Real Science Radio: The Search for Noah's Ark


New member
Get back to me when you have something other than ungrammatical, off-topic pulpit-pounding to offer.

He's never going to provide evidence, in all the times I've argued with him he never has, not even once. He can make any sort of claim, and when someone challenges him on it, his response is always the same. He offers irrelevant platitudes in lieu of evidence. I wasn't just joking, I really do think he is crazier than a cocoanut.


New member
He's never going to provide evidence, in all the times I've argued with him he never has, not even once. He can make any sort of claim, and when someone challenges him on it, his response is always the same. He offers irrelevant platitudes in lieu of evidence. I wasn't just joking, I really do think he is crazier than a cocoanut.

(( Bob )); -- Here's Your "Kind" of "( ~?christian? )" you put up with, and you know better this this!!!! - And NO! - I can't do anything about them, but it's You who they are making a fool out of, ( not ME ), on your place without any response from you!! - Or are you going to jump me for being without the Word?? -- Let's ALL Just SEE!!!

Paul -- 072213
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New member
(( Bob )); -- Here's Your "Kind" of "( ~?christian? )" you put up with, and you know better this this!!!! - And NO! - I can't do anything about them, but it's You who they are making a fool out of, ( not ME ), on your place without any response from you!! - Or are you going to jump me for being without the Word?? -- Let's us ALL Just SEE!!!

Paul -- 072213
Um, you're not doing anything to show DS is wrong.


New member
Um, you're not doing anything to show DS is wrong.

Come On!!! -- I don't have to!! -- You do that yourself. - That's what I'm saying!!! -- (( "Ye shall "KNOW" Them by their Fruits" ))!! - God said it, not Just Me, and the most, understand that, but You can't understand God it Seems!!! --- How much Schripture did I just use in the Spirit of!!! - You can't receive any of That!!! -- That's what the (( Tongues of Angels )) is!!

Paul -- 072213


New member
Come On!!! -- I don't have to!! -- You do that yourself. - That's what I'm saying!!! -- (( "Ye shall "KNOW" Them by their Fruits" ))!! - God said it, not Just Me, and the most, understand that, but You can't understand God it Seems!!! --- How much Schripture did I just use in the Spirit of!!! - You can't receive any of That!!! -- That's what the (( Tongues of Angels )) is!!

Paul -- 072213
No one knows what you're saying. Most of us doubt that you know yourself.


The Dark Knight
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Because the only thing now that prevents the homogenization of aqueous salt content are physical land barriers.
Are you certain of that?

Not without resorting to silly ad hoc explanations, such as an invisible magic barrier or something of the sort.
God doesn't do magic, but that's irrelevant. Why would there need to be a barrier?

I suppose the three-toed tree sloths of south America swam across the atlantic ocean?

And your evidence would be? Can you identify population bottlenecks in these 'kinds' sone 4500 years ago that would add substance to this speculation? For example, population bottlenecks have been identified in cheetahs, human beings, European bison and northern elephant seals.

More fat-thumb typing. That should have been 'So what do they not include?'
I thought I made that clear.

How so? 'Kind' seems to mean whatever its invokers require it to.
You're the one who wants it to mean "species" when it isn't necessary for every species to be present on the ark.

I don't know what point you were trying to make.
It was recently discovered that it only took a few hundred years to get many of the dog breeds we now have. What do you think that means in regard to the ark?

They would be unlikely to survive a global flood lasting many months.
I'm not arguing they were in the water all that time. If they couldn't survive in the water the entire time then they were on the ark.:dunce::duh:

Most beetles are 'dry land' animals, so perhaps you can elaborate why this is unnecessary.
It is unnecessary that so many be on the ark, as the explosion in dog breeds attests. The amount we now have came about after the flood.

All I see here is the continuing readiness to call on a Deus ex machina to prop up whatever evidentially-lacking or logically incoherent argument is under threat.
Seeing as how Deus is Latin for God I can't argue that I'm not calling on God.

