Real Science Radio CRSQ (Vol 43, Num 1)

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Knight said:
Johnny asserts that evolution is not about "an increase in information". And a couple years ago he asserted we could go into the future to see who will win the World Series. Wow! Johnny, you're a nut!
Your opinion on science is about as valuable to me as allsmiles' opinion on the Bible is to you.

My assertion about evolution stands, it is correct. If bob is still interested in this than I am more than happy to call him about it on his show. My assertion regarding the world series also stands, but I will clarify because I see that you still fail completely to understand what was said. You too, Knight, can travel to the future and see who wins the world series. Just wait a couple of hours/days (whenever the series finishes). We are all time travelers, and we are all moving towards the future. The relative speeds with which we are all traveling through time are, however, dependent on our relative velocities. One second might tick off my existence, while five ticks off yours. Under the right physical circumstances, it is entirely possible that a five second period for me would be a 20 year period for you. You would age 20 years, I would age 5 seconds.

This is hundred year old science--as is evolution--and yet you guys are still playing catchup with the rest of the scientific community. When your understanding of these principles is, well, absent, it is entirely expected you would consider such statements "nutty". Indeed both modern biology and modern physics offer extremely fascinating insights into the inner workings of our elegant and mysterious universe that surpass even our own imaginations. There are a number of books written to the lay public on both topics which are easily accessible. You should check some of them out.
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Jukia said:
But you can't prove that by your total lack of understanding can you?

Wow! Now I don't feel so bad. Seems this has been a common theme through most every thread the evolutionists participate in. They demand proof, they are given proof and all they do is mock those who show them proof.


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aharvey said:
Bugs me too, but for a different reason; I'd probably be more effective if I let the little points slide and just focussed on the key points. (The fact that I don't do this well is partly why I'm glad I don't engage One-Eyed Jack anymore, since one of his favorite tricks is to absolutely atomize every clause in every sentence in every post, which has the curious effect of making the original coherent post seem almost unintelligible, and the expected effect of making the whole discussion completely unappetizing for anyone else to try and read.) However, bob seems to use a rather different set of criteria for what he chooses to respond to, and if you're not sure, you can usually gauge the strength of your argument by (weakest to strongest) whether he directly responds, intentionally misrepresents, changes the subject, or fails/ceases to respond altogether.
I don't bother with BobB any more for the very reasons you mentioned and the broken record got annoying.
OEJ is cool as long as you don't discuss religion with him.


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pastorkevin said:
Wow! Now I don't feel so bad. Seems this has been a common theme through most every thread the evolutionists participate in. They demand proof, they are given proof and all they do is mock those who show them proof.
No, they mock you.
Cause you make dumb agruments.


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fool said:
No, they mock you.
Cause you make dumb agruments.

If they are dumb you never refuted a single one of them and neither did Jukia, so what does that make you??? :wave2:


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In fact all you did do was try to muck up my threads which did not have a whole lot to do with science when I wasn't even talking about the subject. I would be glad to approach anything you like in a thread devoted to science.


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Jukia's definition of ignorance

Jukia's definition of ignorance

Jukia said:
Since there was no world wide flood, since Noah's Ark is a nice story but nothing more, yes it means you are ignorant. Ignorant of the facts. I don't care if you are a person of faith or not. You simply show your ignorance of fact in some of your beliefs.

Seems like this is a dumb argument against the flood to me. Notice the evidence it is full of.........


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pastorkevin said:
If they are dumb you never refuted a single one of them and neither did Jukia, so what does that make you??? :wave2:
Disinterested in talking to dumb Pastorkevin.


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#4Why are Earth's animals not dieing of detrimental genetic defects if all current creatures are descended from only two ancesters of each species? After the fith generation of inbreeding, I'd imagine they'd all be super retard animals and die off.
#5 Same question as #4, but for humans. We should all be related to Noah's family, right?

I’ll deal with these in one post on genetics.
We are all descendents of Noah. This also explains why there are Flood stories in every culture around the world. While they are quite diverse, the stories closest to the area of dispersion from Babel are nearest in detail to the biblical account. At Babel, all of the people in the world were dispersed by God and each went different directions, taking with them their stories of the Flood and their common ancestor, Noah. God preserved the right account through Moses and the writing of the Book of Genesis. The other accounts are distortions of the original.

