Religious Zealotry


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So your response is to excuse them as insignificant because they didn't rape, rob, torture, and murder as many people as non-religious zealots did? (Because Christian religious zealots must always be excused of wrongdoing.)

When was the last time Christians did those things?

I am seeing this as being a common reaction, here. Deflection by blaming someone else of something worse. As if that somehow mitigates the original observed wrongs.

No one has dismissed anything.

Here is the problem.

Zealot "X" decides for himself, by reading tea leaves (let's say), that God is speaking to him through the leaves. And, he automatically presumes that his interpretation of those tea leaves is an accurate understanding of the divine messages that he's receiving. The result being that he has convinced himself that his concept of, and interpretation of those tea leaves are coming directly from God. And therefor they cannot possibly be wrong because God cannot possibly be wrong.

You see what he did, here?

Armed, now, with this presumed special God-knowledge, Zealot "X" sees himself as a God authorized messenger to the world. And when anyone in the world dares to suggest to him that he is not a God's authorized messenger to the world, he perceives them as being 'anti-God', and thereby deserving of forced correction, punishment, condemnation, and whatever. Because Zealot "X" has deemed his own beliefs about God to actually BE GOD. He thinks his own beliefs about God have become infallible. Unquestionable. Undoubtable. And anything that Zealot "X" does to anyone else that's motivated by those unquestionable, undoubtable beliefs must then also be infallibly righteous. Zealot "X" no longer has a conscience. He has overridden it with his self-assumed divine righteousness. And he is now capable of burning witches, torturing homosexuals, enslaving "non-believers" and doing whatever he thinks his divinely righteous interpretation of the tea leaves tells him to do.

This is why religious zealots are particularly dangerous to humanity. It's because they turn their own beliefs into their God. Rendering them unquestionable, undoubtable, and anything they do as a result, they presume to be infallibly righteous.

Christians != Zealot "X"
The Bible != Tea leaves

God does not speak to people directly currently. The last time it happened was with the Apostle John, around AD 90, to give him the Revelation of the end times.

Yet God can still speak to humans through His word, the Bible, simply by the people reading the words on the page. It's not a supernatural occurrence. It's just people reading what God has said.


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Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.

Child brides were common in the 'Bible Belt' at the time. Where everyone was a democrat until the Democratic Party decided to support equal rights and desegregation. Then the Bible Belters decided they couldn't abide that, so they turned republican.


Well-known member
Child brides were common in the 'Bible Belt' at the time. Where everyone was a democrat until the Democratic Party decided to support equal rights and desegregation. Then the Bible Belters decided they couldn't abide that, so they turned republican.
Your total misunderstanding of the facts is likely due to your gullibility when listening to compulsive chronic liars who are opposed to God and the U.S.


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When was the last time Christians did those things?
Well, they were lynching blacks just a few decades ago. And of course you're still calling for capital punishment for homosexuals and women that have abortions. And I suspect you'd happily add a few others to the list. And history shows us that the moment the religious zealots gain the ability to commit mayhem, they will. Because it's built into the nature of their absolutist ideology. And I am not aiming this indictment at Christians, specifically, as it applies to zealots of any religion.
No one has dismissed anything.

Christians != Zealot "X"
The Bible != Tea leaves

God does not speak to people directly currently. The last time it happened was with the Apostle John, around AD 90, to give him the Revelation of the end times.

Yet God can still speak to humans through His word, the Bible, simply by the people reading the words on the page. It's not a supernatural occurrence. It's just people reading what God has said.
None of this makes anyone God's messenger to the world. Nor does it authorize anyone to judge humanity on God's behalf.


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Well, they were lynching blacks just a few decades ago.

Who is "they"?

Because it's not Christians. I asked about Christians.

And of course you're still calling for capital punishment for homosexuals

Because God says to put them to death if they commit homosexual acts. That is the just punishment for their actions.

and women that have abortions.

Women who intentionally kill, or have someone kill their child in their womb, are guilty of murder. That makes them a murderer. Murderers should be put to death, according to God.

And I suspect you'd happily add a few others to the list.

Such as?

And history shows us that the moment the religious zealots gain the ability to commit mayhem, they will.

For example?

Because it's built into the nature of their absolutist ideology.

Bearing false witness is a sin, PureX.

And I am not aiming this indictment at Christians, specifically, as it applies to zealots of any religion.

