I was seeing what it would take before you admitted that you misspoke.

I can't tell if you're trolling me or if you truly have no argument.
DS: when salt-water comes into contact with fresh water, the aqueous salt content becomes homogenized because of something called diffusion
LH: Absence of a barrier doesn't necessarily lead to homogenization or diffusion.
DS: Based on what exactly? A puerile desire for physics to be suspended merely so that a cherished story of yours may be true?
LH: How would physics be suspended?
DS: Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics. Diffusion is so universally observed, so constant that it can be expressed mathematically as j = -D(dc/dx) with an incredible level of accuracy.
LH: That doesn't answer the question.
DS: I did answer you question. You asked how something would be a suspension of physics and I answered: "Because it would require molecules to behave in a way not consistent with physics."
LH: That's not an answer. An answer would explain how, not simply make a statement with no support.
So essentially you want me to explain why salt not diffusing in an aqueous solution is not consistent with diffusion or you want me to explain to you what diffusion is? Apparently, It's my job in this discussion to be your elementary science teacher, and explain basic scientific concepts to you.
It's pretty self explanatory.
Lighthouse: "Who says the flood didn't separate them? Waters did spring forth from the deep. It wasn't just rain. Did you not know that? Have you not read the story?"
A transient event is not going to cause perpetual motion of the continents given the frictional forces at work.
The only other supposition is that water geysers moved all the world's continents from Pangaea to their current position in a single leap. This is impossible for more reasons than I have time to list.
I don't recall the bible saying anything about Pangaea, hyper-evolution, continents moving, the suspension of diffusion or any of these other ad hoc explanations you posit.
So you knowingly suggest explanations that are almost certainly false?
Please explain.
Suggesting them as serious explanations, is.
No you included smilies.
And genetic variation requires many generations to accumulate.
It would have to, otherwise the holes in your story remain unaddressed.
In the event the flood story is true, which is very unlikely that it is, given the sheer number of
Deus Ex Machinas you must invent to resolve all the logical and evidential problems with the story.
Could the ark could contain an infinite number of animals? If no, why?
We've already been over this. The more you most posit circumstances that upend known and verifiable observations, the more exponentially implausible and unlikely your story becomes.
I've shown the numerous holes in your story, and your willingness to disregard physics, geology, and biology to invent unreferenced and unsubstantiated "miracles" to fill those holes, instead of just conceding that the story is most likely fictional. Your insistence is dogmatic and irrational.