Romans 5
18 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.
Crucible - whatever his name was before - has demonstrated he's simply a punk.
If what the reformers did was valid, what we do is equally as valid.Calvinism is the golden fruit of the Reformation. You all used it as a bridge to get away from the Catholic Church before turning against it- non catholic, anti reformers.
Imagine that.
This is not a valid form of argument!You all went and created an entire web of heresy, especially in America which owes a lot of credit to the Reformation as well.
I made the argument is an intellectually honest and logically coherent manner. It is an argument that you cannot refute and will refuse to even engage.The only argument you and others have made on here is 'if God created men to perdition, than God is evil'.
The most typical argument.
The analogy doesn't follow. An atheist would have to do more than merely make the claim, he'd have to make an argument. An argument that I could then refute. It would be on the atheist to either respond to my rebuttal with a rejoinder or to accept it. He could of course refuse to do either but that is the point as which rational discourse ends.An atheist will say, 'if you have to believe in God, then God is evil'. You will sit there all day and try to convince them, in vain, while they deny it and eventually show that they despise such belief- just as you have done here:
A Calvinist doesn't suffer from cognitive dissonance. You do, and I'll show you:
This is just such a stupid question!-If you are under predestination now, then what would you choose differently if given free will? Do you have a real idea of the forensic difference in the experience between them?
This is what is know an a bald assertion. It isn't an argument, it isn't even part of an argument. At best it might be considered a premise but even a premise has to be defensible.-Your own identity is predestined- you do not control your fate anymore then you controlled your beginning. You didn't choose you and how you identify with reality.
This actually resembles something close to a rational thought! It leaves off the logical conclusion....-Separating omniscience and predestination is fallacious. If God is the maker of all things, and knows the outcome, then it would be impossible for God to make anything without a predetermined outcome. Since He would know beforehand that an outcome would be undesirable, He would never make things to result in such a way in the first place.
Again a bald assertion. Nothing that preceded this leads to such a conclusion at all! Just stating that what you said means this, doesn't make it mean it. You have to make the argument.Do you know what all that means? It means that Calvinism is the only belief in which God isn't wicked, because those destined to Hell are intrinsically wicked and not sent there simply for being inflicted![]()
Well, I was raised Southern Baptist and was taught that Christ died for all. And it made sense to me because i was only introduced to the verses that appeared to support that theology. But now that Christ is in me, I have a desire to know him and i am challenged with scripture like Romans 9. And to tell the truth my heart aches for the non-elect. not sure if that's right but that;s my feeling.
The notion that God can do anything is not necessarily true, with creating an agent that affects His will being one of them.
Simply put, if He created man in the way He willed, then man could never do anything outside of His will. He couldn't make something with less than a desired outcome because, since He would know beforehand the outcome would be undesirable, He would never set it to be that way in the first place.
So, there goes free will right out the window.
Separating omniscience and predestination is a complete fail. It is why I've said multiple times that Arminian theology contradicts reason.
As I said, this elongates the discussion and travels a very long road that the rest of us are far from. We embrace the OT as an accurate portrayal of God as well as hold the scriptures as inspired unlike any other document, and true. Our conversation must necessarily start there because you can at any time in conversation say you don't hold to it, as arbiter of what is inspired and what is not. Romans 11 doesn't remove Romans 9 and in fact, Romans 9 precedes Romans 11 on purpose.You brought up Romans nine and I brought up eleven which counter balances the need to Judge God for those types of amoral actions all through the scripture.
God of the OT can't be let off that amoral literal hook, that veils/deceives the reader into making excuses/theology for those actions that contradict the Deity of the more excellent way.
Outward sign of an inward change. It isn't a hanging issue in most Evangelical circles. I acknowledge your MAD/OV heralding, but am not sure this is the particular thread for it. It specifically is asking for feedback on the doctrine of limited atonement.The Reformed, many of them, have retained some form of Rome's sacramental water baptism voodoo. That's a clue.
Well, Only the Open Theist loves it. Nobody else believes it can be true and I'd bet there are fewer than a few thousand Open Theists on the planet, or ever will be. I don't hate it, it just isn't logical. It has major problems that make God a slave to the universe. Malachi 3:6 Keep being a Berean, Nick.Listening to KGOV online when I could I remember the question they hate. It was his exact words "I hate that question". Bob asked "Can God write a new song?". They hate it because they know it destroys their false character descriptions of the creator.
Titus 1:2 though I also steer from saying what God cannot do, other than as scripture expresses it. "Cannot" makes something definite but it isn't an inability thus God is omnipotent. What He won't do, that His nature doesn't allow in Himself, is no limitation but rather the presence of sin apart from Him. It is rather a privation and no lack in God.My bold. Either God can do anything or God cannot. 'Not necessarily' doesn't come into it. You sound like you are hedging your bets here. Nevertheless it seems that you are saying that there are things that God cannot do.
So there goes omnipotence right out of the window.
Well, Only the Open Theist loves it. Nobody else believes it can be true and I'd bet there are fewer than a few thousand Open Theists on the planet, or ever will be. I don't hate it, it just isn't logical. It has major problems that make God a slave to the universe. Malachi 3:6 Keep being a Berean, Nick.
Calvinism is the golden fruit of the Reformation. You all used it as a bridge to get away from the Catholic Church before turning against it- non catholic, anti reformers.
Imagine that.
You all went and created an entire web of heresy, especially in America which owes a lot of credit to the Reformation as well.
The only argument you and others have made on here is 'if God created men to perdition, than God is evil'.
The most typical argument.
An atheist will say, 'if you have to believe in God, then God is evil'. You will sit there all day and try to convince them, in vain, while they deny it and eventually show that they despise such belief- just as you have done here:
A Calvinist doesn't suffer from cognitive dissonance. You do, and I'll show you:
-If you are under predestination now, then what would you choose differently if given free will? Do you have a real idea of the forensic difference in the experience between them?
-Your own identity is predestined- you do not control your fate anymore then you controlled your beginning. You didn't choose you and how you identify with reality.
-Separating omniscience and predestination is fallacious. If God is the maker of all things, and knows the outcome, then it would be impossible for God to make anything without a predetermined outcome. Since He would know beforehand that an outcome would be undesirable, He would never make things to result in such a way in the first place.
Do you know what all that means? It means that Calvinism is the only belief in which God isn't wicked, because those destined to Hell are intrinsically wicked and not sent there simply for being inflicted![]()
depravity and unconditional are man made
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Good on you for looking! :thumb:depravity and unconditional are man made
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Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
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:think: Interesting that Bible-Gateway...0 Bible results for “unconditional .”
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Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
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When this (see below) sort of hermeneutics drives one's theological studies, it is no wonder what oddities will arise:
How did I guess that crucible would make no attempt to refute my arguments?
Must have been predestined!
Maybe I'm omniscient! Otherwise, how could I have possibly known anything about the future so perfectly? :think:
You have a metaphysical problem with your ideology of God, which I revealed and which you, quite frankly, didn't solve.
"Cannot"... isn't an inability.