ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Clinton benefited from the same thing in his first run.
being the first black president? :freak:
Clinton benefited from the same thing in his first run.
I'd say that's how you see it and it's just not the case. I could go back and pull quotes from various sources reporting on negotiations we all later learned were sham after leaks from inside the Republican party leadership surfaced and the whole "Just say no" campaign came to the surface, but I don't suppose it would change your mind. The hard right sees capitulation and the left sees an embarrassed and half-hearted failure that ended in thin compromise only when and to the extent it had to. I think the whole thing was a circus.It doesn't matter how you see it, it the Republicans gave him everything.
They can't really repeal it and your party line vote notation isn't then giving the President anything. It's in line with my, "Just say no" and the minor accommodations they had to make beyond that to get anything at all to hold up to voters later. If Trump is the voice of the Republican party then I'd say you're confusing volume with numbers and that it won't translate into a win. But hey, that's why they play the game. We'll just have to wait and see.They had no votes for Obamacare and voted party line against so they can say the voted against. And as you can see, they have not repealed after pretending to be against it. The Republican "establishment" is going to pay the price this November, including the Congress when people like the Speaker are removed by vote. That is why Boehner resigned.
I'd say that's how you see it and it's just not the case.
They can't really repeal it...
A repeal is the removal or reversal of a law. There are two basic types of repeal, a repeal with re-enactment (or replacement) of the repealed law, or a repeal without replacement. Removal of secondary legislation is normally referred to as revocation rather than repeal in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Repeal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeal Wikipedia |
When I see plain facts countermanding a position, in part or on the whole, I don't conflate it with a simple difference of opinion. The first part recognized the difference, the second the foundation.of course, you could have said "that's how you see it and I don't agree"
As is your attention.but you didn't
very revealing
When I see plain facts ....
town said:As is your attention to every word I write.
... complain promises...
kat said:It is not good for people to leave for work in the dark.
i like it! :thumb:
what if they work night shift?
or live in alaska?
what if they're blind?
what if they're vampires?
I'm not a relativist, so I don't believe the truth of everything lies in the beholder. If you do then it's telling. If you don't, the complaint is....you make an interpretation, just like everybody else
Rather, like you or anyone with an opinion they've thought through (okay, apparently not so much like you then) I believe I have it right on the facts. But I'm always willing to discuss them with someone who can (also not likely you then).but you think that your interpretation is special
Yes, you certainly said that.as I said, very revealing
Guy, your penchant for having one of the highest post counts in nearly any thread I start is what's revealing (as is the near complete absence of my own in yours). What you noted wasn't really, except in what you decided to read into it to get to this point, the one you keep poking into your own eye and ego.again, your conceit is revealing
Possibly the saddest admission you never thought through.I read everybody here
Said the fellow continuing to initiate conversation while whining about how he reads into what I write to someone else? And you're using the word conceit in an outward fashion?and you, you big ol' hunk of self-impressed wonderful you, you are the only one who whines about it
Also, I still doubt Trump will gain traction with the moderates he needs to win ...
Right. Kind of shoots a big ol hole in your premise of late.which is your opinion, presented as such
We should all move to Arizona.Daylight Savings Time should be set back the way it was, or done away with. It is not good for people to leave for work in the dark. No one has made any complain promises on this?
Anyone want to actually talk about the race?
March 15th will be a decisive day for the GOP, likely eliminating Rubio and Kasich. If Trump wins Florida
pj said:In both parties March 15th is a huge day and the race for the White House is on. Voting is a right, go vote. Thoughts, comments, concerns ?
trump's sure to win florida - florida is overflowing with idiots
Vote trump!
he's got a track record for putting together deals and bringing together people to get things done
gotta be better than bammy or hillary :idunno:
he's got a track record for putting together deals and bringing together people to get things done
gotta be better than bammy or hillary :idunno: