Religious Zealotry


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Temp Banned
@PureX do you have a hand? And whether you say yes or no, are you telling me that somehow, because man is fallible, that you have to discount the truth of your answer? Just because you're fallible?

Purex I agree 100% we are fallible, there's only ever been One perfect Son of Man (cf. the book of Daniel) and He is God. The rest and or best of us are all fallible. To err is human.

But does that mean you're only 99.999% sure you do or you don't have a hand?

Note that in the case that you're dreaming, it doesn't matter whether you're rational or not, it only matters if you're not dreaming, or if you want to win in your dream. If you're only dreaming, and you don't care if you win in your dream, I'm drawing a parallel between a dream and a video game here, then being rational and logical doesn't matter. It only matters if either this is not a dream, or if it is a dream, and you still want to win the dream, and not just watch what happens in it, passively.

Does it help me prosper if I hold out one part per million doubt about everything I otherwise would have no Earthly reason to doubt in any trace contaminant level at all? It does not. In fact it could only ever be for you a stumbling stone, the best it could be is irrelevant, but it could lead you down a path where the outcome is significantly inferior from if you just accepted things like "I have a hand" with 100% infallibility.
Thinking we're right doesn't make us right, no matter how intently we think it. And because this is ALWAYS so, my self-assumed righteousness does not EVER extend beyond me. And if I try to force it into the reality of others, I become an agent not only of the abuse of others, but an agent in contention with God, because I am appointing myself God's agency.

Faith is not a process of lying to ourselves until we believe it, by pretending that we cannot be wrong. Because we can, and we very often are. To presume that we aren't would be to adopt a lie as the truth. And to tell others that we aren't is to lie to them. And faith is not the dishonest pretense of our own righteousness.
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Right Divider

Body part
Says the dude who of late can only manage to pop out a few emoticons in response to me.
So what? Who cares?

Your atheism leaves you with no grounds for claiming any logic or reason at all. Your world view is that everything comes from random chance. Random chance does not lead to rational thought.


Well-known member
The goal of educating children about sexuality does not come from a sexual feeling. Isn't it obvious that children need some information about sexuality prior to having their own sexual feelings.
There can be a discussion and reasonable disagreement over what is age-appropriate. Your blanket treatment on this issue is faulty. This is an example where your religion has impaired your ability to evaluate information.
America has degenerated to the point that leftists are now teaching school kids in elementary grades how to give and receive homosexual pleasures, and pornographic images are also used by the 'teacher.' That is perverted, is abusive to children, and destructive to civilization.
The research shows that other forms of discipline are as effective without modelling violence. A significant minority of youth that were routinely spanked display syndrome of depression, anger, and aggression in adolescence. A subgroup that is virtually nonexistence without such punishment.
When I was a school kid who transgressed the rules was spanked and school violence was rare. Modern schools lack proper discipline and violence is out of control.

Your belief that nonviolent transgressions be met with the death penalty is immoral. Some Christians can claim they have the moral high ground. You are not one of them.
Softening on crime and eliminating the death penalty are major factors underlying the skyrocketing increase of violent crimes in America.
Appeal to popularity.
Someone who wishes to change Heather has Two Mommies to Heather has NO Mommies is immoral.
Research has not shown this to be true. Most homosexuals do not claim any such abuse. Most pedophiles are ostensibly heterosexual.
I saw a Pride parade once. A pretty tame affair actually. The Lipstick Lesbian float was interesting. The P-flag marchers were a large group holding inspiring and humorous signs.
Homosexuality is sick, unhealthy, immoral, unnatural, perverted, and destructive to societies.


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Gold Subscriber
The goal of educating children about sexuality does not come from a sexual feeling. Isn't it obvious that children need some information about sexuality prior to having their own sexual feelings.

No, it's not obvious, and introducing children to sexual behavior before they are even halfway to puberty is child abuse.

There can be a discussion and reasonable disagreement over what is age-appropriate.

The only discussion of sex that a parents should teach their children, when they reach the age of puberty, is that they should be abstinent from it until they marry.

That is the only age-appropriate information they should hear.

Your blanket treatment on this issue is faulty.


This is an example where your religion has impaired your ability to evaluate information.


The research shows that other forms of discipline are as effective without modelling violence.