It would, however, be nice to see you explain how I'm being logically incoherent, or lacking evidence.

Perhaps because the account states that only animals that breathe by nostril were taken aboard. But that raises an even bigger question, how did insects survive the flood then?

yeah it's in Genesis 7:21-23:

Some biblical literalists have suggested floating vegetation mats upon which insects dwelled.

"All in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life," is referring to humans.

Problem is, once you start calling in non-scriptural miracles to rescue your new religion, then all religions are equally likely. Something doesn't fit? Just say "it was a miracle."
The entire thing was a miracle, by the definition that it was a true act of God and not naturally occurring. And the only way God could accomplish everything necessary was to directly intervene with what you call miracles. Just because they are not mentioned directly in Scripture means nothing. Logic dictates such was necessary, regardless of what the text explicitly states.

Traditional Christianity might not be as satisfactory to you, but it has the virtue not needing all those new stories to support it.
It must be logical else it is false.

Spectacular, resorting to logic to explain a book and a religion that has no need for logic. given what we know now, how logical is less than 10K year old universe? Creation of all in a week? A world wide flood only several thousand years ago and the resulting explosion of animal and plant life since then. The birth of a god-man to a virgin, his subsequent miraculous doings and his resurrection.

To paraphrase Alan Iverson "Logic, you're talking about logic?" Sorry, want to employ logic you should do it for everything.
You're a joke.


New member
So none of those population bottlenecks date to about 4500 years ago and no animals or plants that I am aware of show any population bottleneck about 4500 years ago, which is rather instructive don't you think?
I thought I made that clear.
No, hence my question. So what did they not include?
You're the one who wants it to mean "species" when it isn't necessary for every species to be present on the ark.
If I wanted anything it would be to see a robust definition of 'kind' that didn't vary with the changing needs of religious orthodoxy.
It was recently discovered that it only took a few hundred years to get many of the dog breeds we now have. What do you think that means in regard to the ark?
I think it means that you'd have a hard time getting 1000 species of bat from a pair of 'bat-kind'. You are aware that dog breeds are all subspecies of the gray wolf and interfertile?
I'm not arguing they were in the water all that time. If they couldn't survive in the water the entire time then they were on the ark.:dunce::duh:
So some of the amphibia were on the Ark contrary to your previous exclusion of them? Or was it just a pair of 'amphibian-kind'?
It is unnecessary that so many be on the ark, as the explosion in dog breeds attests. The amount we now have came about after the flood.
Some evidence would serve to validate this hypothesis. how many extinct species became extinct before the flood, how many during and how many after?
Seeing as how Deus is Latin for God I can't argue that I'm not calling on God.
Deus ex machina: something or someone highly unlikely (i.e. not foreshadowed) that arrives just in time to resolve an otherwise insurmountable difficulty. In other words, a made-up device to get out of an impossible situation.
It would, however, be nice to see you explain how I'm being logically incoherent, or lacking evidence.
The Ark legend and global flood myth are both logically incoherent and lacking in substantive evidence. The post-flood evolutionary rates handwaved around by creationists that fly in the face of anything proposed by the evolutionary biologists whose ideas they find so threatening, for example.


New member
If you don't Know what I'm saying, you sure don't know what God says!! - But you're saying it of yourself, nothing more!!

Paul -- 072213
Well, I know you're not saying anything to support your claims in respect of the food requirements of the Ark animals and their juvenile status; the rest just seems to be bloviating.


The Dark Knight
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So none of those population bottlenecks date to about 4500 years ago and no animals or plants that I am aware of show any population bottleneck about 4500 years ago, which is rather instructive don't you think?
Who says?

No, hence my question. So what did they not include?
What they did include is a much shorter list, and if you can't figure it out by my comment that they didn't need two wolves and two foxes, just one pair of canine [canidae] kind then I'm afraid I can't help you because you're just too stupid to teach.