But to answer your question about detrimental genetic effects:

Adam and Eve perfect
When God created Adam and Eve, He originally created them perfect. They had no genetic deformities. Genetic decay began to be introduced into the human race when Adam and Eve sinned. The same goes for all of the animals as well. Through sin, death entered into the world.

Increasing corruption!
The earlier back to Adam and Eve we go, the less corrupted the genes are. Even evolutionary scientists will admit that as time goes on, genetic decay increases. So the first people were able to intermarry in their families. In fact they had to in order to be obedient to God and to be fruitful and multiply. By the time Noah came along, the gene pools were still not nearly as corrupted as they are today.

Now to understand how deformities work, the further one gets away from a person closely related to them, the less likely a deformity will occur. This is true now because the human gene pool is more corrupt as time goes on, and the chances of the SAME deformity passing to a child greatly increases. It would have been much less in the time of Noah as it is now. In fact, it wasn’t until the time of Moses that God ruled it against the law. By that time the human gene pool had corrupted enough that it was a needed law, and people could no longer marry their close relative without greatly increasing the risk of deformities.

Every person has two sets of genes that specify how a person is put together and functions. Each person gets one gene of each pair from each parent. Again because of sin and the curse there are mistakes. The more distant a relation someone is, the more likely it is that they will have different mistakes in their genes. Again in the days of Noah, this was not as big of a problem and there was no law yet against the intermarriage of family members.

God bless you RS. And have a good day!

Jukia's response:

Jukia said:
Please, please, please learn some science, some biology.
Some geology perhaps. Even some physics.
The earth is 4.5 billion years old, there was no Flood, there was no ark. There was no two-by-two parade of animals. There was no Tower of Babel.

Your knowledge of genetics is abysmal, your knowledge of science is abysmal. Yet you freely post your "beliefs" and seem to be attempting to teach people in your post. If your science information is so awful why should anyone pay any attention to anything you say about the Bible?

Now in this response where was anything I said in the previous response refuted? Nothing about science was ever mentioned and when I called Jukia on it, the answer I got was this:

Jukia said:
P Kevin: Your comments on science and genetics--when you start with the presupposition that "We are all descendents of Noah", you are factually incorrect from the start.

But there was never one shred of proof to support that statement. So who was making dumb arguments? Forgive me, but I fail to see how it was me. I provided real scientific information, and you folks did not!


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Real Sorceror's Question #1 RE: The Flood:

RealSorceror said:
The distribution of animals. Assuming the Ark landed in Asia(or any continent, really) how did the animals spread to other continents? Although the continents where once conected, that was not in recent history(4,000 years ago). Why are certian animals found nowhere else in the world even though all animals would have started out at the same place? Why does Australia claim almost every species of marsupial? Why are all known lemur species located on Madagascar?

This is not an easy thing to answer. And the reason why is because we cannot go back and reproduce those situations to determine how those animals got to where they were. But below I will list some possibilities.

One clue we can get is from a modern day example:

When Krakatoa erupted in 1883, the island remnant remained lifeless for some years, but was eventually recolonized by a surprising variety of creatures, including not only insects and earthworms, but birds, lizards, snakes and even a few mammals. One would not have expected some of this surprising array of creatures to have crossed the ocean, but they obviously did. Even though these were mostly smaller than some of the creatures you are asking about, it illustrates the limits of our imaginings on such things.

Land bridges:

Most scientists would concede that people and animals crossed over a land bridge from Asia to America.
Science has also shown that it is possible that land bridges have existed elsewhere, such as from Europe to Australia for example.
Evolutionist geologists themselves believe there have been major tectonic upheavals, accompanied by substantial rising and falling of sea floors, in the time period with which they associate an ice age.


The claim that Marsupials are found only in Australia is made by evolutionists who will attempt to prove that they evolved there. The reality is that living marsupials, opossums, are found also in North and South America, and fossil marsupials have been found on every continent.


