Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Cross Reference

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I Peter 3:18

"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth. . . . .:
1 Peter 1:22 (KJV) . ". . . the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness" Romans 1:18 (KJV)


New member
The Gospel Truth IS: Love God and believe His words.

The Gospel is the incarnation, death, burial, resurrection, exaltation of the One who from before the foundation of the world would/did fulfill God's elected Plan of Salvation.


New member
I am a Reformer as you are well aware and I hold to the doctrine of Limited Atonement BECAUSE I believe that the death of Jesus Christ was substitutional and penal.

That is not to disagree that Jesus was lifted up bearing the sin of mankind. He was. He did.

But He suffered the wrath of God for only those the Father gave Him to redeem and He died their death in their stead. John 10 and 17 reveals this elect love and purpose of God very clearly, as do the various covenant promises to only a select few persons throughout bible history.

A wonderful and exhaustive work on Limited Atonement is John Owen's "The Death of Death in the Death of Jesus Christ"

To modify the Truth that Jesus died for His people alone, is to lose substitutional redemption, which destroys the power and purpose of the cross.

So Christ only died for ones like you that CANNOT explain how you KNOW that you are an elect. Got it.


So, now, God is guilty of my sin. Got it.


New member
It probably doesn't apply to you, anyway, so disbelieve what you want . . .

How do you believe that it probably does not apply to me? It is not very wise to make broad assertions about someone else without clearly forwarding the argument for such an assertion. To simply say 'that's what it is' is not being ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15).

I do not question I Peter 3:18. What I question is why you think God is guilty of my sin by presenting I Peter 3:18 as your argument to my question?
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So, you, and D.A. Carson were perfect and never sinned before God saved you. Got it.

If you believe that God chose you because you chose Him. That either you were smarter or wiser to choose to believe or just had better or holier desires. Even if you hold that belief you are still stuck with unconditional election because if you do have something in you whether it be holier desires or wisdom that makes you make the right choice for Jesus Christ than this is not something you have that was not given to you. Why do you boast as if God had not given it to you. You will say God gave me the ability to choose and I chose rightly. Is not your choosing rightly also from God? Or can you boast and say I made the right choice and this was not from God


TOL Subscriber
How many people do you know using words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God outside of your own group of friends?

Anyone who uses words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God's love, justice, righteousness, etc., is simply showing his/her own flesh, IMHO.

If you're a professing Believer engaging on this forum, you should know these terms even if you learn them now.

Stop insisting everything has to be dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator.

How did you ever learn to talk? Good thing everybody didn't just keep silent because you didn't know what ANY words meant.