is from a Spiritual Source, its the Gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Repentance thats towards God can be that which leadeth to Godly sorrow 2 Cor 7:10

For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

So this being true, this type of repentance in regards to salvation is from a godly source ! That godly source cant be out from the flesh of sinful man, which I believe can only worketh or lead to death !
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Well-known member
The capacity for repentance - changing the mind - is built into all humans by God.

The capacity for faith - believing something - is built into all humans by God.

That is the ONLY way God could justly condemn people -- if they CHOOSE to refuse to change their minds and CHOOSE to refuse to believe what He wants believed.

If they have no choice, God is a liar and worse than Satan for damning them for what He made them unable to do.

Calvinists slander and blaspheme God.


New member
Like Faith, True Repentance is from a Spiritual Source, its the Gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Repentance thats towards God can be that which leadeth to Godly sorrow 2 Cor 7:10

[FONT="]For [/FONT]godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

So this being true, this type of repentance in regards to salvation is from a godly source ! That godly source cant be out from the flesh of sinful man, which I believe can only worketh or lead to death !

Yes yes...come out with it all does one on which the godly source repented even saved NOT live a goat life?

What does that look like? And for how long? At the moment or the rest of the race of life...the good they obey to receive the Holy Spirit? obey what? Are they led by the Spirit to imitate the ONE who repented them and saved them? Or just kinda...

And why at all if it is indeed all a done deal already anyhow?


New member
The capacity for repentance - changing the mind - is built into all humans by God.

The capacity for faith - believing something - is built into all humans by God.

That is the ONLY way God could justly condemn people -- if they CHOOSE to refuse to change their minds and CHOOSE to refuse to believe what He wants believed.

If they have no choice, God is a liar and worse than Satan for damning them for what He made them unable to do.

Calvinists slander and blaspheme God.

Hear Hear...even Satan couldn’t believe the penalty for eating forbidden fruit...death? ETERNAL TORMENT?

I mean Satan had just led 1/3 of the angels in open war and direct rebellion and was given a planet to rule...of course God was Merciful and Gracious and allowed some choice...death sentence because of fruit? Unthinkable...


New member
It wasn't about the fruit.

Is exactly why we WANT to keep the law to obey...the external reveals the internal...the physical realm the spiritual

It is indeed not what goes in a man that makes him unclean...but that in taking in something unclean it reveals the uncleanliness of the mind and heart that would allow one to choose to partake of something unclean...

What grace! what sacrament! that He gave us shadows/laws/tools to reveal what lies within our deceptive inner man of the flesh...

And we would dare think those shadows/laws/tools changed or abolished or NOT DISPENSED TO US? As if we are free to choose whatever whenever?


Well-known member
Like Faith, True Repentance is from a Spiritual Source, its the Gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Repentance thats towards God can be that which leadeth to Godly sorrow 2 Cor 7:10

[FONT="]For [/FONT]godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

So this being true, this type of repentance in regards to salvation is from a godly source ! That godly source cant be out from the flesh of sinful man, which I believe can only worketh or lead to death !

Exactly, without Christ and His Spirit in us, given in New Birth John 3:3, we can do nothing as Jesus says in John 15:5; also Rom. 8:8. We are helpless, totally unable to turn ourselves Prov. 16:25; but when the Spirit of Christ comes into one with His Life Rom. 8:9, He turns us !

Jer. 31:19 Surely after that I was turned, I repented; and after that I was instructed, I smote upon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, even confounded, because I did bear the reproach of my youth.


New member
Exactly, without Christ and His Spirit in us, given in New Birth John 3:3, we can do nothing as Jesus says in John 15:5; also Rom. 8:8. We are helpless, totally unable to turn ourselves Prov. 16:25; but when the Spirit of Christ comes into one with His Life Rom. 8:9, He turns us !

Jer. 31:19 Surely after that I was turned, I repented; and after that I was instructed, I smote upon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, even confounded, because I did bear the reproach of my youth.

Excuse me please...was wondering if you could describe what that repented life looks like...that turned life...that not goat life...

What did you turn from and to what did you turn to?

Oh and that repented life from what? why did you repent? did you want to? Were you forced to?



Well-known member
Excuse me please...was wondering if you could describe what that repented life looks like...that turned life...that not goat life...

What did you turn from and to what did you turn to?

Oh and that repented life from what? why did you repent? did you want to? Were you forced to?


We are not here to talk about ourselves. You are always man centered in your comments !


New member
We are not here to talk about ourselves. You are always man centered in your comments !


How many of you does that include?

Man centered?

Well that is who is selected and repented upon right? I mean we don’t include animals or house plants do we?

I just want a standard to base what that life looks like...that turned, repented, saved, Christ centered I know what to look for to know who is and who is not...

