Religious Zealotry

Right Divider

Body part
Oh, you sure are.
If the shoe fits....
Which is an ad hom; unnecessary, but expected.
Nope. I only take issue with what you SAY (post).
You totally disregard the NT admonitions not to take vengeance, that vengeance is God's, and that you are to be subject to the governing authorities.
Since you have no idea what the NT is, it's meaningless for you to prattle on about it as if God simply had no principles in the first place.
The governing authorities in this country are civil, not religious.
All civil authorities are based on some religious principles, whether you understand that or not.


like marbles on glass
If the shoe fits....

It must fit, you're wearing it.

Since you have no idea what the NT is

What a dumb thing to say.

it's meaning for you to prattle on about it as if God simply had no principles in the first place.

What a word jumble.

All civil authorities are based on some religious principles, whether you understand that or not.

Our governing authorities recognize certain inalienable rights. That's as far as it goes. Our law is based on the Constitution, in its current amended state. There is no Bible chapter and verse for our governing authorities.

Right Divider

Body part
It must fit, you're wearing it.
What a dumb thing to say.
What a word jumble.
Our governing authorities recognize certain inalienable rights.
Where do those inalienable rights come from?
That's as far as it goes.
How's that right to life going?
Our law is based on the Constitution, in its current amended state.
And our Constitution is based on our Declaration of Independence, which gives more details about our foundation.
There is no chapter and verse for our governing authorities.
Silly, you are.

Where does the Constitution outlaw murder?


like marbles on glass
Nope. Nope. Nope.

Silly, you are.

Where do those inalienable rights come from?

According to the Declaration of Independence, from our creator. Or, natural law as it's also referred to.

How's that right to life going?

And our Constitution is based on our Declaration of Independence, which gives more details about our foundation.

Silly, you are.

Where does the Constitution outlaw murder?

As you should know, "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Which is why murder laws are different state to state. And soon, abortion laws as well.

As for the criminal code for murder, that flows from the legislative branch of the government. You know, one of the branches enumerated by the Constitution.
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Well-known member
Silly, you are.

According to the Declaration of Independence, from our creator. Or, natural law as it's also referred to.

As you should know, "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Which is why murder laws are different state to state. And soon, abortion laws as well.

As for the criminal code for murder, that flows from the legislative branch of the government, you, know, one of the branches enumerated by the Constitution.
Human rights and responsibilities are not given by human instruments like the Constitution. They are first established by God and then recognized by good human laws.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Human rights and responsibilities are not given by human instruments like the Constitution. They are first established by God and then recognized by good human laws.

But @annabenedetti does not really believe in God. She just said earlier that one holy book is just as good as another. Any "god" will do for her, since she is disobedient to them all, except for Satan (although technically he is an angel not a god).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What I said earlier is pure fact, and even though the OP attacked me for it, in fact he could not refute a single item:


These are facts:

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage)
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, up to killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats defend pedophile teachers/groomers (see below)
Democrats are for open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are openly socialists, and that is bad
Democrats lie about a coup/insurrection. We all know there was none.

Need I go on? If you deny any of these things then you prove me correct.

Yes. Pedophiles. What is a pedophile: Oxford Languages says its "a person who is sexually attracted to children."

Why do pervert teachers want to engage their kids with sexual speech? I do not care if it is physical or mental, if a teacher feels the need to engage a child sexually, either with speech or touch, they are a pedophile.

Teacher after teacher in Florida literally feel grieved that they cannot talk to kids about gay sex. They refer to them as "my kids". These people are SICK and you democrats have supported them, and not only tat, you attacked the governor who was defending children.

Now, go ahead and lie about that too.

Leftist zealotry, not religious zealotry, is the danger to civilization.

And I don’t think I can bear to see the students struggle and want to ask me about these things and then have to deny them that knowledge,” she added. “That’s not who I am as a teacher.

This pervert thinks its her place to discuss things with kids that only a parent should discuss.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Our governing authorities recognize certain inalienable rights . . . . .

Like the Right to Life?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

Oh my, now what. You have stepped in the doo doo this time. You are all in with the party of death and abortion.

Friends, bookmark this post, and remember it as the day that Catholic Crusader hoisted the Marxist annabenedetti up on her own petard.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Oh, you have plenty of ideas. Anyone can see that. And you have convinced yourself that those ideas are the truth. But the fact is you have no knowledge of anything that's going on beyond your own very limited personal experience. You have no idea what's in the hearts and minds of other people. Or even what they're doing at any given moment. And yet you judge and condemn millions of them based on biased news stories and political propagandists, and your own anger and mistrust, all of whom and which have their own agendas. And worse, you have come now to loathe those millions of people that you don't know anything about. And you want to see them made to suffer for the sins you imagine them to be committing.

