aharvey said:
Well, that’s trivial and probably irrelevant. Trivial if all you mean by “general advantage” is “something that allows a gene to spread in a population,” because that’s kinda the definition of “selective advantage.” Irrelevant in that it has no bearing on what I understood to be the original question, in which an individual in a generally superior, generalist ancestor population acquires a mutation that improves its ability to function in one habitat/environment/respect but hurts its ability to function in all others.
I'm only focusing on your use of the words "advantage" and "improvement". You say that something has a selective advantage and that a mutation can improve an ability to function. I'm just wondering why these advantages don't mean that the organism is actually improved.
aharvey said:
Not in an evolutionary sense. Under normal (read environmentally constrained) conditions, each of those 999,999 deleterious mutations would have an extremely slim chance of persisting, whereas that millionth, beneficial, mutation would have a much better chance of persisting. Interesting how easily you reverse your thinking here. A given mutation is “most likely” deleterious, which you equate with “only” deleterious, and yet mutations that are really really “most unlikely” to persist in the face of natural selection (remember, the probability of fixation of a deleterious mutation in the face of selection is by definition very much worse than chance) are not only not impossible, but are a certainty (your appeal to “mutational load”). What’s up with that?
You just aren't making sense. The 999,999 mutations that are not an advantage, (this time around) still have a good enough chance of persisting. Whereas the one with a beneficial mutation has an even better chance. But those 999,999 mutations start piling up each generation, even in the progeny of the organism that initially had the good mutation. Thus mutational load overtakes all organisms in a population.
aharvey said:
Really? I was presenting a pretty basic idea. If the original forms were advanced, and modern forms are less so, then somehow the advanced forms had to have been replaced by the less advanced forms. As I mentioned, unless the offspring of advanced forms were all and equally defective, it's not clear how this replacement could happen. Especially the innumerable times you are implying.
The subsequent generations don't need to be
equally defective. But they will all eventually be defective in some way.
Yorzhik said:
Which is hypothetically OK. Even so, I still answered the question when I said "less advanced forms were not always so bad as to be selected out every generation".
aharvey said:
That doesn't answer the question at all. For less advanced forms to not only persist, but spread and become fixed, in the population, they would have to be considerably better than "not always so bad."
Yes, it answers the question. In order for the "not always so bad" to selected out of a population, they have to be swept out quickly. But in the real world they aren't. They persist and mate with the one (if it were possible) that is perfect in his/her generation or even the one that carries a beneficial mutation.
aharvey said:
No, see, that’s the assertion you need to be demonstrating. You don’t demonstrate it by repeating it. You’ll do better to avoid borrowing pages from bob b’s playbook. Think selection intensity.
No, see, it's common knowledge that mutational load is a problem in any population. Google it, even the layman's explanations are clear. I noticed Haldane is by necessity mentioned, and so this will probably end up being an integral part of Haldane's dilemma.
Yorzhik said:
It should be obvious. Luck and chance happen to us all. The more fit individual will not necessarily survive maybe because they just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and get struck by lightning.
aharvey said:
I can’t believe you seriously think the role of chance is not taken into account. Silly us! Look, let’s go back to Vegas for a second. The casinos loudly advertise their favorable odds (at least they used to, haven’t been there in decades), odds far, far, far, far better than those we’re talking about here. "You’ve got a 49.5% chance of winning at keno." And yet, the income pours into the casino with at least the same predictability (and far greater amounts) than it does at your average grocery store. Luck may help, or hurt, one individual, but the law of large numbers is an utterly formidable opponent for a defective genotype in a selective environment.
Yes, silly you. It's never mentioned. It is assumed that even with the horrid odds a population has to get a good mutation fixed, that the odds are even worse if we add the chances of life.
Furthermore, it is assumed by evo's that a good mutation will get fixed in a population because the others in the population that didn't get the good mutation will die. But in real life they don't die. Less fit individuals live and breed just because of luck. It isn't in any genetics calculations because it is not calculable (at least without more information), but it would only make Haldane's dilemma a worse problem, not better, if they could be calculated. I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction that if we could add the luck factor to the calculations that we'd find the luck factor had more to do with what genetics got fixed in a population than how much more fit an individual introduced into a population was (at least in the higher life forms). You can add that one to the list of creationist predictions.
And as a side note, has a program ever been created to model population genetics? Do they ever add a luck factor?
Yorzhik said:
Factors on who survives and who doesn't change so rapidly, that "who is the most fit to survive" can change daily.
aharvey said:
Daily, eh? Don’t you think you’re rather desperately overstating your case?
That would be a literary convention called "exaggeration". You probably use it a thousand times a day.
But back to the topic, conditions change so rapidly in any particular environment that who is most fit to breed could change within a single breeding cycle.
Yorzhik said:
Difficult or not, mutational load will eventually win out in the end in all groups.
aharvey said:
Well, when you feel like defending, rather than merely repeating, this assertion, let me know. And please at least acknowledge that the outcome will likely be different in a selected vs. nonselected population, and as you're doing that take a guess as to which state characterizes most populations most of the time.
First, I only need to defend mutational load knowing that mutations happen at a fairly large rate in every generation. Most of them neutral. Or would you deny that?
Second, I don't think it matters if the population I'm talking about is selected or not. However, perhaps what I'm assuming you are saying a selected population is isn't what you are actually saying a selected population is. What do you say is a selected population is especially in the context of a non-selected population?