Real Science Radio: The Search for Noah's Ark


New member
(( None of you )) can even come close in ( Reasoning ) with me!!!

So go hide like ALL Cowards do!!

Paul -- 080113


Your illusions of grandeur I find amusing. Your "reasoning" amounts to little more that you just stating what you believe. As if the fact that you said it, should be enough. I once met a fellow that fancied himself a messenger of God, and he spoke in a manner very similar to yours.


New member

Your illusions of grandeur I find amusing. Your "reasoning" amounts to little more that you just stating what you believe. As if the fact that you said it, should be enough. I once met a fellow that fancied himself a messenger of God, and he spoke in a manner very similar to yours.

Is that still the best you can do?? – You - Never give reason, -JUST SPIT!!! – Come on, let’s me and you get it ON! About (((( ANYTHING )))) that ain’t Time wasting!!!!! --- Where’s you Knowledge?????????

There has Never been the such as Christ in the past two thousand years!! And you are about to SEE what it’s all about!!!

Paul – 080113


New member
Is that still the best you can do?? – You - Never give reason, -JUST SPIT!!! – Come on, let’s me and you get it ON! About (((( ANYTHING )))) that ain’t Time wasting!!!!! --- Where’s you Knowledge?????????

There has Never been the such as Christ in the past two thousand years!! And you are about to SEE what it’s all about!!!

Paul – 080113

I don't think I've ever seen you present evidence or sources for anything. Why would I debate you?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Evolutionists love to argue with the likes of this moron so they can use the nonsense they hear to produce straw men against real science.


New member
Evolutionists love to argue with the likes of this moron so they can use the nonsense they hear to produce straw men against real science.

By "real science" you mean the science that is regarded by the rest of the international scientific community as being pseudoscience such as your preferred hydroplate theory, that has never been published in any scientific journal nor peer-reviewed. That kind of "real science"?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We prefer a rational discussion as opposed to your hypocrisy and bigotry. :up:


New member
Evolutionists love to argue with the likes of this moron so they can use the nonsense they hear to produce straw men against real science.

There is NO Real Science!, - Just like there is NO Real Christian Doctrine today being taught. - That stuff you teach has nothing to do with Christ, or anything "True" in the Carnal!!!! - Just hear-say as always!!!

Paul -- 080113


New member


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Yep, any objection to the likelihood of a given ad hoc scenario is met with a literal Deus ex machina. It would have been a lot simpler for LH simply to post a blanket statement to the effect that God did it.
I'm not OK with leaving it at that. I want to know how God did it, and discuss how He might have done it if there are no readily available answers.

Right, you cannot reason with someone that doesn't accept even the possibility that they may be wrong.
I've already dealt with the possibility I might be wrong on many issues, including this one.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I can lock whatever thread I create as many times as I like. :idunno:

Wake us up when you've got a rational argument against something I've said.