One theory possible is that they got to Madagascar was by “rafting”: The following is a quote directly from Duke University’s website (and within an article supporting evolution) “Scientists believe lemurs and other mammals reached Madagascar via "rafting" on clumps of vegetation, or trees.” I would say that is a distinct possibility, but that it happened much sooner than the Evolutionist believes.

Another thing to keep in mind is that populations of animals may have had centuries to migrate, relatively slowly, over many generations. Simply put: these animals had many years to get from where they were to where they are now. It is not impossible in the least that they have dispersed to where they are after only a few thousand years.

God bless and have a good day Real Sorceror!!

Real Sorceror's Question #2 RE: The Flood


Originally Posted by RealSorceror

How did Earth's plantlife survive? Noah did not take plants on the Ark (besides what he used to feed his family and the animals).

Pastor Kevin's answer:

Many terrestrial seeds can survive long periods of soaking in various concentrations of salt water. Others could have survived in floating masses. Many could have survived as accidental and planned food stores on the ark.Ironically, Charles Darwin himself performed experiments floating snails on, and submerging seeds in, salt water, convincing him that they could have survived long sea voyages on driftwood and the like.

Real Sorceror's Question #3 RE: The Flood


Originally Posted by RealSorceror

Why is there no evidence of the Ark? The craft would have been among the largest man-made structures ever, easily dwarfing almost any skyscraper, bridge, or aircraft carrier.

Pastor Kevin's answer:

I think that you should define what what kind of evidence you are looking for. First of all there is tons of evidence for the Ark in the history of mankind. When you consider that everywhere in the world we have versions of the Flood story handed down, that is a pretty significant piece of evidence that something happened! The other thing to keep in mind is that wood grows petrified over time, and wherever the Ark currently is it is not obviously in the same shape it was in when it was built.
There have been many different theories on the location of the Ark. Some have claimed to have seen it and stand in it. Some have taken photographs of objects they think might be the Ark. Until the day actually comes that the Ark itself is found, we will probably have to answer these questions. There are indications that as of the 2nd century BC people were still reporting the Ark to be visible. I would have to go back and dig up my source of info on that, but I remember reading it somewhere.

In any case, the fact that a large boat that is thousands of years old has not yet been found doesn't support a statement that it didn't exist. Nobody could ever prove that it DIDN'T exist either, so we have no corroborating evidence against the Bible's story of the Ark and the Flood.

God bless!

Again, looking at the above material will show that I have in fact made sound arguments and not dumb ones, and they have been based on good science. The replies I get are things of this nature from Fool:

PastorKevin said:
fool are you here to discuss my "High horse" or the points I raised in my OP???

Fool said:
I'm here to discuss you.

Wow you're right. I guess I was making dumb arguments. :thumb: :chuckle:


New member
Still more fool:

fool said:
No, they mock you.
Cause you make dumb agruments.

Ok so here my arguments are dumb.
fool said:
Disinterested in talking to dumb Pastorkevin.
Here you say I'm "Dumb Pastorkevin"

But you also said:
fool said:
The universe ain't 6,000 years old.
The Bible ain't the infallible word of The Creator.
You're a smart guy, I can tell.I think you would have a lot to offer people that wanted to talk about spiritual matters, but you chose the radical position and it seems to me at least that you're more bent on making a name for yourself defending your YEC-Biblical literalist worldview than you are in really talking to people.

Now it seems to me like you are confused. So which is it fool? Am I dumb or am I smart? Or how about Smumb??? We can invent a new word just for you! :)


Morphy_ said:
As much as I appreciate Bob's economic and politic ideas as much I laugh out loud when I listen to his 'arguments' against evolution.

Unfortunately one more time Bob committed a anti-evolution talk show without any tenable arguments.