Other forms, such as?

A significant minority of youth that were routinely spanked display syndrome of depression, anger, and aggression in adolescence. A subgroup that is virtually nonexistence without such punishment.

How many of those were simply beaten out of anger, rather than spanked by a parent was calm, but stern?

It makes a difference.

Your belief that nonviolent transgressions be met with the death penalty is immoral.


Some Christians can claim they have the moral high ground.

So what?

You are not one of them.


Appeal to popularity.


Someone who wishes to change Heather has Two Mommies to Heather has NO Mommies is immoral.

To begin with, Heather should have a mommy and a daddy. Not two mommies, not two daddies, no more and no less than one mother and one father.

Research has not shown this to be true.


Most homosexuals do not claim any such abuse.

Because admitting they were abused would be embarrassing.

Most pedophiles are ostensibly heterosexual.

Is is possible for there to be a homosexual pedophile?

I saw a Pride parade once.



Well-known member
America has degenerated to the point that leftists are now teaching school kids in elementary grades how to give and receive homosexual pleasures, and pornographic images are also used by the 'teacher.'
Very doubtful. Besides a one in a million incident with a crackpot teacher, there is no such content being delivered at that age. Get real.
When I was a school kid who transgressed the rules was spanked and school violence was rare. Modern schools lack proper discipline and violence is out of control.
Spurious correlation.
Softening on crime and eliminating the death penalty are major factors underlying the skyrocketing increase of violent crimes in America.
The death penalty is not a deterrant for crimes borne of impulsivity and hopelessness.

Homosexuality is sick, unhealthy, immoral, unnatural, perverted, and destructive to societies.
What Nine percent of the population does with there personal lives can not really have a giant impact.


Well-known member
Very doubtful. Besides a one in a million incident with a crackpot teacher, there is no such content being delivered at that age. Get real.
You are wrong, likely due to lack of information and a limited awareness of facts.
Spurious correlation.

The death penalty is not a deterrant for crimes borne of impulsivity and hopelessness.
The death penalty is a deterrent to violence.
What Nine percent of the population does with there personal lives can not really have a giant impact.
The ignorant and deluded do not understand why morality is key to the survival of good societies. Leftist atheist communist fascists know the effect immorality has on a nation, which is why they promote immorality to weaken and destroy America.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. [Note: This is the Gramscian agenda of the "long march through the institutions" spelled out explicitly: gradual takeover of the "means of communication" and then using those vehicles to debauch the culture and weaken the will of the individual to resist.]

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy." [Note: Today those few who still have the courage to advocate public morality are denounced and viciously attacked. Most Americans are entirely unwitting regarding the motives behind this agenda.]


Well-known member
Temp Banned
So instead of getting mad and ending a conversation because I insult you, why don't you forgive instead you stupid humanoid?
I do forgive. And anyway, I'm not insulted. The attempts around here are weak and of no consequence. So I disengage when I can see that my antagonist can't meaningfully interact any further.
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Well-known member
No, it's not obvious, and introducing children to sexual behavior before they are even halfway to puberty is child abuse.
Whose doing that? Would it be reasonable to tell an eight year old child: as they get older usually boys like to kiss girls, girls like to kiss boys, less often some boys like to kiss boys, some girls like to kiss girls, some like to kiss both. People have different ideas about what is okay, but in the school setting, we treat everyone with respect ?
The only discussion of sex that a parents should teach their children, when they reach the age of puberty, is that they should be abstinent from it until they marry.

That is the only age-appropriate information they should hear.
How well does that work?
The research shows that other forms of discipline are as effective without modelling violence. Other forms, such as?
Reinforcement, token economy, response cost, time-out, calculated ignoring, hand over hand techniques, etc.
How many of those were simply beaten out of anger, rather than spanked by a parent was calm, but stern?

