So you're saying that the entire field of science suddenly turned from fundamentalist Christian to atheist overnight, then decided to make up atheistic explanations for evidence out of anti-religious bias?
No, that is not what I said.
You're nuts. There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of scientists who are Christian and also accept evolution. Are they looking for atheist solutions too?
So what? (the claim is false - the Christian worldview is in direct contradiction to evolution. The two are quite mutually exclusive, discounting of course the severely confused/deceived - the point being that if they existed it would irrelevant)
How many people believe something is irrelevant.
How long it took for that many people to believe it is irrelevant.
How the process evolved from one mainstream belief to another is irrelevant.
The fact is that scientist are people too and as such they naturally more readily see evidence that supports their current worldview and more readily overlook or discount evidence to the contrary.
But 99% of what passes for science today has nothing to do with investigating evidence in an impartial manner and drawing conclusions based on quantifiable, instrumental observations made during objective experimentation. It's politics and propaganda designed to push forward leftist sociopolitical agendas, not the least of which is the killing of God in the minds of the public. Today it is worse than its been since the dark ages. If we don't change course you'll eventually see the reemergence of something equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.
I'd wager that you aren't far away from supporting the notion that a Christian scientist is a contradiction in terms and that they should be silenced.