If I wanted anything it would be to see a robust definition of 'kind' that didn't vary with the changing needs of religious orthodoxy.

I see no logical reason, no valid argument, for it to mean anything else.

I think it means that you'd have a hard time getting 1000 species of bat from a pair of 'bat-kind'.
Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation. You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep the species alive on the face of all the earth. For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.”
-Genesis 7:1-4

While bats may be unclean they were counted among the birds as seen in Leviticus 11:13-19; so that was seven of each kind.

You are aware that dog breeds are all subspecies of the gray wolf and interfertile?

So some of the amphibia were on the Ark contrary to your previous exclusion of them? Or was it just a pair of 'amphibian-kind'?
I didn't exclude amphibians from being on the ark; I said they didn't need to be on the ark if they could survive in the water.

Amphibian is not a kind; it's a class.

Some evidence would serve to validate this hypothesis. how many extinct species became extinct before the flood, how many during and how many after?
How should I know?

Deus ex machina: something or someone highly unlikely (i.e. not foreshadowed) that arrives just in time to resolve an otherwise insurmountable difficulty. In other words, a made-up device to get out of an impossible situation.
Or literally: "god from the machine."

But to claim God is not even foreshadowed in this event is disingenuous. He is there from the beginning; He is known to be responsible for the flood. Why would He not be responsible for the preservation of the animals He wanted preserved?

The Ark legend and global flood myth are both logically incoherent and lacking in substantive evidence. The post-flood evolutionary rates handwaved around by creationists that fly in the face of anything proposed by the evolutionary biologists whose ideas they find so threatening, for example.
How is it logically incoherent? Saying it is doesn't explain how it is.

Try being honest for a change.


New member
Well, I know you're not saying anything to support your claims in respect of the food requirements of the Ark animals and their juvenile status; the rest just seems to be bloviating.

Could there be anything to the fact that Noah took in 7 Pair of ( Clean Beast ), and Noah taking in 7 Clean People; - all for the purpose of offerings to the world?????? --- OOOPPPSSsssssss!!!!

Paul – 072313


New member
Who says?
Any relevant research you care to consult.
What they did include is a much shorter list, and if you can't figure it out by my comment that they didn't need two wolves and two foxes, just one pair of canine [canidae] kind then I'm afraid I can't help you because you're just too stupid to teach.
So you are defining 'kind' at the family level of taxonomic classification? How rapidly are you speculating that this family of two 'canidae kind' took to speciate into the 30+ species of canidae we see today? What about the extinct 'canidae kind'? Did they speciate and die out after the flood or before the flood? Where is the evidence for the existence of this 'uber-canidae kind'? There doesn't seem to be any evidence that the variety of canidae were very much different 4500 years ago than they are today.

I see no logical reason, no valid argument, for it to mean anything else.
And the basis for this logic is what? The Corvidae number some 18 extant families. Was the raven (a species belonging to one of these families) actually some kind of 'uber-raven', i.e. not really a raven at all, but some kind of 'Corvidae-kind'?
Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation. You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep the species alive on the face of all the earth. For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.”
-Genesis 7:1-4

While bats may be unclean they were counted among the birds as seen in Leviticus 11:13-19; so that was seven of each kind.
So 1000 bat species from seven 'über-bat kind'. How does this make the rate of post-flood evolutionary development required any less dramatic than if there were just two?
Offering examples of dog-breeding does not actually address how quickly it might be possible for speciation to occur.
I didn't exclude amphibians from being on the ark; I said they didn't need to be on the ark if they could survive in the water.

Amphibian is not a kind; it's a class.
Thanks for clearing that up.
How should I know?
This is your mythology, I thought someone who was so ready to call others stupid might have the answers to such questions.
Or literally: "god from the machine."

But to claim God is not even foreshadowed in this event is disingenuous. He is there from the beginning; He is known to be responsible for the flood. Why would He not be responsible for the preservation of the animals He wanted preserved?
Except that you have to insert extra-biblical explanations into the account in order to render it plausible even to yourself. That's the deus ex machina.
How is it logically incoherent? Saying it is doesn't explain how it is.
So you think speciation rates measured in tens of years are entirely plausible?
Try being honest for a change.
So concluding from their statements about post-flood speciation that creationists accept rates of evolutionary change that are beyond anything proposed by evolutionary biologists is dishonest?
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New member
Could there be anything to the fact that Noah took in 7 Pair of ( Clean Beast ), and Noah taking in 7 Clean People; - all for the purpose of offerings to the world?????? --- OOOPPPSSsssssss!!!!

Paul – 072313
And this relates to the food requirements of the Ark animals and their juvenile status how, exactly?


New member
Who says?


I see no logical reason, no valid argument, for it to mean anything else.

Cue YEC claims of hyper-evolution. How do you propose all the species that exist today came about from their respective families in only 4,000 years? I've heard no answer to this question that doesn't rely upon evolutionary mechanisms occurring at a comically absurd pace.

If for example there were just 2 Colubridae (non-venomous snakes) aboard the ark, and from that nearly 1,938 species arose in just 4,000 years. That's 1 new species every 2 years, assuming none of these species went extinct in the process. This would just barely outpace standard population growth. YECs would also have us believe that evolution....erm, I mean "adaptation" accelerated at light speed, and then spontaneously slowed to a virtual standstill as soon as humans began categorizing animals. There is no evidence for this at all, neither within scripture nor within science. But that's not the only problem that need be contended with, as this one pair beget all other species at break-neck speed, it must have done so, while distributing itself across all the world's continents into the distribution that we see today. Now multiply that by every family pair on the ark.

"Preposterous" doesn't even begin to describe this.


New member
Cue YEC claims of hyper-evolution. How do you propose all the species that exist today came about from their respective families in only 4,000 years? I've heard no answer to this question that doesn't rely upon evolutionary mechanisms occurring at a comically absurd pace.

If for example there were just 2 Colubridae (non-venomous snakes) aboard the ark, and from that nearly 1,938 species arose in just 4,000 years. That's 1 new species every 2 years, assuming none of these species went extinct in the process. This would just barely outpace standard population growth. YECs would also have us believe that evolution....erm, I mean "adaptation" accelerated at light speed, and then spontaneously slowed to a virtual standstill as soon as humans began categorizing animals. There is no evidence for this at all, neither within scripture nor within science. But that's not the only problem that need be contended with, as this one pair beget all other species at break-neck speed, it must have done so, while distributing itself across all the world's continents into the distribution that we see today. Now multiply that by every family pair on the ark.

"Preposterous" doesn't even begin to describe this.

(( God Said It ))!!! Not who you want to have said it!!!

Paul -- 072313


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Hall of Fame
Cue YEC claims of hyper-evolution. How do you propose all the species that exist today came about from their respective families in only 4,000 years? I've heard no answer to this question that doesn't rely upon evolutionary mechanisms occurring at a comically absurd pace.

If for example there were just 2 Colubridae (non-venomous snakes) aboard the ark, and from that nearly 1,938 species arose in just 4,000 years. That's 1 new species every 2 years, assuming none of these species went extinct in the process. This would just barely outpace standard population growth. YECs would also have us believe that evolution....erm, I mean "adaptation" accelerated at light speed, and then spontaneously slowed to a virtual standstill as soon as humans began categorizing animals. There is no evidence for this at all, neither within scripture nor within science. But that's not the only problem that need be contended with, as this one pair beget all other species at break-neck speed, it must have done so, while distributing itself across all the world's continents into the distribution that we see today. Now multiply that by every family pair on the ark.

"Preposterous" doesn't even begin to describe this.

Why do you limit G-d's ability to do anything? :idunno:

Just curious.