Let us note that typical of atheist / leftist people who like to disrespect people who they personally disagree with is to (Point 1) Never have evidence to back their claims, (Point 2) resort to mockery and/or condescension, and ad hominem attacks. Let's see if you have gone against this, shall we?
I doubt it. You're not here for an actual discussion and nothing I'll say to you will make a dent.
Lack of evidence noted. See point 1.
Personal attack also noted. See point 2.
A big red "X" and a loud "BUZZZZZZ" just went off to everybody else but you, Granite.
Considering you're new here and I'm not, that is a distinct possibility. Well done.
Granite, did you see when I joined? Also, if I remember correctly, I joined even before then, but I could no longer log into my original profile when the board changed, so I made a second one. I have been here at least as long as you. I just have a LOT of things to do and don't feel the overwhelming desire to log into web forums every single day of my life to put down other peoples beliefs in thousands of posts like you do, Granite.
Also, this possibly qualifies as possibly a mix between points 1 and 2.
Yeah, again--this whole shtick of yours needs work.
Ah. See point 2.
No, but misrepresenting a complex issue by a layman who thinks he knows what he's talking about is, at the very least, less than completely honest.
See point 1. And point 2? Yeah, both.
They're not, and that's the point: creationists often act as though scientists are in absolute agreement, that scientific inquiry hasn't gone anywhere since Darwin, and then point to disputes among scientists as "proof" of evolution's obvious falsehood. You can't have it both ways.
Congrats on actually presenting an argument to me outside of one filled only with mockery and condensation. I agree with you here that scientists are in disagreement and that new scientific discoveries often radically alter presuppositions.
The point that Enyart and other YEC's make, which seems oblivious to you and any other atheist that I know, is that cool, hard, unbiased science is very often - er, no, like mostly - in great conflict with OEE. Add to that, OEE's have no empirical evidence, just predictions. And when those predictions constantly get proven wrong too, we see atheists in denial, saying that YEC's are stupid/misleading/misled/wrong. Yet, despite this, they never provide evidence of Naturalistic origins. They just say, "You ain't lerned enuff!" Uh, duh? Hello?
Believing something without absolute empirical evidence is called faith. It is hypocritical, however, for atheists deny that they use faith to back their beliefs and then attack theists. It goes both ways. Have you used that in all of your posts, Granite, or just some?
See above. (Who is it that consistently has one explanation for fossil finds and soft tissue? Hint: it's not the evolutionists. So to accuse secular science of closing the books on inquiry is...kind of hypocritical.)
Granite, did you again miss the point? OEE's believe that every fossil is millions of years old. YEC's believe that they probably aren't as old as OEE's say, and use evidence of YOUNG fossils with soft tissue as at least one point towards this. See the list for more.
Nails on a chalkboard. Maybe that's what you're going for with this attempt at sarcasm. It's not your strong suit, one way or another...
Point 2, again duly noted.
A handful may have been, but they didn't predominate the movement. Shirer observed with horror in Rise and Fall of the Third Reich that most of the Nazi elite were boorish, uneducated, and poorly read buffoons with banal taste in art, music, and culture. The Nazis took what had been one of the most educated and well cultured nations in the world and managed to drive it into the ground, but they were no fans of intellectuals, and indeed sneered at intellectualism as a Jewish/Bolshevist facade.
Joseph Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Werner Best and others say hello from their hellholes. Much if not most of the key figures, particularly the leadership of the Third Reich were highly educated and cultured. They often looked towards Nietzsche, who is often a hero of so-called intellectuals. They looked towards Darwin as the reason to believe in exterminating those less evolved because they just knew better! They were educated! They gave particular attention to education and control of the German educational system. They WERE it! (Also, on a side-point, I read that many in academics were critical of Shirer's work and condemned at least parts of it. Who is right, anyways? What's the truth? Can we find the truth? Do we agree that it exists?)
Education is important, but it doesn't mean a thing if you were either
mis-educated, or morally corrupt and use that empowerment for wrong. And, of course, you need (as they say) "useful idiots" in any movement that wrong, such as National Socialism. We're talking about the leaders. Key in any movement is to control the education and media, and educate with propaganda. Then, those people are highly educated, you see! I always love when people say, "education". Education in what? Education by whom? The point is that you can be
MIS-educated. Someone can be taught wrong things, then say they have a higher education that someone who believes in right but was not taught the same thing. And that is the point you missed, Granite. Plus, you seem oblivious to the point that Bob has an education the last I checked. And that he never stops learning and passing along what he has learned to others. You are welcome to dispute it, but do so with facts and evidence, not that Bob is undereducated and disqualified from the debate or whatever point you're implying.
Newsflash, Chris...I'm half-Jewish. I
doubt this is what the Nazis would have said to me (frankly, it's too much of a compliment by their standards). They certainly didn't waste time with an intellectual discourse with my ancestors in Russia and Poland. For your own sake, don't make a dumb mistake like this again.
Granite, you are an atheist, correct? This means that you have rejected the faith of your ancestors that were persecuted and even killed for.
Then, you spend most of your free time on a Theology forum demeaning people who believe in the Judeo-Christian God.
And, although you don't know me and don't have to believe me (your choice), but I have never said anything bad about the Jewish people, and I believe in America standing with Israel, while the beliefs that so many of them stood for and died for have been cast off by you and then attacked?
You can demonize me all you want, but to me, your standpoint is quite hypocritical. I'm probably not the only one who thinks that though.
I've been here a long time (lurking more often than posting), but thanks for the welcome anyway.
Again, still waiting for that conclusive evidence that shows atheism is truth and all us theist-types are just dumb, misled folk who need to be mocked.