Real Science Friday: Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel

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The Barbarian

Of course, there's a rational answer for Christians. God created all of that in one moment of creation, and because He knew precisely what He wanted His universe to be, all the constants were set to get what He wanted.

Then nature (which is God's will working in the world) does what He intended.

No problem.

Of course, you have to realize that math was invented to describe the real world. The astonishing thing is that relatively simple mathematical descriptions of nature can be used to discover new aspects of the world. And that is because there is a deep and connected relationship between all things in nature.

If I could suggest a book that really explains it well:
Cartoon Guide to Physics

I'm not being sarcastic. I use it in teaching a lot, and it has the clearest description I know of, as to how gravity fits into physics. (something I always had trouble thinking about) It's not a kid's book, although kids enjoy it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I didn't feel like reading 141 posts of Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator. I just wondered if somebody said that pi is 3 in the bible yet, since it is a math thread.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I didn't feel like reading 141 posts of Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator. I just wondered if somebody said that pi is 3 in the bible yet, since it is a math thread.

:mock: Barbie.

The Barbarian

I didn't feel like reading 141 posts of Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator. I just wondered if somebody said that pi is 3 in the bible yet, since it is a math thread.

Nick, you silly pantheist. Don't you know that Christians believe in God?


New member
I didn't feel like reading 141 posts of Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator. I just wondered if somebody said that pi is 3 in the bible yet, since it is a math thread.

Barbarian does not believe in a creator? Where does he say that? Oh, sorry, he does not believe in your particular version of a creator. Well, that's fine, but you should really try to bring more honesty, or at least better reading comprehension to your posts.

The Barbarian

Hard to tell whether Nick doesn't realize that Christians believe in God, or if he's just pretending he doesn't.

Nick's funny that way.

And not just that way.


New member
Hard to tell whether Nick doesn't realize that Christians believe in God, or if he's just pretending he doesn't.

Nick's funny that way.

And not just that way.

Nah, its the basic fundy "My way or the highway. The evidence left in the real world does not matter, just the book."

some other dude

New member
Barbarian does not believe in a creator?

Oh Juke. :doh:

That's not what Nick said, is it?

Nick said "Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator"

Barbie's free to believe whatever silly nonsense he wishes to about a creator, just like his pals the muslims.

but you should really try to bring more honesty, or at least better reading comprehension to your posts.



New member
Oh Juke. :doh:

That's not what Nick said, is it?

Nick said "Barbie arguing against the existence of the creator"

Barbie's free to believe whatever silly nonsense he wishes to about a creator, just like his pals the muslims.


Barbarian is a professed Christian. but I guess you guys get to pick who is telling the truth, huh? I thought only your god really knew a man's heart, there must be some secret way you figure it out. That must be in, go along with your particular reading of the book and your heart is true, is that it?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian is a professed Christian. but I guess you guys get to pick who is telling the truth, huh? I thought only your god really knew a man's heart, there must be some secret way you figure it out. That must be in, go along with your particular reading of the book and your heart is true, is that it?

It's pretty easy to tell if barbie is lying. ;)

The Barbarian

Barbarian is a professed Christian. but I guess you guys get to pick who is telling the truth, huh?

Notice that Stipe lied when he claimed I said that the Bible teaches evolution, and Nick lied when he claimed I argued against the existence of the creator. They get angry and lose any sense of conscience, and then just say whatever they want to be true.

Not much of an imitation of Christ, um?

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that Stipe lies)

(Stipe demurs)

Sure. Take a look:

Stipe Lies:
Then you should give up insisting that the bible teaches evolution.

Barbarian observes:
As you knew at the time, I never said that the Bible teaches evolution. You got angry, and lost all sense of integrity, and just made up a story.

You lied. You got caught. Learn to tell the truth, and that won't happen to you again.
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