Racism in America

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Since we don't hear the whole story from you white guilt-ridden liberals,
I'm not guilt ridden or liberal and it's sad that you can't have a conversation without beginning with an immature bit of dishonest prattle, but do go on (and keep going, preferably). :plain:

I felt obligated to share the truth.

There's a lot of racial HATRED out there
Which is why I suggested that instead of pulling a bait and switch, if your concern was on the point, you might have attacked racism in every form and violence predicated on that moronic foundation at ever point. It doesn't have to be, "Oh, they're talking about this violent, racist idiot murdering black people? Um, what about all the white victims dead at the hands of blacks?"

As to why we, as a society, are more outraged and interested in white on black crime, to the extent that's true, I'd suggest it's rooted in our concern for protecting the minority against the majority (a founding principle in our law) and because of the history of fairly one sided violence. But it shouldn't blind us to or make us less concerned by any sort of violence predicated on race.

How about we give God another try?
Another? When did this nation give it the first one?

The Barbarian

Connie whines about violence:
When liberals are exposed to the truth and see the devastating effects that their godless-secular humanist policies have had on a nation...

Well, let's take a look...


I guess from the POV of a faux-LEO, this could be considered "devastating." But for who else?


Oh my goodness, the white guilt-ridden liberals are out in force today (by the large turnout, you'd think that TOL was having an Obama rally).

I guess I should go through the alphabet and show them what they (as white guilt-ridden liberals) are responsible for and if they truly weren't racists, what they should be doing to help Black Americans get out of the liberal hellhole that they (as white guilt-ridden liberals) are largely responsible for putting them in.

"A" is for abortion:


If white guilt ridden liberals really cared about Black Americans, they'd be doing something to stop this genocide.

But wait, there's more!

"A" is also for "AIDS".

Back later with statistics showing how both Black males and Black females are disproportionately afflicted with that deadly incurable disease.


Well-known member
Back later with statistics showing how both Black males and Black females are disproportionately afflicted with that deadly incurable disease.

Wow, liberals have been deliberately infecting them? Unbelievable. I am just waiting to see the statistics. I hope you have proof that those evil liberals are 100% to blame for it.


Wow, liberals have been deliberately infecting them? Unbelievable. I am just waiting to see the statistics. I hope you have proof that those evil liberals are 100% to blame for it.

I say I say, pay attention son, it's your racist policies that are responsible for all of the destruction inside the Black Community.

Since you're here, I noticed that you and your fellow white guilt-ridden liberals have been extremely silent on the abortion issue. I'd ask shagster to comment, but he'd probably say something like

How do you murder something that hasn't yet been born?

Be the first to comment on abortion within the Black Community chair.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Anyone notice how aCW never really found an answer to my, "Why not take exception to the one and to any" in his breathless rush to get to his favorite drums?

I say I say, pay attention son,
Because nothing says what follows will have weight quite like putting it in the mouth of a cartoon character consistently outsmarted by, well, everyone.

it's your racist policies that are responsible for all of the destruction inside the Black Community.
So you're saying that black people just can't help themselves, that government attempts to assist people in difficult financial positions (which are actually not race specific) force people of color to make poor choices?

Because if you are then the racist problem isn't in the liberal camp and if you aren't you really aren't saying much, which would at least be consistent.

Since you're here, I noticed that you and your fellow white guilt-ridden liberals have been extremely silent on the abortion issue.
And automobile accidents. They haven't said anything about it. Or deaths related to alcohol. Or Kwanzaa. :plain:


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Your are a lying piece if hateful low, life scum aren't you?

Take your lies, distortions and half truths and shove them where the Son down shine.

By the way i'm sure opinions, agendas and deciept make Jesus want to vomit.
I know you are banned.

Careful, examine yourself first before you charge another...I too must examine myself lest I make Jesus vomit all the more.

Rev. 3:14-16
14 And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, "These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."

The Barbarian

TH writes:
Because nothing says what follows will have weight quite like putting it in the mouth of a cartoon character consistently outsmarted by, well, everyone.

Actually, my image of Connie is Foghorn Leghorn in skinny jeans and a biker jacket.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You mean one of the many links that I used in "The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr." thread that was written by an unknown author and was placed into the United States Congressional Record?

If you want to bash me for exposing the truth about MLK Jr, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until next January Art.

So you knew where you'd sourced your "evidence" from then? That being a pathetic white supremacist site?


In the event any of you aren't aware that we live in a racist country, the Race Baiter Commander in Chief lets us know frequently.

Today was one of those occasions:

Obama says US racism 'not cured,' makes point with epithet

June 22, 2015

President Barack Obama says the history of slavery is "still part of our DNA" in the United States, even if racial epithets no longer show up in polite conversation. He uttered the N-word in making his point.

In an interview, Obama talked about the debates over race and guns that have erupted after the arrest of a white man in the racially motivated shooting deaths of nine black church members in Charleston, South Carolina.

"Racism, we are not cured of it," Obama said. "And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say ****** in public. That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination. Societies don't, overnight, completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior."

Again: The purpose of this thread is to show who the real racists are, who instead of bringing a country together, destroy that country by dividing it.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yep, there he goes. Now it's about Obama. Aids, liberals...being honest about race is being divisive but attacking a large set of the electorate and the President is what, unifying? :plain:

"Racism, we are not cured of it. And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say ****** in public. That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination. Societies don't, overnight, completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior."

What in that is inaccurate?

Racism isn't as institutionalized as it was, but it's still alive and kicking.

53% of the electorate voted for Obama the first time around (or just over half of the just over 61% qualified to vote who did in fact vote).

A recent Gallop poll found that only 87% of Americans approved of interracial marriage.

By age it was more encouraging, with 97% of those aged 19-29 approving. That fell to 91% in the 30-49 age group and further, to 88% in the 50-64. After that? Brutal. Over 65 and the percent is 66%.

77% of Republicans approved of interracial marriage.
88% of Democrats and 89% of Independents approved.

Apparently it's generational for the most part, the troubled young thug in Charleston notwithstanding.

What does the advancement of so many black men and women in our society tell us? That we've made tremendous progress as a nation. What do larger forays into racial attitudes tell us? That we have a very long way to go.

A troubling note among the data, in 2008 48% of Americans polled by the AP expressed anti black prejudices. In 2012 that figure had risen to 51% (Slate: Oct 27, 2012).

Good news? In 1958 only 38% of Americans said that they could vote for a black candidate for President.