It makes a difference.
True, the level of abuse made a difference. However, spanking alone still had a negative impact.
Because admitting they were abused would be embarrassing.
In anonymous questionnaires? And, how do you know the truth of the matter?
Is is possible for there to be a homosexual pedophile?
Yeah. Your point?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
That's insulting.
Only if the insults in question were meant to be strong and effective. :)

Around here, it seems they are almost always meant to deflect the conversation when one can't effectively respond to it, and to try and re-establish one's delusions of dominance and superiority.
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Well-known member
Your reading comprehension is poor.
Note the "either were already perfect" part.
I did see it, but by the grace of God the context shows exactly what sort of perfection he had yet to attain.
Initially, the resurrection from the dead, and its resulting new vessel's perfection.
Paul isn't referring to sinfulness in Phil 3.
You're not Christ.
No, I am not...but I am in Christ, and as there is no sin in Christ, sinners are not in Christ either.


Well-known member
Of course it is. None of us reach the level of spiritual perfection that is Christ. The best we can do is try, and repent when we fail. It's why forgiveness is tantamount to Christianity. And why refusing to forgive others for their sins only condemns us of our own.
We are obviously on different tracks.
My old man, the sinners, was crucified with Christ and buried by water baptism. (Rom 6:3-7)
I now walk in newness of life, in Christ, in whom is no sin.
And greed into righteous reward. And ego into self-righteousness. And justice into vengeance. And ...
People seek (and often find) the God that justifies who they already are rather than exemplifies who they need to become. And sadly, too many religious expressions and religious groups are all to willing to provide them with whatever gods they're looking for.
Yep, a little twisting of what God says caused Eve to disobey at the beginning, and it continues today.
But it is the twisting that is necessary.
A lot of self-proclaimed Christians don't know or care what Christ is. All they know or care about is the idea of Christ that ratifies their base personality and instincts. And they quote-mine the Bible in the same way, for the same reason.
Nearly every false doctrine ever conceived is an accommodation for ongoing sinning.
That is how God wants it, because that is how it is. Trying to force the world to comply with our ideas of God is trying to play God, ourselves. And that always ends in death and disaster. Yet in the end, that is always the 'zealot's' goal: to rule over the world and everyone in it as if he were God, himself. And he will stoop to any immorality to obtain that absolute control. Lies, torture, murder, the means always justifies the ends for him, because he thinks he is God's right hand.
It is the end of the unrighteous zealot's spiel.
Thanks be to God that there are righteous zealots too.
Their motive is as far from unrighteousness as Jesus' was.


Well-known member
On which point?
The "point" that God doesn't speak to people anymore.
I can assure you that He does.
Of course He does. But that doesn't change the fact that He does not currently speak to people directly.
He does.
How about what the Bible says? Is that contrary to God?
Nope, it is all truly of God.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. . . . For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people. - Leviticus 18:22-23,29,29&version=NKJV
(reminder that "cut off" is a Hebrew idiom that means "to put to death")
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. - Leviticus 20:13
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:24-32
Thanks be to God we don't live under the Mosaic Law.
OT punishments by men are now totally in the hands of God.
In fact, I don't even know if the unbelieving Jews still hold those customs, even though they are still trying to be justified by the Law.


Well-known member
We are obviously on different tracks.
My old man, the sinners, was crucified with Christ and buried by water baptism. (Rom 6:3-7)
I now walk in newness of life, in Christ, in whom is no sin.
Christians can and should walk in newness of life, which is why we are told to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

Romans 6:4
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The topic is "Religious Zealotry"

The FACT is that the Religious Zealotry of Marxism and the Left is the true danger to civilization, more so right now than the Muslim Jihadists.

Christians are not even on the chart.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
God is not wrong.
Why change the tense?

I find it fascinating when people refuse to give a straight answer to questions that answer themselves.

Of course God was not wrong when He said that those who commit homosexual acts are to be put to death.

The real question is why do you say otherwise?


Well-known member
Why change the tense?

I find it fascinating when people refuse to give a straight answer to questions that answer themselves.

Of course God was not wrong when He said that those who commit homosexual acts are to be put to death.

The real question is why do you say otherwise?
I don't believe God has commanded you to put homosexuals to death.


Well-known member
Of course God was not wrong when He said that those who commit homosexual acts are to be put to death.
There is truly no compelling evidence that God or gods even exist. Syllogisms don't cut it. The Bible is suspect as a source- period. Yet- you act like you have direct knowledge and endorse the view that people who commit non-violent transgressions should die. You are simply a hateful person. There is no excuse for you as you are not a doltish simpleton like many who share your interpretation.