Religious Zealotry


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Homosexual, Transexual, Beastiality, Pedophile . . . the word is self explanatory.

That's just what is included by God in His definition of Pervert, but isn't an actual definition.

@annabenedetti A pervert is someone whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable [especially to God].

It is abnormal and unacceptable (an abomination, even) for a man to have sexual relations with a man, a woman with a woman, a man or woman with a child, and a man or woman with an animal.

It is abnormal and unacceptable to tell people that they are something other than what they are genetically, that being a male or female.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
That's just what is included by God in His definition of Pervert, but isn't an actual definition.

A pervert is someone whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable [to God, in this context].

It is abnormal and unacceptable (an abomination, even) for a man to have sexual relations with a man, a woman with a woman, a man or woman with a child, and a man or woman with an animal.

It is abnormal and unacceptable to tell people that they are something other than what they are genetically, that being a male or female.



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Lev 20:13 (AKJV/PCE)
(20:13) If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

God is quite clear on HIS thoughts on the subject.

Don't forget this!:

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:26-32


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Define pervert. Because your definition may or may not match the dictionary or legal definition.
If you don't know what a pervert is, I can't help you.

When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot.
I advocate the death penalty for those convicted of committing a capital crime.

People who sit around fantasizing about murdering someone should not be executed becaues they've committed no crime. If they murder someone then they should be arrested, tried and executed upon conviction. Same goes for rapists, child molesters, homosexuals, et al.

Freedom for you but not for those who disagree with you, yes?
That's your position, not mine!

Disagreeing with me is not a crime and people should be entirely free to disagree with any law that happens to be on the books. No one here is advocating any form of thought police, except PureX and anyone else that thinks it should be illegal to be a religious zealot.

You'd advocate the death penalty for homosexuality and in that you have more in common with Sharia law than with U.S. law.

You divert away from addressing the issue at hand and associate me with something that you think everyone will automatically hate and dismiss.

What you need to understand is that the ideas I advocate are not ideas that I came up with on my own. It wasn't me who said...

"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." - Leviticus 20:13

That was God Himself who said that!

Was He wrong?



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People who sit around fantasizing about murdering someone should not be executed becaues they've committed no crime.

I feel like it needs to be clarified for the leftists reading this thread that fantasizing about murdering someone comes before PLANNING to murder someone, which IS a crime, and the person caught planning out a murder (or other capital crime), even if it never happens for whatever reason, SHOULD, upon conviction, be put to death. The same goes for those who attempt to murder someone, but fail.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It wasn't an ad hominem - it's so ridiculous the extent to which that fallacy is misunderstood. You calling it an ad hominem so as to have an excuse to dismiss what is being said IS an ad hominem.

And who here has advocated taking vengeance or said that we aren't subject to the governing authorities?

And there is no way to make civil law that is not religious. Another word for "not religious" is "atheistic". Christians ought not support, advocate or defend atheistic law nor should we obey it where doing so requires us to sin. What we should do is advocate for justice. We should recognize that killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live are BOTH unjust and both an abomination to God. We should understand that there is no such thing as a just prison sentence. We should understand that allowing perverts to walk the streets put everyone's children in danger and that when you normalize homosexuality, you've dropped the bottom out of the barrel and there is no fathom that can measure the depths of depravity that will follow. In short, we Christians should be godly, meaning that we should endeavor to think like God; to advocate and support things that God would want us to advocate and support and hate and resist those things which God hates and resists.

You would have us all go along to get along. Indeed, it seems the only people you resist are those of us who are resisting injustice and perversion. As far as you're concerned, if its legal, its right and it's none of your business to say otherwise.

The decriminalizing of homosexuality and the subsequent retraction of it being a psychological disorder didn't result in anything like the sky falling in or anything. Slippery slope fallacies lack any sort of merit as laws in relation to protecting children have tightened along with all manner of others that recognize gender/racial equality etc. Go back a hundred years and things were draconian.


like marbles on glass
The Supreme court is not God.

What does God's Word say about the subject?

Try that in a courtroom.

Neither are yours.

I'm not the one making the argument that my beliefs should supersede what is legal in this country.

God's view is that those that engage in sexual perversion should be put to death. It's not my idea.

That's OT law, yet even then, making it a capital offense hasn't been part of the last 2000 years of Judaism,* or of the current belief in Judaism, nor is it a capital offense in Catholicism, quite a few flavors of Christianity, various other religions, atheism, agnosticism, the otherwise unchurched - all of these make up the majority view in the U.S. You are in a very small minority of Christians. No wonder you're not keen on our democratic system. Only via theological autocracy could you put in place the laws you want.

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...making [sexual perversion] a capital offense hasn't been part of the last 2000 years...