I'm asking specifically about Christians.

None of this makes anyone God's messenger to the world.

The Bible does.

Nor does it authorize anyone to judge humanity on God's behalf.

The Bible does.


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Because Christians are not told to kill homosexuals any more than Christians are told to kill idolators.

Idolatry is not a crime. Homosexual behavior is.

Christians are not told to kill anyone, except as under the authority of their government (eg: during wartime).

The government, however, is held responsible by God for executing homosexuals and other capital criminals.


Well-known member
When was the last time Christians did those things?
No one has dismissed anything.
Christians != Zealot "X"
The Bible != Tea leaves
God does not speak to people directly currently. The last time it happened was with the Apostle John, around AD 90, to give him the Revelation of the end times.
You are incorrect on that point.
Yet God can still speak to humans through His word, the Bible, simply by the people reading the words on the page. It's not a supernatural occurrence. It's just people reading what God has said.
God does what is necessary.


Well-known member
Well, they were lynching blacks just a few decades ago. And of course you're still calling for capital punishment for homosexuals and women that have abortions. And I suspect you'd happily add a few others to the list. And history shows us that the moment the religious zealots gain the ability to commit mayhem, they will. Because it's built into the nature of their absolutist ideology. And I am not aiming this indictment at Christians, specifically, as it applies to zealots of any religion.
Your definition of "Christian" is way different than mine.
Christians love God with all their might, and they love their neighbors as they love themselves.
Posers, calling themselves Christians, did those evil things.
None of this makes anyone God's messenger to the world. Nor does it authorize anyone to judge humanity on God's behalf.
God will do the final judging.
We can, however, warn folks of what is coming.


Well-known member
Idolatry is not a crime. Homosexual behavior is.

Christians are not told to kill anyone, except as under the authority of their government (eg: during wartime).

The government, however, is held responsible by God for executing homosexuals and other capital criminals.
I won't allow myself to abandon God for any other supposed authority's command to kill or anything else contrary to God.


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Your definition of "Christian" is way different than mine.
Christians love God with all their might, and they love their neighbors as they love themselves.
Posers, calling themselves Christians, did those evil things.
We're ALL posers calling ourselves Christians, to some degree. Because not one of us can live up to that challenge, fully. The Christians that lynched blacks just a few decades ago found their justification in the Bible, and went to their churches every Sunday and believed they loved God just as so many Christians do, today. And just as murderous religious zealots have always done, and still do, regardless of their religion, or which holy books they consult. When people think they are sanctioned by God to judge and punish their fellow man, horrific and unGodly mayhem results.
God will do the final judging.
We can, however, warn folks of what is coming.
We can warn people of what we think/believe is coming. But when we try to bring it about, we tend to become monsters and criminals.


Well-known member
We're ALL posers calling ourselves Christians, to some degree.
That is not true.
Because not one of us can live up to that challenge, fully.
Some do.
The Christians that lynched blacks just a few decades ago found their justification in the Bible, and went to their churches every Sunday and believed they loved God just as so many Christians do, today. And just as murderous religious zealots have always done, and still do, regardless of their religion, or which holy books they consult. When people think they are sanctioned by God to judge and punish their fellow man, horrific and unGodly mayhem results.
Just goes to prove justification can be found in the bible...if you twist love into hate.
It proves that going to a building doesn't make a a person a Christian.
Their actions proved their claims (of being followers of Christ) false.
Like Paul wrote, in 1 Cor 6:9-10..."Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Those that "live up to that challenge" heed those words.
We can warn people of what we think/believe is coming. But when we try to bring it about, we tend to become monsters and criminals.
"We" can't force/bring about anything.
Deliver the message and let them decide their own fates...unless you are a poser.

Right Divider

Body part
That is not true.

Some do.

Just goes to prove justification can be found in the bible...if you twist love into hate.
It proves that going to a building doesn't make a a person a Christian.
Their actions proved their claims (of being followers of Christ) false.
Like Paul wrote, in 1 Cor 6:9-10..."Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Those that "live up to that challenge" heed those words.

"We" can't force/bring about anything.
Deliver the message and let them decide their own fates...unless you are a poser.
Phil 3:12 (AKJV/PCE)
(3:12) Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

Paul knew the truth of his position in Christ; you (apparently) do not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Pedophilia means "sexual feelings directed toward children."

Directing sexual feelings towards children includes teaching them about sex because one feels that they need to learn about sex.