For instance are we allowed to lie or deceive or add/subtract to the Word?

Feel free to show you work...include citation and sources too...


Well-known member

How many of you does that include?

Man centered?

Well that is who is selected and repented upon right? I mean we don’t include animals or house plants do we?

I just want a standard to base what that life looks like...that turned, repented, saved, Christ centered I know what to look for to know who is and who is not...

For instance are we allowed to lie or deceive or add/subtract to the Word?

Feel free to show you work...include citation and sources too...

Yes, you always want to talk about man, that draws away from talking about God in Christ. According to my OP and following posts, who gives Repentance ? Where does it come from ? Who is it specifically given to ?


New member
Yes, you always want to talk about man, that draws away from talking about God in Christ. According to my OP and following posts, who gives Repentance ? Where does it come from ? Who is it specifically given to ?

I am not asking Who gives it or Who gets it or that we not talk about God in Christ...

I wanna talk about now that God in Christ gives repentance and to specific people what does that look like...

What lifestyle, behavior, choices, values, are know the fruits...not of 5e Spirit given but what are you repented from?

Are all of your “we” this elusive and squeamish to speak on this? Is that an example of being repented? Being ashamed to testify of your changed behavior or turned lifestyle... yours steal, murder, worship another god or the same God differently?

That is the gospel...what He did for not ashamed...witness


Well-known member
I am not asking Who gives it or Who gets it or that we not talk about God in Christ...

I wanna talk about now that God in Christ gives repentance and to specific people what does that look like...

What lifestyle, behavior, choices, values, are know the fruits...not of 5e Spirit given but what are you repented from?

Are all of your “we” this elusive and squeamish to speak on this? Is that an example of being repented? Being ashamed to testify of your changed behavior or turned lifestyle... yours steal, murder, worship another god or the same God differently?

That is the gospel...what He did for not ashamed...witness

Every thread I make is my witness. My witness consits in teaching what Christ did and accomplished. However you dont seem to be interested in that. Again, according to the posts, who gives repentance, and to whom does it specifically say He gives it to ? Read Acts 5:31 and answer the questions. Dont evade


New member
Every thread I make is my witness. My witness consits in teaching what Christ did and accomplished. However you dont seem to be interested in that. Again, according to the posts, who gives repentance, and to whom does it specifically say He gives it to ? Read Acts 5:31 and answer the questions. Dont evade

Me evade? I am trying to get you to clarify the very next verse.

“We are His witnesses to these things and so also is the Holy Spirit whom Yah has given to those who OBEY Him” verse 32

Remember Cornelius? he received the Holy Spirit too...but because Acts 10:2 He was devout and feared Yah with all his household...prayed and fasted...

It was obedient Cornelius when Peter realized “But in every nation whoever fears Him and WORKS RIGHTEOUSNESS is accepted by Him” Acts 10:35

Peter’s concludes that the Holy Spirit was given to goyim because Yah made no distinction between jew or they were very similar in differences means they both obeyed the same laws and thus received the Spirit same reason as jews...Acts 15:9

Just like when the church was in the wilderness...ONE LAW for jew and goyim alike

So your turn...STILL

What do you obey? What does your repented lifestyle look lik? Some MAD here dont obey much at all but have raptured themselves from any obligations as they are under GRACE ALONE...and saved forever no matter what...

So what did you obey to receive the Holy Spirit?...because so far your fruit do not reveal your claims that you have received as repented...don’t evade
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Well-known member
Me evade? I am trying to get you to clarify the very next verse.

“We are His witnesses to these things and so also is the Holy Spirit whom Yah has given to those who OBEY Him” verse 32

Remember Cornelius? he received the Holy Spirit too...but because Acts 10:2 He was devout and feared Yah with all his household...prayed and fasted...

It was obedient Cornelius when Peter realized “But in every nation whoever fears Him and WORKS RIGHTEOUSNESS is accepted by Him” Acts 10:35

Peter’s concludes that the Holy Spirit was given to goyim because Yah made no distinction between jew or they were very similar in differences means they both obeyed the same laws and thus received the Spirit same reason as jews...Acts 15:9

Just like when the church was in the wilderness...ONE LAW for jew and goyim alike

So your turn...STILL

What do you obey? What does your repented lifestyle look lik? Some MAD here dont obey much at all but have raptured themselves from any obligations as they are under GRACE ALONE...and saved forever no matter what...

So what did you obey to receive the Holy Spirit?...because so far your fruit do not reveal your claims that you have received as repented...don’t evade
. Again, according to the posts, who gives repentance, and to whom does it specifically say He gives it to ? Read Acts 5:31 and answer the questions. Dont evade