Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


Well-known member
Fallible doesn't enter into my thinking. Responsibility does; giving my best to make sure what I interpret from the scriptures is, accurate. . . and in an object way, perform it.

Do you mean that you don't take into consideration your fallibility and your need for the Holy Spirit's help in overcoming that fallibility to understand Scripture?
Are you saying that you take it for granted that your human mind is sufficient in understanding Scripture infallibly?

Certainly, we are responsible to interpret and speak forth the truth of Scripture as best we can...with GOD's help.

Cross Reference

New member
Do you mean that you don't take into consideration your fallibility and your need for the Holy Spirit's help in overcoming that fallibility to understand Scripture?
Are you saying that you take it for granted that your human mind is sufficient in understanding Scripture infallibly?

Certainly, we are responsible to interpret and speak forth the truth of Scripture as best we can...with GOD's help.

It is because of the Holy Spirit that I do not take into consideration my fallibility. Abandonment is much of my reasoning, trust is my reward..

We are responsible to understand the written that we might hear the Living Word. . . much as Jesus did.

". . . the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
John 14:26 (KJV)
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New member
Jesus died for ALL, for the whole world.

For those who lived, disobeyed, and died long ago in the times of Noah, to those who are living now.

Your many men that you glorify are not God's Truth.

So thoroughly established in scripture that it is astonishing that anyone would say otherwise.


New member
That's because what you wrote was an albatross. A strawman. That was the point. Just a simple point.

Which you have failed to substantiate.

Paul preached Christ crucified and risen with the context being salvation. Auditors infer that they themselves have been provided for whether the preacher explicit says so or not.

At this juncture the Calvinist is faced with a dilemma. Fail to mention their doctrines of election/reprobation and limited atonement and they are misleading their audience. Mention it and the Gospel itself is eviscerated.

Nowhere does Paul explicitly proclaim UE and LA.


New member
Did the Holy Spirit inspire genuine believer 'A' to proclaim Christ died for all, and inspire genuine believer 'C' to proclaim Christ did not died for all?


Jesus died for ALL, for the whole world.

For those who lived, disobeyed, and died long ago in the times of Noah, to those who are living now.

Your many men that you glorify are not God's Truth.
We comand you to talk less and you should obey.

In The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT,
John 3:16 is Not referring Quantitatively to "How Much" GOD Loved the World,
But Qualitatively to the specific Manner in Which GOD Loved the World :

John 3:16/Exact Literal Translation -

For Thus GOD Loved the Kosmos,
That HE Gave HIS Mono-Genes Son,
So That everyone Believing into Him,
Shall Not Destruct,
But Shall Have Everlasting Life...

There is no "whosoever" in The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT here,
although there is in Acts 2:21 and*Romans 10:13 (Both of Which directly Quote Joel 2:32*
Which specifically refers to the Remnant whom The LORD Calls, cf. Romans 8:28-30, 11:1-7).

The exact Literal phrase "everyone Believing" in John 3:16,
Specifically refers everyone Believing as a Result of Already having been Appointed/Ordained into Everlasting Life (Acts 13:48),
and Given to The Son from The Father (John 6:37-65, 10:26-29, 17:2-3).

This is especially Clear when you Cross Reference John 3:16 with John 10:26-29, 17:2-3, and Acts 13:48 (Key Phrase : Eternal/Everlasting Life).

God's Truth

New member
We comand you to talk less and you should obey.

In The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT,
John 3:16 is Not referring Quantitatively to "How Much" GOD Loved the World,
But Qualitatively to the specific Manner in Which GOD Loved the World :

John 3:16/Exact Literal Translation -

For Thus GOD Loved the Kosmos,
That HE Gave HIS Mono-Genes Son,
So That everyone Believing into Him,
Shall Not Destruct,
But Shall Have Everlasting Life...

There is no "whosoever" in The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT here,
although there is in Acts 2:21 and*Romans 10:13 (Both of Which directly Quote Joel 2:32*
Which specifically refers to the Remnant whom The LORD Calls, cf. Romans 8:28-30, 11:1-7).

