Holding a particular viewpoint and doing something great doesn't mean that viewpoint is true.
AGREED. I couldn't agree more A_O. That's why whenever I
list the creationist fathers of the physical sciences I go out of my way to stipulate something that TOL evolutionists refuse to accept even as they quote this, that: "This is not an argument from authority, as a typical evolutionist might claim. Rather, this list rebuts the common claim that only uneducated people reject evolution, made by countless atheists."
Likewise, my lists of creationists and technologies/inventions is not offered as evidence that their creation view was correct but as a rebuttal to Whorton and Robert's claim and your claim Alate_One that, "Mainstream science is the only science that actually works." In what I have read from you including the post I'm reply to, I don't believe you have falsified either of these rebuttals.
That's classic argument to authority, which is a logical fallacy. But Bob just LOVES his fallacies.
...your preselected list... Most are based on relatively simple chemistry which does not necessarily require knowledge of the age of the earth or biology at all.
A_O, thanks. Let's save the link to this in case we ever need to remember it.
YECs don't accept standard explanations (i.e. theories) for nuclear decay...
If they were standard, why are there more than one? And aside from YECs, do adherents of one theory for nuclear decay make atomic clocks differently than adherents to a different theory? If not, your bringing this up seems to be an obfuscation, for no evolutionary view of the universe is required to build atomic clocks.
So, you seemed to list the following as requiring either Darwinism or belief in an old earth:
atomic clocks, nuclear reactors, satellites, DNA
sequencing, seismograph, seismometer, sonar
I think I demonstrated your gloss regarding atomic clocks. And the same can be done with your offering of this list apparently as an answer to our question to you: "Please identify which ones were enabled by Darwinian insight or belief in an old earth."
Are you actually claiming A_O to claim that one or more of those seven technologies require belief in an old earth or Darwinism to develop? If so, why don't you narrow down the list to one or two and then make your case.
And here you appear to be responding to Fred Williams challenge to you: "Identify any technology or invention for which Darwinism or a belief in an old earth is an enabling prerequisite."
...one of the major ones today would be recombinant DNA technology.
A_O, I don't recall any major creationist ministry denying recombinant DNA. Rather, they celebrate the whole system as an example of tremendous interacting sophistication that operates at many layers of complexity. They do call for great care to be taken in the field of genetic engineering (just like countless Darwinists do). I think that again you are glossing your claim.
From a YEC perspective, why on earth should you be able to take a gene from a human, put it into a bacterium and have it function and make protein?
Because they are building blocks.
As from our show,
Darwin's Other Shoe:
God laid out a basic genetic blueprint that He coded into virtually the entire animal kingdom, and from that big batch of basic raw materials, He masterfully chooses which genetic resources He'll use to implement a dolphin, a lion, and a squid, and a million other creatures! Way to go God! ... The pro-evolution magazine New Scientist rejected one of Darwin's two major theories when they published their cover story: Darwin Was Wrong about the Tree of Life... because... of the thousands of species genetically evaluated, more than half are clearly not the product of a developmental biological pathway represented by a tree (or a bush for that matter). Now the second shoe is dangling. Geneticists have found the basic blueprint for the overall animal kingdom in virtually every creature they've investigated! Now Darwin's second shoe is about to drop. For if evolution were true, then by the genetic mapping of the animal kingdom, it is becoming obvious that millions of years before creatures with structures like eyes, hearts and limbs had evolved, the sophisticated regulatory genes that develop those structures had already come into existence! ... And thus: Darwin Was Wrong about Natural Selection also! For if evolution were true [and the earth were old], then sophisticated regulatory genes appeared 50 million years before they were needed. So there would have been simply no role for a selection-for-survival mechanism to make them.
And A_O, it seems to me that you likewise gloss your other examples from farming and pharmacology.
Thanks though for interacting. I'll pass your answer on to Fred.
-Bob Enyart
Real Science Friday