Seems to me that religious zealotry drives the religious zealots to become liars, and haters, and would be tyrants. Not better Christians.
You might very well be the most openly hypocritical idiot I've ever experienced!

Liberalism is definitely a mental disorder.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Oh, you sure are.

Which is an ad hom; unnecessary, but expected.

You totally disregard the NT admonitions not to take vengeance, that vengeance is God's, and that you are to be subject to the governing authorities. The governing authorities in this country are civil, not religious.
It wasn't an ad hominem - it's so ridiculous the extent to which that fallacy is misunderstood. You calling it an ad hominem so as to have an excuse to dismiss what is being said IS an ad hominem.

And who here has advocated taking vengeance or said that we aren't subject to the governing authorities?

And there is no way to make civil law that is not religious. Another word for "not religious" is "atheistic". Christians ought not support, advocate or defend atheistic law nor should we obey it where doing so requires us to sin. What we should do is advocate for justice. We should recognize that killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live are BOTH unjust and both an abomination to God. We should understand that there is no such thing as a just prison sentence. We should understand that allowing perverts to walk the streets put everyone's children in danger and that when you normalize homosexuality, you've dropped the bottom out of the barrel and there is no fathom that can measure the depths of depravity that will follow. In short, we Christians should be godly, meaning that we should endeavor to think like God; to advocate and support things that God would want us to advocate and support and hate and resist those things which God hates and resists.

You would have us all go along to get along. Indeed, it seems the only people you resist are those of us who are resisting injustice and perversion. As far as you're concerned, if its legal, its right and it's none of your business to say otherwise.

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like marbles on glass
We should understand that allowing perverts to walk the streets put everyone's children in danger

Define pervert. Because your definition may or may not match the dictionary or legal definition.

and that when you normalize homosexuality

When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot.

You would have us all go along to get along. Indeed, it seems the only people you resist are those of us who are resists injustice and perversion. As far as you're concerned, if its legal, its right and it's none of your business to say otherwise.

Freedom for you but not for those who disagree with you, yes? You'd advocate the death penalty for homosexuality and in that you have more in common with Sharia law than with U.S. law.

Right Divider

Body part
Define pervert. Because your definition may or may not match the dictionary or legal definition.
Anyone that does not follow God's definition of proper sexual behavior.
When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot.
You love to paint fuzzy pictures. God does not mention "existing as a homosexual", but He does mention perverted homosexual acts.
Freedom for you but not for those who disagree with you, yes? You'd advocate the death penalty for homosexuality and in that you have more in common with Sharia law than with U.S. law.
You seem to think that U.S. law is perfect in every way. That would be completely incorrect.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Define pervert. Because your definition may or may not match the dictionary or legal definition.

When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot.

Freedom for you but not for those who disagree with you, yes? You'd advocate the death penalty for homosexuality and in that you have more in common with Sharia law than with U.S. law.
I'll bet you would never tell a Muslim that you think Sharia law is evil.


like marbles on glass
Anyone that does not follow God's definition of proper sexual behavior.

The Supreme court, in defense of "hippies" at the time in 1973: "For if the constitutional conception of 'equal protection of the laws' means anything, it must at the very least mean that a bare congressional desire to harm a politically unpopular group cannot constitute a legitimate governmental interest."

This was used as precedent in various cases up to Obergefell, and it's a clear exercise of the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

Your beliefs about homosexuality aren't shared by all citizens of this country, and your beliefs should not impact their Constitutional rights.

You love to paint fuzzy pictures. God does not mention "existing as a homosexual", but He does mention perverted homosexual acts.

Nothing fuzzy about saying "When you advocate the death penalty for someone who simply exists as a homosexual, you're a religious zealot."

You seem to think that U.S. law is perfect in every way. That would be completely incorrect.

Strawman. I never said it was perfect, in fact I referenced the need to have amendments to rectify unjust laws.

Right Divider

Body part
The Supreme court, in defense of "hippies" at the time in 1973: "For if the constitutional conception of 'equal protection of the laws' means anything, it must at the very least mean that a bare congressional desire to harm a politically unpopular group cannot constitute a legitimate governmental interest."
The Supreme court is not God.
This was used as precedent in various cases up to Obergefell, and it's a clear exercise of the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
What does God's Word say about the subject?
Your beliefs about homosexuality aren't shared by all citizens of this country,
Neither are yours.
God's view is that those that engage in sexual perversion should be put to death. It's not my idea.
and your beliefs should not impact their Constitutional rights.
Sexual perversion is NOT a "Constitutional right".

Right Divider

Body part
What's the difference between telling the Muslim Taliban and the Christian Taliban? They both want the same thing: death to homosexuals.
Lev 20:13 (AKJV/PCE)
(20:13) If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

God is quite clear on HIS thoughts on the subject.