Breeding different Breeds:
Breeding different Breeds:
One can’t respond to the likes of what is going on here without having to over respond!! – Noah’s Ark had to have very young creatures, still the creatures commanded by God!! – As for the, kinda off topic subject of “Breeding”; - I feel I should address this totally mistaken Process of bringing forth a creature. God could have done anything in preparation of the Flood; like combining male and female into one!! – NO?????
( “Breeding” ): -- The man does all he can do in this process in the beginning of it; then the female, or the ( “Woman” ), finishes the whole Process of ( “Breeding” ) during the full carrying of the unborn child. – The Born Child has been ( Bred ), for nine months. --- How on earth have you all missed that?????? – The “La’dy”, --- the woman who is La’den with child grows the creature for nine months. - It’s her feeding, and her health and fitness, that fully (( Produces, or Finishes )) the “Breeding” of the new born, the New Creature at Birth; it has been ( “Bred” ). – Every child, or Person is a Different “Breed”!! – ( “Every child, - or Person, is a “Different Breed” )!!! - That’s part of the reason for Jesus Christ!! – Read the BOOK Guys!!!! ----- How is it that you call yourselves Christians, and you’re SOO unlearned in anything of God??
The carnal world brought about every creature, a different creature or Breed. – There were different Kinds of Breeds, but every creature is ( of ) a different “Breeding”; bringing forth the total different Breeds every time. Thus You and your Brother are “Different, Too different to fit into God’s Plan; - Thus, -- Jesus Christ. – God plants the seed; - the same Seed from the very same source; from GOD, the Father. - In the NEW Heaven and New Earth ), there can be no difference in the Child of God; - they are all ONE, and one alike, being Like the Father and Mother. One Creature at Birth; -- you all must say; the New Birth, or Born again. --- When, or where does this New Birth take “( PLACE )”??? --- At the “Place” Prepared, and when one is Born Again, - THEN; - and Only THEN, is he a NEW Creature, not before the Birth. This Mother brings the Child forth a New Breed, not like the Breeds before, of the fools of Old!!! ---- ((( Read the BOOK )))!!! – One “Breed” of the New Man!!
This thing is so simple; if you were guided by God, you would have seen it, but NO!! – You’re too smart!!! – If someone is guided by the Holy Ghost, you spit on them, as you did Jesus before and during the Cross.
Look at it!! – God took the woman out of the Man / Adam, the first Man Adam. And at the end, Through Jesus the Second Man Adam. God put the Woman BACK ( into ) the Man, the Third Man Adam, and brought Him Back into the New Garden of God, and they became One Flesh, not just the Parable of it.----- Now How Simple Is That??? – Just Read it!!! – Well NO!! You’re too Smart to take God’s Word for it!!!
Paul – 072413