Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


Never forget that Calvinists keep their focus on the depravity of men - so much so that humanity is considered fortunate that even some have been saved.

Their problem remains that scripture clearly teaches that Christ died for all which Paul preached to unbelievers. He also preached belief in the resurrection.
Calvist quote of the day.
This Calvinist was asked if it is God who is taking part in or leading him to sin.

This was his answer.

"He is dwelling in me I don't know what you mean by taking part, But God's power is the animating power in everything we do, we cannot even sin independent of God"


TOL Subscriber

Do you tell your children when you put them to bed that God loves them?


Do you tell them that they might be ones that were born only so God could send them to hell and there isn't a darn thing they can do about it?

This is a straw man argument, presented as a disagreeable challenge against God.

It is most important that children be told to love God, and to believe His words.

That is my answer to Tambora's stupid question and it is not open to argument.


New member
Calvist quote of the day.
This Calvinist was asked if it is God who is taking part in or leading him to sin.

This was his answer.

"He is dwelling in me I don't know what you mean by taking part, But God's power is the animating power in everything we do, we cannot even sin independent of God"

So, now, God is guilty of my sin. Got it.


New member
This is a straw man argument, presented as a disagreeable challenge against God.

It is most important that children be told to love God, and to believe His words.

That is my answer to Tambora's stupid question and it is not open to argument.

But how do they KNOW that they are one of the elect or one of damned and there is NOTHING they can do about it in either case?


TOL Subscriber
How many people do you know using words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God outside of your own group of friends?

Anyone who uses words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God's love, justice, righteousness, etc., is simply showing his/her own flesh, IMHO.

You are displaying your own flesh in these argumentative posts.


New member
This is simply an attempt to disagree with a doctrine by making it more palatable to the modern mind, but it is not scriptural.

The fates of all souls are predestined by Sovereign God Almighty. And, yes, many souls were brought into the world as a demonstration of His power and prepared by God for destruction. Read Romans Chapter 9. This is the clear teaching of Paul.

Tambora has proven herself to be a spiritual enemy of Christ and she does not warrant an answer from Christians. She has already denied the Gospel truth.

All little children need to be told at night is that they should love and believe what God has said in the Bible. . He will take care of the rest of their lives.

Pure assertion.


TOL Subscriber
But how do they KNOW that they are one of the elect or one of damned and there is NOTHING they can do about it in either case?

I don't need to know if a child is elect or not to tell them to love God and believe His words!

Ever taught Sunday School?

You do not judge the fates of the little children or hammer them with dogma that even adults have trouble understanding. No, you simply bring them to Jesus. Those were His instructions in their regard.


New member
You are displaying your own flesh in these argumentative posts.

Only trying to understand why is it necessary to use words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God's love, justice, righteousness, etc. not being argumentative in the least. How could an UNbeliever understand God's love by such tactics, e.g.?


TOL Subscriber
Only trying to understand why is it necessary to use words such as synergism, synergistically, monergist, perichoresis, etc. to talk about God's love, justice, righteousness, etc. not being argumentative in the least. How could an UNbeliever understand God's love by such tactics, e.g.?

Arminians teach synergy constantly and in every sermon and altar call . . .they just keep the concept hidden with deceptions, etc

A Christian needs to be wise to the enemies of God's Grace and Gospel.


New member
I don't need to know if a child is elect or not to tell them to love God and believe His words!

So you just let the child find out that they are damned to hell on their own while you boast that you are elect. Got it.

Ever taught Sunday School?

Yes, an eternity ago.

You do not judge the fates of the little children or hammer them with dogma that even adults have trouble understanding.

Now you are being honest. You don't know if you are elect or not.

No, you simply bring them to Jesus. Those were His instructions in their regard.

YOU cannot bring anybody to Jesus. ONLY the Holy Spirit can do that. We are to preach the Gospel to them as Jesus commanded us to do.


TOL Subscriber
So you just let the child find out that they are damned to hell on their own while you boast that you are elect. Got it.

Yes, an eternity ago.

Now you are being honest. You don't know if you are elect or not.

YOU cannot bring anybody to Jesus. ONLY the Holy Spirit can do that. We are to preach the Gospel to them as Jesus commanded us to do.

The Gospel Truth IS: Love God and believe His words.