Let me deal with the most obvious yarns:

1. Sickle cell anemia. Bob, it's not about loosing any information. If you read some genetic books you'll learn it is caused by REPLACEMENT of thymine by adenine (parts of nucleotides). If thymine is replaced by adenine the triplet Cytosine - Adenine - Thymine (CAT) takes new form: Cytosine - Thymine - Thymine (CTT). Therefore mRNA codone created on a basis of DNA is GUA instead of GAA (G- guanosine, U - uridine, A- adenosine). Such mRNA is used by rybosomes as an instruction how to produce proteins from aminoacids. GUA codes Valine while GAA Glutamine thus replacement of thymine with adenine in DNA results in replacement of just one (among thousands if not millions) aminoacid. The improper aminoacid (Valine instead of Glutamine) deforms chain B of hemoglobin therefore it is less soluble in water and thus malformed red blood cells look a little bit like a crescent instead of a "tire".

There is no loosing any DNA - just replacement of one nucleotide with another. In fact it is gaining since adenine has a bigger molecule than thymine.

Bob Enyart always says evolution doesn't create new abilities and sickle cell anemia is an excellent example he is dead wrong: hemoglobine S (that's the name of the altered hemoglobine) has new ability: it has a different shape, it is 'sticky' thus it changes shape of a red blood cell what makes them resistant to germs causing malaria (plasmodium). This is an excellent example one single DNA mutation means an organism gains a completely new ability.

Bob said it is a disease of blacks - that's another lie, although I believe unintentional. Hemoglobine S has many negative, disadvantageous featers but one huge ability: the red blood cell cannot be infected by plasmodium. Whites can have the disease as well, but there is one problem: it decreases chances of survival thus it exists only in areas where the disadvantage is counterbalanced by being free of malaria. In malaria -free areas sickle cell anemia is virtually wiped out by evolution (surival of the fittest gene). On the other hand in malaria infested areas sickle cell anemia is relatively common.

Bob compares hemoglobine S to loosing information, I would compare sickle cell anemia to rain tires (sickle cell anemia) and slicks (regular hemoglobine): rain tires are by far worse if there are dry conditions (no malaria in neibourghood), but are much better when a road is wet (epidemic of malaria). Replacing slicks with rain tires doesn't mean 'loosing information' it means 'changing' information.

2. Bob thinks he mocks the theory of evolution with the program randomly casting letters in order to achieve an alphabet. Thus Bob Enyart uses liberals' favourite tactics: to say falsely that ridiculous idea is believed to be true by your enemy, mock it, then mock the believer and everything seems to be fine except for one thing: the idea is cosidered by your opponent false as well...

Bob's program has nothing to do with evolution since it is based on 2 false, ridiculous theses:
- evolution always starts a new, from the scratch (have you ever heard evolutionist saying reptiles and mammals evolved directly from amoebas completely independently?)
- there is no survival of the fittest (have you ever heard evolutionist saying anything like that?)

Thus what Bob Enyart is doing is claiming these false theories to be believed by evolutionists, mocks the theories and then mocks the evolutioninsts. Successful, truly, but devastatingly unfair.

This is how the program should be written:
1. It should cast chain of 24 letters in a specific order randomly.
2. If any of the letters is in the right place it must have higher 'survival rate' then others (survival of the fittest gene).
3. The code should 'multiple' (just like every living species can multiple).
4. There can be different rules of multiplying, let me propose one:
- every chain of 24 letters creates 10 copies, half of them identical, half of them (to speed up evolution) with mutations (2-3 letters different than original)
- if any chain of 24 letters has any letter in the right place it gets higher survival rate - like 20% more copies for every letter in the right place (for example: if a chain has no correct letters it gets 10 new copies, if it has 1 correct letter it gets 12 new copies, if 2 gets 14, 3 - 16 and so on).
- at the end of multiplying phase some chains must die (death is substantial for evolution, eternal life of all organisms means end of evolution) - let's say for the first 1000 turns there will be lower death rate (empty Earth), but later it should increase and reach a stable point - new chains should replace dying ones.
- "dying" rules: for every correct letter a chain should have 20% less risk of death (because good genes mean one can survive many threats like avoiding predators or finding more food).

If Bob Enyart writes new program, abiding rules of evolution, real ones, not fake ones, I guarantee in less than 10 years he will have many chains very similar or even identical to the Latin alphabet. I can bet him any money he wants.

There are several dozen yarns Bob span in his talk show. Suffice for me to discuss this 2 since it gives everyone an excellent example how untenable his theses are.