The punishment for homosexual acts as of 1776 in the original 13 colonies was the death penalty. It was the death penalty as of 1900. It wasn't until 1924 that homosexual activists began pushing for the legalization of homosexuality, the first state to decriminalize it being Illinois, which happened in 1962.

In other words, prior to 60 years ago, homosexuality had been a crime for the previous 3500 years or so.

Those homosexual activists SHOULD have been put to death. If they had been, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.


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The decriminalizing of homosexuality and the subsequent retraction of it being a psychological disorder didn't result in anything like the sky falling in or anything. Slippery slope fallacies lack any sort of merit as laws in relation to protecting children have tightened along with all manner of others that recognize gender/racial equality etc. Go back a hundred years and things were draconian.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that pro-homosexual groups and even businesses now are becoming pro-pedophile.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that school systems these days are actively trying to teach young children about sex.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that trying to protect children by making it so that they are subject to such things earlier is not only counterproductive, but further demolishes the boundary between what is good and pure and what is wicked and perverse. And lets not forget that such measures do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to protect children. Regulating pedophilia is legitimizing it.

You seem to be forgetting that homosexuality, among other sexual crimes, are abominations to God, and those who partake in it deserve to be put to death. Go back a hundred years and there was no rampant perversion in the streets of America or anywhere else in the world.

You seem to be forgetting that even DEFENDING homosexuality, or pedophilia, for that matter, makes you an accomplice to their crime, and as such, means you also deserve the death penalty, as those who defend the crime should be punished the same as those who physically partake in it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You seem to be ignoring the fact that pro-homosexual groups and even businesses now are becoming pro-pedophile.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that school systems these days are actively trying to teach young children about sex.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that trying to protect children by making it so that they are subject to such things earlier is not only counterproductive, but further demolishes the boundary between what is good and pure and what is wicked and perverse. And lets not forget that such measures do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to protect children. Regulating pedophilia is legitimizing it.

You seem to be forgetting that homosexuality, among other sexual crimes, are abominations to God, and those who partake in it deserve to be put to death. Go back a hundred years and there was no rampant perversion in the streets of America or anywhere else in the world.

You seem to be forgetting that even DEFENDING homosexuality, or pedophilia, for that matter, makes you an accomplice to their crime, and as such, means you also deserve the death penalty, as those who defend the crime should be punished the same as those who physically partake in it.
Hmm, how are businesses becoming "pro pedophile" exactly? I don't agree with any primary schools bringing sex into teaching at all. It's a fact that laws have become more stringent where it comes to the protection of children, from molesting to parental abuse etc. I could care less about your legalism in regards to how society should treat homosexual people, what they deserve and what others deserve who disagree with zealots on the score. I don't defend pedophilia in any way, shape or form and am adamantly against anything that causes harm to kids - including the atrocious and indefensible notion of putting them to death if they've committed a "crime" at the age of five. So you have no room to talk on the score where it comes to protecting children frankly. Heck, you still haven't answered as to whether our current laws are right to have an adult having sex with a 10 year old as child rape in relation to the latter.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The punishment for homosexual acts as of 1776 in the original 13 colonies was the death penalty. It was the death penalty as of 1900. It wasn't until 1924 that homosexual activists began pushing for the legalization of homosexuality, the first state to decriminalize it being Illinois, which happened in 1962.

In other words, prior to 60 years ago, homosexuality had been a crime for the previous 3500 years or so.

Those homosexual activists SHOULD have been put to death. If they had been, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.
"Mess"? You mean societies that value freedom and equality? That don't discriminate on race, gender, orientation etc? Maybe you would have preferred life back in the ages past but most wouldn't. You wanna be glad of the freedoms you have instead of finding fault. You're a darn sight freer than people in other countries.


Well-known member
Define pervert. Because your definition may or may not match the dictionary or legal definition.

When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot.

Freedom for you but not for those who disagree with you, yes? You'd advocate the death penalty for homosexuality and in that you have more in common with Sharia law than with U.S. law.
If God condemned homosexuals in the OT then anyone who condemned God back then for doing so was also damned.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I feel like it needs to be clarified for the leftists reading this thread that fantasizing about murdering someone comes before PLANNING to murder someone, which IS a crime, and the person caught planning out a murder (or other capital crime), even if it never happens for whatever reason, SHOULD, upon conviction, be put to death. The same goes for those who attempt to murder someone, but fail.
Quite right!

The whole point was that people aren't criminals until they've DONE SOMETHING criminal.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
View attachment 3481

To turn (or transform) thoroughly, to ill effect

It is by definition a bad thing
And "pervert" can be used in matters besides chaste marital relations.

The Scripture speaks of perverting the right ways of the Lord.

And there can be a perversion of the logic which builds the structure between the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, and the public moral theory held by the American framers.

This perversion is called utilitarian legal positivism, and it is the judicial philosophy held by all the justices and judges which Democrats nominate and confirm. And the opposite of this perversion is called "Originalism".