The exact Literal phrase "everyone Believing" in John 3:16,
Specifically refers everyone Believing as a Result of Already having been Appointed/Ordained into Everlasting Life (Acts 13:48),
and Given to The Son from The Father (John 6:37-65, 10:26-29, 17:2-3).

This is especially Clear when you Cross Reference John 3:16 with John 10:26-29, 17:2-3, and Acts 13:48 (Key Phrase : Eternal/Everlasting Life).

I want to help you to understand those scriptures so much.

I will start with this one in Acts.
The scripture says when the GENTILES heard this they began rejoicing. Why do you think they were rejoicing? The Gentiles were just told that they could now have a relationship with God; they could now have eternal life. The Gentiles used to be excluded, and without God in the world, see Ephesians 2:12.

HOWEVER, NOW they were told they could have salvation! All those Gentiles who were there who heard the good news, that Gentiles as a race of people could now have eternal life, they believed. Gentiles as a nation of people were appointed to eternal life, not all Gentiles will have eternal life, and only the Gentiles who believe will have eternal life. The Gentiles who were appointed life---all those there at that time believed.

Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

There were Jews AND Gentiles in the crowd. All who were appointed [the Gentiles] in the crowd, all of them there believed.


Literal lunatic
Two things from Biblical history from the wriiten word:

Though God can surely make man willing to be willing,

1. Man's will, for himself by design, is stronger than God's. That is why it is always tested before God fulfills His promises and thus the reason for man needing a freewill..

2. The Spirit is subject to the prophet. That is why God picks/chooses those through whom He will speak. That is why the words: "Whom shall I send" were uttered by Him to Isaiah.

The Holy Spirit is not subject to man.

Here you go again with your self pride.

Our spirits are subject to us.

Paul was talking about men being able to shut up and let another speak, even when moved by the Holy Spirit.

If something come to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his piece, for you may all prophesy.

He was by no means saying the Holy Spirit was subject to men.


New member
We comand you to talk less and you should obey.

In The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT,
John 3:16 is Not referring Quantitatively to "How Much" GOD Loved the World,
But Qualitatively to the specific Manner in Which GOD Loved the World :


Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

All snake-bitten Israelites without exception were provide for. Whether they looked or not, the bronze serpent was raised up for them. This is the model that Jesus himself uses to describe his own 'lifting up'.


New member
We comand you to talk less and you should obey.

In The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT,
John 3:16 is Not referring Quantitatively to "How Much" GOD Loved the World,
But Qualitatively to the specific Manner in Which GOD Loved the World :

John 3:16/Exact Literal Translation -

For Thus GOD Loved the Kosmos,
That HE Gave HIS Mono-Genes Son,
So That everyone Believing into Him,
Shall Not Destruct,
But Shall Have Everlasting Life...

There is no "whosoever" in The Original GOD-Breathed Greek NT here,
although there is in Acts 2:21 and*Romans 10:13 (Both of Which directly Quote Joel 2:32*
Which specifically refers to the Remnant whom The LORD Calls, cf. Romans 8:28-30, 11:1-7).

The exact Literal phrase "everyone Believing" in John 3:16,
Specifically refers everyone Believing as a Result of Already having been Appointed/Ordained into Everlasting Life (Acts 13:48),
and Given to The Son from The Father (John 6:37-65, 10:26-29, 17:2-3).

This is especially Clear when you Cross Reference John 3:16 with John 10:26-29, 17:2-3, and Acts 13:48 (Key Phrase : Eternal/Everlasting Life).

Your non-responses TB - #2018.


Literal lunatic
Only those who obey by having faith with obedience receive the Holy Spirit.

One cannot believe without the Holy Spirit.

King James Bible
Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Obedience comes later.


Literal lunatic

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

All snake-bitten Israelites without exception were provide for. Whether they looked or not, the bronze serpent was raised up for them. This is the model that Jesus himself uses to describe his own 'lifting up'.

Like I said, they ALL looked.


New member
Like I said, they ALL looked.

One would think so - nevertheless, if someone did not then they didn't die because they had been excluded from provision.

Romans 5:18-19
Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.


Literal lunatic
One would think so - nevertheless, if someone did not then they didn't die because they had been excluded from provision.

Romans 5:18-19
Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

There aint any ifs.

Not all of em was bitten. ;)