Oh yes.... you liar.


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pastorkevin said:
Real Sorceror's Question #1 RE: The Flood:
This is not an easy thing to answer. And the reason why is because we cannot go back and reproduce those situations to determine how those animals got to where they were. But below I will list some possibilities.
We can do better than just list some possibilities. We can test possibilities, we can assign probabilities. This is a real problem with creation science. It substitutes scenarios for science.
pastorkevin said:
One clue we can get is from a modern day example:

When Krakatoa erupted in 1883, the island remnant remained lifeless for some years, but was eventually recolonized by a surprising variety of creatures, including not only insects and earthworms, but birds, lizards, snakes and even a few mammals. One would not have expected some of this surprising array of creatures to have crossed the ocean, but they obviously did. Even though these were mostly smaller than some of the creatures you are asking about, it illustrates the limits of our imaginings on such things.
Here are a few more pieces of relevant information:
Krakatau is only 40 and 80 km from Java and Sumatra, two large islands with huge source pools (i.e,. populations of potential colonists). You can't expect the same result to obtain from the exact opposite conditions (i.e., plants and animals from a tiny pool -- the Ark -- recolonizing an entire devastated planet).
The recolonization of Krakatau was highly non-random and predictable; your imagination would hardly be strained by comparing the attributes of the earliest colonists vs. those that colonized somewhat later vs. those that have yet to make it back. And the patterns hold for plants as well as animals. It is exactly those sorts of non-random, highly predictable regularities that make current biogeographic distributions so hard to reconcile with the notion of global recolonization from a single boat.

pastorkevin said:
Land bridges:

Most scientists would concede that people and animals crossed over a land bridge from Asia to America.
Science has also shown that it is possible that land bridges have existed elsewhere, such as from Europe to Australia for example.
Evolutionist geologists themselves believe there have been major tectonic upheavals, accompanied by substantial rising and falling of sea floors, in the time period with which they associate an ice age.
To be fair, you should know that the concept of land bridges was pretty much, er, sunk by the emergence of tectonic theory. But I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Are you accepting or rejecting tectonic theory as relevant to the distribution of modern and fossil organisms? If you're saying it's relevant, then you've raised a few interesting questions, because accelerating the rate at which continents slosh around on the earth's surface doesn't simply cause everything else to happen faster!
pastorkevin said:

The claim that Marsupials are found only in Australia is made by evolutionists who will attempt to prove that they evolved there. The reality is that living marsupials, opossums, are found also in North and South America, and fossil marsupials have been found on every continent.
Any scientist who claimed that marsupials are only found in Australia deserves to have his or her membership revoked. To my knowledge no one who studies marsupials thinks they evolved in Australia either. The fossil marsupials in North and South America, North Africa, Europe, Antarctica, and Asia are all didelphoids, part of a distinct branch that includes all of the extent marsupials (possums) outside of Australia. The Australian radiation happened after Australia became isolated from the other continents, and thus all the truly weird creatures that we think of as marsupials are only found in Australia, and all the non-didelphoid fossils are similarly restricted to Australia.

So let's recap: your claims about what evolutionists say re: marsupials is so far offbase that I can't imagine what you were hoping to achieve, and if we tighten our focus from the most primitive possumy marsupials to the next branch up the tree (everyone else), which are after all what most people think of as marsupials anyways, then Real Sorcerer's question stands.

And it's worse than you think. Look past the familiar ones (kangaroos and koalas) and you'll see an extraordinary diversity of organisms that share a number of anatomical curiosities but precious little else. Which means either that large numbers of specially created, highly diverse mammals with a unique tooth formula and the same weird reproductive parts all coincidentally happened to dash from Mt. Ararat to Australia, leaving virtually all other placental mammals behind, or else that one pair of odd specially created marsupials arrived in Australia and underwent an absolutely amazing burst of diversification over the next few hundred years.
pastorkevin said:

One theory possible is that they got to Madagascar was by “rafting”: The following is a quote directly from Duke University’s website (and within an article supporting evolution) “Scientists believe lemurs and other mammals reached Madagascar via "rafting" on clumps of vegetation, or trees.” I would say that is a distinct possibility, but that it happened much sooner than the Evolutionist believes.
Much more recently, you mean? And then once they got there, had a quick burst of ecological, morphological, and behavioral differentiation and then reproductive isolation? There's more than one species there, you know.
pastorkevin said:
Another thing to keep in mind is that populations of animals may have had centuries to migrate, relatively slowly, over many generations. Simply put: these animals had many years to get from where they were to where they are now. It is not impossible in the least that they have dispersed to where they are after only a few thousand years.
Sorry, this time table is not possible under the YEC interpretation. Perhaps I've been hasty; do you in fact favor an old earth?
pastorkevin said:
Real Sorceror's Question #2 RE: The Flood

Pastor Kevin's answer:

Many terrestrial seeds can survive long periods of soaking in various concentrations of salt water. Others could have survived in floating masses. Many could have survived as accidental and planned food stores on the ark.Ironically, Charles Darwin himself performed experiments floating snails on, and submerging seeds in, salt water, convincing him that they could have survived long sea voyages on driftwood and the like.
Yes, but what y'all seem to forget is that not all seeds are alike. Darwin, and others, found that SOME seeds can persist in salt water, and THOSE species make it to oceanic islands. MOST species can't do this. What I find interesting is that this marks the end of the voyage for the inquisitive creationist, whereas it marks no more than the beginning for the inquisitive scientist. That is, you've woven a few scenarios. Having shown, in your mind, a not entirely impossible scenario, you stop your discussion, as if that's all science requires. But it's only the beginning. You may protest that you're not a scientist, so I'm expecting too much from you, but didn't you get these scenarios from creationist websites who are purporting to give you the "creation science"? They're not going any farther than this either.
pastorkevin said:
Real Sorceror's Question #3 RE: The Flood
Pastor Kevin's answer:

I think that you should define what what kind of evidence you are looking for. First of all there is tons of evidence for the Ark in the history of mankind. When you consider that everywhere in the world we have versions of the Flood story handed down, that is a pretty significant piece of evidence that something happened!
Okay, I'll grant you that there is lots of evidence out there that "something happened." That kind of goes without saying. Hey, this may be something you know about. Who actually documented these flood stories, and how?
pastorkevin said:
The other thing to keep in mind is that wood grows petrified over time, and wherever the Ark currently is it is not obviously in the same shape it was in when it was built.
Whew! A basic understanding of taphonomy. I'm glad you're not going to turn around and blast scientists for the lack of transitional fossils!
pastorkevin said:
There have been many different theories on the location of the Ark. Some have claimed to have seen it and stand in it. Some have taken photographs of objects they think might be the Ark. Until the day actually comes that the Ark itself is found, we will probably have to answer these questions. There are indications that as of the 2nd century BC people were still reporting the Ark to be visible. I would have to go back and dig up my source of info on that, but I remember reading it somewhere.

In any case, the fact that a large boat that is thousands of years old has not yet been found doesn't support a statement that it didn't exist. Nobody could ever prove that it DIDN'T exist either, so we have no corroborating evidence against the Bible's story of the Ark and the Flood.
Good, so you also understand the problems with proving a negative. That's good, because creationists ask us to do that a lot.
pastorkevin said:

Again, looking at the above material will show that I have in fact made sound arguments and not dumb ones, and they have been based on good science. The replies I get are things of this nature from Fool:
Hmm. Did you really mean to generalize like that?


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pastorkevin said:
Still more fool:

Ok so here my arguments are dumb.

Here you say I'm "Dumb Pastorkevin"

But you also said:

Now it seems to me like you are confused. So which is it fool? Am I dumb or am I smart? Or how about Smumb??? We can invent a new word just for you! :)
You're a smart guy.
You make dumb arguments.
No new words needed.


New member
PK: I guess I need to apologize for not providing specific info to refute your claims. But your lack of understanding yet lack of humility to even appreciate that just irritates me.

I suggest that if you wish a discussion on science/evolution etc you respond to aharvey's points. He is a real life working biologist, I think he teaches some, and perhaps has more patience with the aggressivly uninformed than I do.
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