Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

:yawn: ad hominem Eph 4:14

As a reminder Cross Reference is number 7 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Misc. category. :burnlib:



CR is in the gospel trenches.

He chooses Jesus as his sole Hope and places Faith in Him, thus being in Him.

Why must you be a bigger trouble maker than me?

Sent from my iPad using TOL Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary




CR is in the gospel trenches.

He chooses Jesus as his sole Hope and places Faith in Him, thus being in Him...
Depends on what the meaning of
Jesus is.

"Jesus is never called a holy child..." ~ Cross Reference

"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves practice." :banana: ~ Jim Andrews

Cross Reference

New member
It wasn't just Calvin. John simply had the high seat among the rest, to a point where he was dubbed the 'Pope of Geneva'. Many people even put him above Martin Luther, who was the very first in his time to speak against the Roman Church.
The Diet of Worms is where it really began- the cutoff between Luther and the rest of the reformists from the Catholic Church.

The reason Calvin took the cake is because of Luther's unwillingness to do away with certain Catholic doctrine, which the rest of the reformers saw was required to necessitate predestinarian theology. The way it was seen, was that if you took away sovereign election, you took away justification to break communion with the Pope.

And Luther stayed on the fence, being half protestant and half catholic. That is why today the Lutheran churches are barely protestant at all despite being a mother church of the Reformation.

Calvin wasn't the only author of Calvinist ideology, he was the authority of it. It was something all the reformists were in on. Now if you're wondering where Arminians came from- it is actually very simple: Arminius was a student of Calvin's, and he condemned Calvin on hinging to Saint Augustine's theology (which was heavily predestinarian), calling it Stoic paganism.

And if you're wondering where Methodism came from, who hold to free will and which are the contrary, inverted church to the Presbyterians, that is simple as well: they broke communion with the English Church in the 1700's.

So there you have it, in a nutshell :plain:
Maybe now you can see why Reformed Christians take offense- it is because virtually all these people ran off with Calvinist notions and revised them to their liking- and then have the nerve to come back around calling us the heretics.

What a ridiculous thing that is!
So you may want to check your demeanor.

Don't you find it the least bit interesting that Calvin held on to his Catholic credentials for over two 1/2 years while writing his first volume?

I believe your nutshell is cracked.

Given the knowledge that can be extracted from the past, I am persuaded Calvin was the orginal tare with Calvinism the handbook for how to cultivate the field. I further believe God has designed this method to be His way of separating out those who genuinely love Him for simply being Who he is; for those who want the hook in their love, straightened out.


Note that Crucible has not cited any posts that would prove this assertion (regarding the OP).


The very definition of reprobate would be the place to start, and why it was locked onto in the first place.

Jesus tells us to look to the Spiritual manifestation of Love through followers.

Paul is continually warning that he speaks of Spiritual matters with physical examples.

In this light, Reprobate Minds does not seem to be a fate for the sinner, but the Spiritual that transgress the core precepts of faith and Love.

It is almost reminiscent of The words, it would be better that they had never known the blessed way.

That statement is like Jesus parable about the sweeping of the house after the clearing of the demons. That demon recruits many more, and the persons state is worse than before.

Sent from my iPad using TOL Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


Crucible - you can't find these imaginary posts.

We have authority to walk over these snakes and scorpions--children of the devil (Lk 10:19). They can move this thread to the infidel section if they'd like. :dizzy: It doesn't change the fact that Calvinism is not a historical biblical position (2 Pe 2:1).


New member

The very definition of reprobate would be the place to start, and why it was locked onto in the first place.

Jesus tells us to look to the Spiritual manifestation of Love through followers.

Paul is continually warning that he speaks of Spiritual matters with physical examples.

In this light, Reprobate Minds does not seem to be a fate for the sinner, but the Spiritual that transgress the core precepts of faith and Love.

It is almost reminiscent of The words, it would be better that they had never known the blessed way.

That statement is like Jesus parable about the sweeping of the house after the clearing of the demons. That demon recruits many more, and the persons state is worse than before.

Sent from my iPad using TOL Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

I think it means prove again.


New member
We have authority to walk over these snakes and scorpions--children of the devil (Lk 10:19). They can move this thread to the infidel section if they'd like. :dizzy: It doesn't change the fact that Calvinism is not a historical biblical position (2 Pe 2:1).

You believe that consistent Calvinists are 'children of the devil'?


TOL Subscriber
We have authority to walk over these snakes and scorpions--children of the devil (Lk 10:19). They can move this thread to the infidel section if they'd like. :dizzy: It doesn't change the fact that Calvinism is not a historical biblical position (2 Pe 2:1).

Covenantalism is a historical position, going all the way back to the creation. Reformers are Covenantalists.

Your misrepresentations and accusations are simply :devil:


[Hyperbole Mt 16:23] You believe that consistent Calvinists are 'children of the devil'?



One doesn't go to heaven or hell for his belief in Calvinism or Arminianism (also wrong). One goes to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ.
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