Adam was not "cautioned" by God, but Adam was commanded by God under the Law to not eat of the tree, and God prophetically warned Adam would die in the day he disobeyed that command. Genesis 2:17 is a prophetic promise!
Adam disobeyed, the guilt of sin was imputed to him and all his progeny, Adam died spiritually which prefigured his eventual physical death, which fear of death caused the corruption of his human nature, heart, mind, and will . . leaving him naked and enslaved to serving sin, death, and the devil.
This is the genesis of the doctrine of Reprobation. Reprobates are born into this world naked and serving sin, death, and the devil because of fear of their own certain death, which is the wages of their condition. These are souls left in the corrupt state they inherited from the first Adam. These are passed over and are found outside of Christ, which is their condemnation and future destruction. This describes unrepentant unbelievers.
Such would be all mankind, except God, according to election and His good will and pleasure, chose a remnant of mankind for redemption in and through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ. He is their Mediator, alone. He died for these, alone. He bestows saving grace and repentance upon these, alone. These alone will receiving the blessings of Christ's Kingdom and everlasting life, for His righteousness has been imputed to their accounts with God.
The comparison between the reprobate and the chosen is revealed in: Romans 9:22-23
Though I don't subscribe to the ultimate direction of this scriptural deduction, I note that you described it very clearly.
Thank you Nang.
Perhaps some direct questions on this matter if you would.
If Gentile sinners were despised by the Jews before the "election" of Jesus, what are the implications of the "elect" despising or condemning the "non-elect"?
I frame this in light of Jesus' overly redundant warnings against Spiritual pride.
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