Except that it does.

Quit being pigheaded, Arty.

Teaching children about sex is child abuse.

Not punishing children appropriately (ie, making it illegal to spank one's child) harms them.



More outlets doesn't necessarily mean they are more protected.

If we were to punish those who commit capital crimes by executing them, there would rarely be an instance where children as young as five commit capital crimes where they deserve death.

But sure, rant and rail against me for quoting the Bible that says that ANYONE who commits murder should be put to death, like the leftist you are.

Your hatred for your neighbor is showing, Arty.

No, they don't.

No, they shouldn't.


What I want is for our society to return to following God.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to do so.

That's just around the corner from where we are now.

None of that is guaranteed.

Appeal to novelty.

It's not.

Having the same capacity for it doesn't mean that men and women don't do it differently.



It's not ok to be gay.

Because that's normal, Arty.

It's normal for women to appeal to men, and for men to appeal to women.

It's NOT normal for men to be appealing to men, and women to be appealing to women.

It takes a conscious effort to be a pervert, at least to begin with, or, it's a result of abuse, usually when one is young.

Homos reproduce sexually by molesting others, usually children.

Pride parades are just a bunch of perverts who somehow managed to break down the door to the closet they belong in.

And yet, we could be freer.

Who says I'm not?

No one has the freedom to commit crimes, including the crime of homosexuality.
You have one tortured definition of pedophilia. Whilst I don't agree with any sex education in primary schools or plenty media themes it's not the same thing. It ain't being "pigheaded" to have zero time for bat crazy links either. I'm not gonna click on any rubbish from the likes of TGP, KGOV or similar ilk, simple as that.

Of course it's not "false" that children are more protected now than years gone by or that laws haven't tightened in relation to their protection either, it's fact. There was no recourse to anything for kids suffering abuse of any sort a century ago and women didn't fare too much better either. There's also better methods than spanking kids for matters of discipline.

There's no instance where a five year old child deserves to be executed JR, none whatsoever. Never mind "rarely". There is no justification for such an abhorrent notion at all because it is absolutely indefensible on all levels and the Bible certainly doesn't condone it. Why are you still failing (upon the fifth time of asking) to answer whether it's child rape if an adult has sex with a ten year old? Telling more and more how you don't address this.

Pfffft, "hatred" for homosexual people somehow equating to not advocating that they should be put to death for having gay relations and the like? For believing that they should have the right to a life free from persecution and whatnot? Well, they do have that right and that's rightfully the law so frankly, religious zealots with a bee in their bonnet over it can just learn to put up with it. Oh, it's not "false" to state that the "left" is not pro - pedophilia either. You might as well assert that anyone left of center advocates executing five year old kids for all the truth it would hold...

You have a right to air your views as much as anyone else as evidenced here. Nobody's gonna lock you up or anything, it's not like you're protesting against a war in Moscow or something so get a grip.

It's not an "appeal to novelty" to point out that your views in regards to gender are comic book stereotyping. In another thread you made the laughable claim that men are designed to be more sexually active than women which clearly shows you are simply out of touch with reality on the score. If the "left" is responsible for recognizing gender equality then hey, men and women already were but it needed pointing out and it's a shame the suffragette movement even needed to happen.

It's normal to be attracted to the opposite sex if you're straight, sure but not everybody is and your soundbites are laughable. Some people are simply gay or bisexual JR, there's no "effort" involved. It's a complete no go for me as women only thanks but it's easy to see why you can't accept the obvious and reduced to vilifying homosexuals instead.

You are free, so stop moaning about stuff and be glad about it. Homosexuals living free doesn't impact on your life so be glad you don't live in a state where you could be locked up and worse simply for daring to criticize the state.


Well-known member
It's normal to be attracted to the opposite sex if you're straight, sure but not everybody is and your soundbites are laughable. Some people are simply gay or bisexual JR, there's no "effort" involved. It's a complete no go for me as women only thanks but it's easy to see why you can't accept the obvious and reduced to vilifying homosexuals instead.

You are free, so stop moaning about stuff and be glad about it. Homosexuals living free doesn't impact on your life so be glad you don't live in a state where you could be locked up and worse simply for daring to criticize the state.

Homosexuality, bestiality, sex with children, adulterous sex, and the like are wrong and do damage to people and societies. That is why God condemns immoral sex.