Reasons against homeschooling?


Well-known member
That's why I asked.

Then you basically agreed with me. I said a "preference" for homosexuality does not make one a sinner, it's the act that makes one a sinner, no matter what sin you might have interest in committing.

If you have an interest in coveting, but you don't covet, you're not covetous.

It defines lust by delimiting it. Wherever chastity is offended, there is lust.
Now you'll need to define "chastity", and explain how an inanimate, non-concrete thing can be offended. For instance, love (as an entity) cannot be offended (because it isn't an entity), but a person who loves can be. "Chastity" isn't an entity, and therefore cannot be offended, but a person who is chaste, or perhaps merely a person who seeks to be chaste, can be offended. Is that what you mean?
Do not covet your neighbor's wife.
Because? Jesus said why, based on my citation. In other words, coveting is a sin, perhaps, because you are not content with what is rightfully yours, but Jesus took it a step further, as did Paul, by saying it is unloving toward your neighbor, as much as actually taking her physically.
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
OK. That explains why not to be covetous, but it doesn't explain why coveting your neighbor's wife isn't adultery.
Right. Paul agrees with me too.
Maybe he will after you've finished explaining yourself.